aLL cOURTS, CLICK ON THE LINK BELOW TO access harris county, texas family “civil” court appointment reports, finally they were forced to comply with the greater houston-area attorney, greg b. enos, or, in the alternative, the public integrity unit in austin, texas.


Fair Use and Legal Disclaimer (PROMINENTLY DISPLAYED):

  • (1)  This post is made in GOOD FAITH and for deterrent purposes against child abusers, alleged child abusers, and those who would maternally alienate fit, loving mothers and children from one another.
  • (2) Content in this post is protected by Julian’s Real Mummy’s First Amendment herein claimed rights as a natural-born American, “sovereign,” “elect” citizen pursuant to the Supremacy Clause of the US Constitution and incorporated Bill of Rights made applicable to the states via ratification and application of the Fourteenth Amendment to the Federal, US Constitution and incorporated Bill of Rights, under the freedom of expression, freedom of association, freedom to peaceably assemble, and freedom to speech.
  • (3) All content in this post is also protected pursuant to the Federal statute 17 U.S.C., section 107 (“Fair Use”) as this content is solely intended for general knowledge, academic research, and/or entertainment purposes.
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Vaughn Bailey copy


Vaughn Bailey, Tarrant County, Texas Attorney near Fort Worth




Vaughn Bailey copy

Vaughn Bailey, Tarrant County, Texas Attorney near Fort Worth



For another tragic survival story that began in a Texas family court and a clique of collaborative pseudo-scienters . . . minues the qualifications, , click on the link below to read:


For another tragic survival story that began in a Texas family court and a clique of collaborative pseudo-scienters . . . minues the qualifications, , click on the link below to read:


A Mother Erased

This is what life is like for a little girl or boy to grow up without her or his real mommy.

The world needs to know that this is the worst kind of “violence” that exists.  Maybe it already does and that is the point.  If this be the case, what a nightmare for everyone.


The SisterWives

Mother-daughter relationships can be incredibly complex and difficult to navigate, because in each other they see the best and the worst of themselves.  Please join us in welcoming the author of A Mother Erased, as she shares her heartbreaking and personal story of estrangement, abandonment, and hope.

Minolta DSC

It was a warm September day, but my body froze when I saw my mother’s bright red hair.  She leaned out of her black Ford Mustang and waved at me.  She still recognizes me, I thought.  Twenty-one years ago she walked out of our lives leaving my sister, our father and me behind to piece together a new life.  My father remarried a year later and we’ve called his second wife “Mom” ever since.

At four years old, I was abandoned by the person I loved more than anyone.  How could I trust another adult again, especially a mother figure?  Besides, my stepmother did…

View original post 1,310 more words


In Spite of Arbitrary Adjudications, or Maybe Because of Them, Contributor Herein Challenges “Pre-Determined Outcomes”/”Evidence-Based,” extortionist, grant driven, morally devoid “Trauma-Induced/’Informed’ Outcomes,” and Extreme that On Any Given Day, the “Game” Goes to Most Unwitting, Worthy “Player” Who Knows He/r and His Worth . . .

Pearls, ancient symbols of secret wisdom, appearance forged by the temperature of the water in which it is harvested, its metabolism, and the random sediments that permeate its shell in formation, and so they are valued in their rarity.  What man is so bold that he or s/he professes to possess the requisite knowledge to predict chance and the forces of nature?

Author of this post and this blog Dedicated to the Real Mommies and Daddies of the Real America, and Our Children Who Want to Come Home, for My Little Jewel, Julian Jacob Worrell of Genealogy Saloom, grew up thinking that the ideal role model, a pillar of justice strong and true, was former US Supreme Court Justice, (Hon.) Sandra Day O’Connor.  In fact, in one of my application essays to Bryn Mawr College, I urged that the commencement speaker should be Justice Sandra Day O’Connor before I later found out that s/he indeed had been the commencement speaker at Bryn Mawr College the previous year. 

Some children are born knowing what they were put on this earth to do with such an intensity and ambition from as early as the age of two years- old when they first start talking, and for some, even learning to write, and, in author’s case, at the age of three, was teaching the adults in neighborhood how to spell author’s  name on chalkboard and blackboard, and “teaching” out of old workbooks a woman in Grandma’s church group didn’t need for her classes any longer. 

The idea that every individual was not born free to determine his/he/r success–meaningful impact of some great import and significance that defined each individual, and that gobs of money and wealth naturally flowed from such self-evident and somehow logical truth–did not exist for this author.  If anyone else would have suggested even the mere thought, I would have dismissed them as truly barbaric, uncivilized, immature, and lazy, or even worse–unmotivated and intellectually under-stimulated (Heaven forbid)!

To all of those similarly real individuals who were brought up to disregard outward, superficial appearances and those who boasted of the trivialities that those with real class, wealth, or inward nobility– even if they never owned anything other than their own body, mind, and spirit (other than the Good Lord and Creator divine of course)–I relate the day I learned and lamented the real truth that everything The Holy Bible says about this world and those of it is absolutely true.  For, indeed, we were not promised a “rose garden,” but rather a “valley of tears” that awaited my then five year-old son, julian: of family, saloom, in Judge Lisa Millard’s and Associate Judge Conrad Moren’s 310th Harris County Court in  Houston, Texas, being a eugenicist  legislative family court of fraud (but even still an incompetent one at that ), or, “CPS Cluster Court East Texas” of fraud, adoption,  may [or may not’s, rather shall not obey the code nor the law], misprision, malfeasance, organized crime, racketeering, and, fundamentally, based on the beliefs, base and those below, the family “civil” court originally founded as a racial hygiene court of ethnic cleansing, the precursor to all mass genocides throughout history:


. . .but about the court that ratified CPS  in cabal and cahoots with my son’s father after pulling a Marcia Kleinman style actual or alleged sexual abuse allegations against the father to master engineer a custody-switching scam to put money back in Texas Attorney General Fund best interest pocket, make no mistake, the reason that my now eight year-old son who was kidnapped by CPS and child’s father and family who had threatened exactly what they delivered since I failed to have an abortion that was terroristically coerced by my son’s father in 2006 under the literal threat that he and family would “ruin” me,  and my private property, intellectual, artistic expression manifest corporeal, living, imbued with the spirit ALMIGHTY GOD, and a Gift from Him to private property-owner, being the vessel on whose waters he was berthed, little natural male my “son”. suffers maternal deprivation and all that implies  for three years with no meaningful contact with me (not even phone calls or birthday cards or gifts ) make no mistake, CPS Nazi, Eugenicist, . . . cabal and roots are running the show in every one of its “Cluster” courts in America.  Given their originally high genetic standards, however, I must question their arbitrary reversals of a rather paradoxical nature.  Has anyone seen who is running the show, lately? 

Eugenics poster entitled -The Judaizing of Berlin 1932

Eugenics poster entitled -The Judaizing of Berlin 1932

Read also, “Emily Court’s”  wonderfully informative, yet sad and tragic toned multi-series piece on the Lebensborn projects and White Rose Society also featured on he/r blog, Family Court Injustice, and also on this blog (www.familycourtinjustice.wordpress.com/tag/lebensborn-program/).

Excerpted from:

13 J. Contemp. Health L. & Pol’y 1(1996)

          MEDICINE, EUGENICS, AND THE SUPREME COURT: FROM  COERCIVE STERILIZATION TO REPRODUCTIVE FREEDOM *Paul A.       Lombardo **** Ph.D., J.D., Associate Professor of the General Faculty of     the School of Law and Director, Center for Mental Health Law, Institute of    Law, Psychiatry and Public Policy, University of Virginia.


The idea that the human race can be gradually improved and social ills simultaneously eliminated through a program of selective procreation was widely accepted through the first third of the twentieth century. The term applied to this seductive notion was eugenics, and it gave rise to a movement that found adherents throughout American society. Every president from Theodore Roosevelt to Herbert Hoover was a member of a eugenics organization, publicly endorsed eugenic laws, or signed eugenic legislation without voicing opposition.

     Between 1900 and 1970, proponents of eugenic theory drafted and endorsed nearly one hundred statutes that were adopted by state legislatures. Most of this legislation focused on limiting the reproductive rights of some individuals, and on eliminating purportedly inheritable “defects” such as crime, poverty, or mental disorder. Physicians, the most influential advocates in the eugenics movement, lobbied for laws that reflected eugenic theory and defended those laws in the courts. Their campaign emphasized the foundations of eugenics as a part of genetic science. They also adopted the rhetorically powerful language of public health law and characterized unchecked procreation among the “socially inadequate” as an epidemic force.

Three cases that challenged laws written by self-proclaimed eugenicists between 1924 and 1935 were eventually heard by the United States Supreme Court: Buck v. Bell (endorsing sterilization of the mentally deficient), Skinner v. Oklahoma (prohibiting sterilization of habitual criminals), and Loving v. Virginia (overturning prohibitions on interracial marriage). Each of these cases revolved around a state law containing explicit eugenic assumptions. . .

         A.     Social Deviance as a Eugenic Category

         Francis Galton, Karl Pearson, and others who called themselves eugenicists believed in improving the human condition through the use of science. They understood their field as the marriage of the biological sciences, including medical genetics, with the then new discipline of biostatistics. The most passionate of American eugenicists, such as Charles Davenport and Harry Laughlin, wished to develop a taxonomy of human traits and to categorize individuals as “healthy” or “unhealthy,” and “normal” or “abnormal,” within their classification scheme. Working under the presumption that most, if not all, human traits are transmitted genetically, the eugenicists encouraged educated, resourceful, and self-sufficient citizens to mate and produce “wellborn” eugenic children. In contrast, the dysgenic were discouraged from reproducing. Harry Laughlin called dysgenic groups “socially inadequate” and defined them to include: the feeble-minded, the insane, the criminalistic, the the mentally deficient,the epileptic, the inebriated or the drug addicted, the diseased – regardless of etiology, the blind, the deaf, the deformed, and dependents (an extraordinarily expansive term that embraced orphans, “ne’er-do-wells,” tramps, the homeless, and paupers). ), Skinner v. Oklahoma (prohibiting sterilization of habitual criminals), and Loving v. Virginia (overturning prohibitions on interracial marriage). Each of these cases revolved around a state law containing explicit eugenic assumptions. . . .

     Laughlin’s list of the “socially inadequate” emphasized three major tenets of the eugenicists:

          1)      that social, moral, physical, and mental qualities are transmitted in predictable patterns by the mechanisms of heredity;

          2)      that the human race can be improved by selective mating; and

          3)      that the ills of society (disease, crime, poverty, and other social abnormalities) can be eradicated by discouraging, or preventing if necessary, the reproduction of socially deviant individuals.

    The eugenicists were successful in incorporating these assumptions into American law, in large measure by portraying their legal program as a public health initiative. Eugenicists relied upon the image of diseased “germ plasm,” their analogue for genetic material or “DNA,” combined with the alarming rhetoric of a spreading epidemic of crime, poverty, and feeble-mindedness to help garner support for their proposals. Finally, they enlisted the coercive power of public health law, a body of law that sets aside the usual restrictions that surround much of medical jurisprudence, as the solution for eliminating social problems.

     It is worth noting that Abraham Flexner’s report on the shortcomings of medical education was Laughlin’s list of the “socially inadequate” emphasized three major tenets of the eugenicists:

          The eugenicists were successful in incorporating these assumptions into American law, in large Buck was the first and only instance in which the Court allowed a physician, acting as the agent of state government, to perform an operation that was neither desired nor needed by the “patient.” A previous US Supreme Court decision forbade even court ordered medical examination.

          As early as 1891, in Union Pacific Railway v. Botsford, the Court           refused to order a plaintiff to submit to a physical examination by the     defendant’s doctor. Justice Gray said:

          “No right is held more sacred, or is more carefully guarded, by the common       law, than the right of every individual to the possession and control of his          own person, free from all restraint or interference of others . . .

. . .The inviolability of the person is as much invaded by a compulsory stripping and exposure as by a blow.”

     The eugenicists were successful in incorporating these assumptions into American law, in large measure by portraying their legal program as a public health initiative. Eugenicists relied upon the image of diseased “germ plasm,” their analogue for genetic material or “DNA,” combined with the alarming rhetoric of a spreading epidemic of crime, poverty, and feeblemindedness to help garner support for their proposals. Finally, they enlisted the coercive power of public health law, a body of law that sets aside the usual restrictions that surround much of medical jurisprudence, as the solution for eliminating social problems.

     It is worth noting that Abraham Flexner’s report on the shortcomings of medical education was published in 1910, and that by the 1920’s the increased professionalization of medicine was underway, with growing emphasis on scientific and laboratory based inquiry.

     As public health became one of the leading areas in medicine, prominent public health professionals used eugenic theories to explain social problems. Political attitudes toward the evolution of medicine were ripe for the eugenicists’ message that societal ills could be cured with a scientific prescription and that the law could provide a ready antidote to the poison of defective “germ-plasm,” which threatened America’s future.

II.     Legal Impact of American Eugenicists: 1924

        The Federal Immigration Restriction Act of 1924 was adopted in the banner year in the history of the American eugenics movement. The Act’s major provisions were crafted by Harry Laughlin, and prominent eugenicists advocated its passage. The law was meant to combat the “rising tide of defective germ-plasm” carried by suspect groups migrating from Southern and Eastern Europe, most notably Jews and Italians. The eugenicists thought these immigrants would threaten public morality, poison the “American” gene pool, and were “liable to become … public charges.” The Act was signed by President Calvin Coolidge, whose commentary in favor of such laws echoed eugenic rhetoric: “America must be kept American [because] biological laws show … that Nordics deteriorate when mixed with other races.

          A.      Medical Elimination of the “Socially Inadequate” :

                    1.      Buck v. Bell(1927)

  While this article has explained the connection between the eugenic message and the rhetoric promising a scientific solution to social ills, the connection between “medicine” and eugenics implied by the article’s title must be clarified. The public health rationale, so often invoked as justification for coercive legislation which the eugenicists supported, provides one link. The eugenicists insisted that the “social problem classes” were a public health issue and a medical problem. The specific methods advocated to achieve eugenic objectives, most notably segregation and sterilization, were also medical. Medical segregation, the separation of undesirable germ-plasm.

           The eugenic intent of the Act, and the national origins quota system it enforced, remained in place until they were repealed by the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965.

Two eugenic measures adopted by the Virginia General Assembly also became law in 1924. These laws eventually led to two US Supreme Court opinions:

The Eugenical Sterilization Act challenged in Buck v. Bell (1927), and the Virginia Racial Integrity Act, considered by the Court in Loving v. Virginia (1967). A third eugenics case dealt with a 1935 Oklahoma law titled the Habitual Criminal Sterilization Act, which was considered by the Court in Skinner v. Oklahoma (1942). . . .

          Except in the context of vaccination for contagious disease, coercive court ordered medical procedures had not been endorsed by the Supreme Court prior to Buck.

     Buck also did not change the general tenor of US Supreme Court commentary on coercive medicine. Twenty-five years after Buck, in Rochin v. California, a unanimous Court overturned a conviction for illegal possession of morphine because the defendant’s stomach had been forcibly pumped at a hospital to retrieve evidence of illegal drugs.

               “The personal intrusion that such a process required, said Justice Felix Frankfurter, involved “conduct that shocks the  conscience.”. . .

     A comparable result was reached thirty-three years later in the 1985 case of Winston v. Lee. That case involved a request to surgically remove a bullet from a criminal defendant as evidence of his participation in a robbery. According to the Court, “[a] compelled surgical intrusion into an individual’s body for evidence implicates expectations of privacy and security of such magnitude that the intrusion may be “unreasonable,’ [under the Fourth Amendment prohibition against unreasonable searches and seizures] even if likely to produce evidence of a crime.”

     In the light of this reluctance to allow state mandated medical intrusions even in the criminal law context, Buck stands out as an anomaly in Court history.

          B.     How did Buck v. Bell get to the US Supreme Court?

     The Buck case was necessary because of a medical malpractice lawsuit contesting a doctor’s use of the “therapeutic prerogative” to sterilize women without their consent. In 1916 Dr. Albert Priddy sterilized a woman and her daughter who were brought to the [Virginia State] Colony [for Epileptics and Feeble Minded] allegedly because of their disreputable habits-they had been accused of prostitution. When Priddy subsequently was sued for damages, he claimed that the operation was a therapeutic necessity, and that as the Colony’s physician, it was his prerogative and duty to provide whatever medical care Colony residents required. The jury accepted Priddy’s explanation, but he was warned that he should not pursue further sterilizations without specific legal authority. Subsequently, Priddy asked to have the Virginia sterilization law written to provide him with immunity for eugenical sterilization operations. Thus, on at least one level, the Buck case was about protecting doctors from lawsuits.

The expert testimony Dr. Priddy and his colleague, Dr. Joseph DeJarnette, provided at the Buck trial focused, however, not on legal immunity, but on the eugenic values incorporated into the sterilization law. Regarding Carrie Buck’s mother, Priddy stated:

     “[She] has [a] record during life of immorality, prostitution, and untruthfulness; has never been self-sustaining; was maritally unworthy,    having been divorced from her husband on account of infidelity; has had a record of prostitution and syphilis; has had one illegitimate child and probably two others … These people belong to the shiftless, ignorant, and    worthless class of anti-social whites of the South.”

Priddy’s testimony was based on the assumption that such behavioral traits and social conditions were hereditary and could be eliminated by sterilization. . . .Regardless of the motives of the eugenicists, one might ask how the result in Buck could have been justified by the Court. The answer lies in the public health law connection.

In writing the Buck opinion, Justice Holmes borrowed language directly from the Virginia law’s preamble, and repeated its conclusion that “experience has shown that heredity plays an important part in the transmission of insanity, [and] imbecility ….” Holmes then endorsed the law’s procedures and approved the reasoning and result in the Virginia courts that reviewed the law, concluding with one of the most callous and elitist statements in US Supreme Court history:

     “it is better for all the world, if instead of waiting to execute degenerate offspring for crime, or to let them starve for their imbecility, society can   prevent those who are manifestly unfit from continuing their kind.”

In singling out the helplessly dependent genetic imbecile and the congenitally deficient criminal, Holmes emphasized the genetic determinism that eugenic theory had incorporated. Holmes’ choice of a public health law analogy wedded the imagery of a plague with the idea of cleansing the social fabric through sterilization;

               “the principle that sustains compulsory vaccination is broad enough to  cover cutting the Fallopian tubes.”

     This statement suggests that wiping out an epidemic with a vaccine was comparable to wiping out crime and mental disease with sterilization. Justice Holmes’ most dramatic statement in the opinion included a memorable comment that posed a seemingly irrefutable public policy conclusion: “three generations of imbeciles are enough.”

The “danger to society” rationale was borrowed from Jacobson v. Massachusetts, a public health case decided in the wake of a smallpox epidemic. In Jacobson, the Court upheld a Massachusetts statute that compelled citizens to receive smallpox vaccinations and assessed fines upon those who refused. Jacobson was the only precedent cited by Justice Holmes in Buck. As this analysis shows, the opinion Justice Holmes wrote endorsed both an explicitly eugenic rationale and the public health underpinnings of the Virginia law.

The success of the Buck case energized Virginia’s eugenicists to push for maximum use of the “surgical solution,” and Dr. DeJarnette led the charge in published comments encouraging the use of sterilization. In a series of official reports to Virginia’s Governor and General Assembly, Dr. DeJarnette repeated his support for the Virginia sterilization program. By the 1930’s Dr. DeJarnette challenged the state to emulate the Nazi’s success with sterilization:

          “No person unable to support himself on account of his inherited mental  condition has a right to be born … In Germany the sterilization law embraces  chronic alcoholics, certain hereditary physical diseases, the hereditarily blind and deaf, the criminally insane, feebleminded and epileptic.”

          [By] December 31, 1934 Germany had sterilized 56,224 [persons]. Dr. DeJarnette continued to express admiration for Hitler’s campaign in his last official comment on sterilization in 1938:

          “Germany in six years has sterilized about 80,000 of her unfit while the United States with approximately twice the population has only sterilized  about 27,869 to January 1, 1938, in the past 20 years. The death rates in  Virginia from sterilization is negligible – not over one in a thousand… The   fact that there are 12,000,000 defectives in the United States should arouse our best endeavors to push this procedure to the maximum.”

     Following the Court’s endorsement of sterilization in Buck, over thirty states eventually passed sterilization laws. To some eugenicists, legal change only signaled the beginning. The ambition of DeJarnette, and others of his ilk, was to rival the efficiency of the Nazi program, which claimed between 360,000 and 3,500,000 victims (the numbers are elusive) between 1933 and 1945. . .

fair use and disclaimer


Author of this blog and post is not a lawyer, nor legal practitioner.  Therefore, explicitly, there is no “legal advice,” as there could not be.

  • (1)  This post is made in GOOD FAITH and for deterrent purposes against child abusers, alleged child abusers, and those who would maternally alienate fit, loving mothers and children from one another.
  • (2) Content in this post is protected by Julian’s Real Mummy’s First Amendment herein claimed rights as a natural-born American, “sovereign,” “elect” citizen pursuant to the Supremacy Clause of the US Constitution and incorporated Bill of Rights made applicable to the states via ratification and application of the Fourteenth Amendment to the Federal, US Constitution and incorporated Bill of Rights, under the freedom of expression, freedom of association, freedom to peaceably assemble, and freedom to speech.
  • (3) All content in this post is also protected pursuant to the Federal statute 17 U.S.C., section 107 (“Fair Use”) as this content is solely intended for general knowledge, academic research, and/or entertainment purposes.
  • (4)  If anyone should desire, require, or demand a retraction or modification in part or in full, you must contact the author of this blog for fair notice to correct, pursuant to reasonable and lawfully obtained evidence supported by all legal and factual bases for your desire, demand, so that Author has a fair and full reasonable opportunity to modify or retract.








Click on the link below to watch a brief news clip on play therapist Marcia Kleinman of New Jersey “coaching” a small child to allege sexual abuse against his father in preparation for trial.


Source:  http://www.fclu.org/

(Family Civil Liberties Union)

Julian’s Real Mummy, Joni Faith Saloom, wishes to inform the Public Good that there is a lot of media spinning that serves the purposes of high-ranking bitter and militant Father’s for Equal Rights, some of whom are confirmed pedophiles, on knowledge, evidence, and belief who have and will continue to be exposed.  This is not supposed to be a gender war, but they would make it one.  Unfortunately, many of them have been given high-ranking positions in federal and state governments (Cross reference the research of Ms. Elizabeth/”Liz” Richards and Cindy Ross of the National Alliance for Family Court Justice at www.nafcj.net/).

On the other side of the proverbial coin, there are battle-scarred and wounded fathers I speak to daily who are reciprocally a source of comfort to myself who I feel a need to support and together we SHALL STAND to if not change, to at least expose and fight to the righteous death to protect our children from monetized assets for all current systems of government and joint public-private venture privateers and capitalists alike.  It has been written that a child mis-educated is a child lost (Profiles in Courage, J.F.K.)  If fatherless homes be devastating, then imagine how horrendous life will be without the love of a mother.  Yet, court-appointed evaluators, “therapists,” guardian ad litem, amicus attorneys, court-appointed attorneys for children or natural real property, child “protective services,” and “parental evaluators” and Child Advocacy Centers and other court criminal enterprises such as “SAFE,” Kids First, and New Day and these play therapists who are licensed and, thus, monitored only by themselves being licensed through Department of Family and Protective Services for the state of Texas (DFPS, CPS division) in Austin, Texas.

This is how I lost my only child, to a play therapist named Kimberly A. Abernethy in North Houston, Texas (Harris County).  At the desire of Mr. Worrell and family, Julian’s father, the grandmother who tried to kidnap him with the father after having no contact or desire to be a part of his life or having shown up for the birth and after trying to coerce mother into abortion with terroristic threats in 2006 (evidence in possession), six years later Mr. Worrell got married, undoubtedly taking advantage of “Responsible Fatherhood” and “Marriage Promotion” grants payable to the states and local government and district court judges like Lisa Millard and Associate Judge Conrad Moren, and, along with Play Therapist Kim Abernethy, coached Julian to convince “Mommy” that “Daddy” and “The Visitor”–a “homeless, runaway teenager with black, spiky hair who always spent the night at Daddy and Nancy’s house  in Tomball, Texas (Harris County, Pct. 4 under Constable Ron Hickman and Captain Paul Staton who refused to provide police report of sexual abuse in mother’s and child’s “defense(?)”where “J.W.” now resides and calls he/r “Mommy” and three other small children from Ms. Gray-Worrell’s previous marriage to a one Mr. Darin Paul Dufour in their then marital home who, court records will show and firsthand testimony in court revealed through Nancy that they were both adulterers), sexually abused my baby boy. 

They did not act alone.  Involved were also notoriously and actually retaliatory Brazoria County CPS Supervisor Cheryl Harvick, caseworker Lesly Damian-Murray, Dedra Latasha Hardaway, Director Karen Coblentz, Officer Paul Elton of The Pearland Police Department (who said of course of the father was guilty directly to author of this post on May 08, 2012 at the Pearland CPS Office),  former Sergeant  William Lilly, appointed to Special Investigations by Harris County Sheriff Adrian Garcia for Sex Crimes Against Children under the non-supervision of Ruben Diaz, guardian ad litem/attorney ad litem for Julian who refused to even speak to, let alone “interview,” mother Joni, an individual with significant knowledge of the child’s life in contravention of Texas Family Code statutory duty absent artful semantics), the pernicious Donna Everson, CPS Prosecutor William Sumpter Frazier under Harris County Attorney Vince Ryan for Judge Ed Emmett of the Commissioner’s Court, Julia Lovorn (in 2007), Texas Superlawyer John Nichols, Sr. and “Bo” Nichols, Jr., The Office of the Texas Attorney General, Child Support Division staff on Highway 6, Houston Attorney Bruce Allen Buskirk, Houston Attorney Lawrence/”Larry” Rothenberg,  Associate Judge Conrad Moren, and elected Judge Lisa Millard of the 310th court in Harris County, Texas (the same judge who sentenced Mr. Clifford Hall to jail for his company having overpaid child support on accident, a clerical error).  Mr. Hall’s ex-wife used the same play therapist for their child, but not for sexual abuse allegations (direct, firsthand testimony from Mr. Hall to the author of this blog and post, Julian’s Real Mummy.” 

As a direct result of this honest services fraud, conspiracy against constitutional and natural, God-given and common law rights to permanently and with knowledge, intent, and forseeability deprive a five and one half-year old mother and son who could not have been more (appropriately) loving or healthy, the author of this post and blog has not seen Julian Jacob Worrell of Genealogy Saloom, Joni’s  life’s blood, he/r soul, he/r heart, in over two and one half years.  Ms. Abernethy and Mr. Worrell,” aided by poor, yet seven years worth of legal advice that came to fruition and paid out for Mr. Worrell on May 08, 2012 at the Pearland CPS office  in Brazoria County when Julian was abducted under the color of the “authority” of law for the state of Texas when multiple police officers and Cheryl Harvick wrongfully, unconstitutionally, thus, unlawfully and illegally (See Supremacy Clause of  The Constitution for the united States of America (1776) and its Bill of Rights via ratification and application of the Fourteenth Amendment and also The Declaration of Independence, a Founding document and its guaranteed, “unalienable” rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”). 

Julian’s eighth (8th) birthday was yesterday, and nobody, for the third consecutive birthday without his Real Mummy, Joni Faith Saloom, answered the telephone for Julian to at least receive a happy birthday, I love you message from Joni, who was the only consistent caretaker prior to May 08, 2012. Joni, a former teacher, has been kept away from any and all participation in he/r son’s academic life at Tomball’s Lakewood Elementary School (Principal Royce Aston), which sits around the corner from the beautiful home where Joni raised Julian alone during his toddler and pre-kindergarten years.  This is “mis-education.”

Fair Use Notice and Disclaimer


Author of this blog is not a lawyer, nor a legal practitioner.  Expressly, there is no “legal advice” on this blog or in this post.

(1)  This post is made in good faith and for deterrent purposes against child abusers, alleged child abusers, and those who would maternally alienate fit, loving mothers and children from one another.

(2) Content in this post is protected by Julian’s Real Mummy’s First Amendment herein claimed rights as a natural-born American, “sovereign,” “elect” citizen pursuant to the Supremacy Clause of the US Constitution and incorporated Bill of Rights made applicable to the states via ratification and application of the Fourteenth Amendment to the Federal, US Constitution and incorporated Bill of Rights, under the freedom of expression, freedom of association, freedom to peaceably assemble, and freedom to speech.

(3) All content in this post is also protected pursuant to the Federal statute 17 U.S.C., section 107 (“Fair Use”) as this content is solely intended for general knowledge, academic research, and/or entertainment purposes.

(4)  If anyone should desire, require, or demand a retraction or modification in part or in full, you must contact the author of this blog for fair notice to correct, pursuant to reasonable and lawfully obtained evidence supported by all legal and factual bases for your desire, demand, and/or requirement for  a full or partial retraction in a timely manner so that Author of this blog may respond expediently and lawfully.





































23.  GOT A SOUL?





28.  GOT LIFE?

29.  GOT GOD?








US SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF TEXAS, HOUSTON DIVISION HAS Subject Matter Jurisdiction to Try Constitutional Parental Civil Rights Case, Unpublished|US Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals

Joni Faith Saloom v. Cheryl Harvick (sued in individual and official capacity, program supervisor, Brazoria County CPS), Paul Elton (sued in individual and official capacity, police officer, City of Pearland, Brazoria County), William Lilly (sued in individual and official capacity, police officers, Harris County Sheriff’s Office/Harris County/Harris County Office of Risk Management), Lesly Damian-Murray (sued in individual and official capacity, caseworker, Brazoria County CPS), Karen Coblentz (sued in individual and official capacity, program director, Brazoria County CPS), City of Pearland (sued in official capacity, a municipality), Brazoria County CPS, division of Department of Family and Protective Services/DFPS (sued in official capacity, county defendant)in this Monell Claim brought pursuant to 42 U.S.C., sections 1983, 1985(3) for violation, deprivation, and conspiracy against Federal (US) Constitutional rights of Joni Faith Saloom, being natural (wo)man, individually and also on behalf of Julian Jacob Worrell of Genealogy SaloomJ.J.W.,” being little  natural  man born of “Joni Faith Saloom’s” natural vessel, born on he/r waters, he/r property, living and corporeal body imbued with the Spirit of the Creator, ALMIGHTY GOD, both natural, American US “citizens,” beings “sovereign” and “elect” in nature, spirit, and essence



Fair Use and Legal Disclaimer (PROMINENTLY DISPLAYED):

(1)  This post is made in good faith and for deterrent purposes against child abusers, alleged child abusers, and those who would maternally alienate fit, loving mothers and children from one another.

(2) Content in this post is protected by Julian’s Real Mummy’s First Amendment herein claimed rights as a natural-born American, sovereign,” “elect” citizen pursuant to the Supremacy Clause of the US Constitution and incorporated Bill of Rights made applicable to the states via ratification and application of the Fourteenth Amendment to the Federal, US Constitution and incorporated Bill of Rights, under the freedom of expression, freedom of association, freedom to peaceably assemble, and freedom to speech.

(3) All content in this post is also protected pursuant to the Federal statute 17 U.S.C., section 107 (“Fair Use”) as this content is solely intended for general knowledge, academic research, and/or entertainment purposes.

(4)  If anyone should desire, require, or demand a retraction or modification in part or in full, you must contact the author of this blog for fair notice to correct, pursuant to reasonable and lawfully obtained evidence supported by all legal and factual bases for your desire, demand, and/or requirement for  a full or partial retraction in a timely manner so that Author of this blog may respond expediently and lawfully.







(no wonder federal case not going anywhere in US Southern District of Texas, Houston Division)


Can you guess which former Harvard law school graduate and law clerk or secretary it was?  Gee, it was either the one who signed the affidavit, or, in the only other alternative reported, the one who was mentioned in the sworn affidavit.



Your Real Mummy Loves You, Julian Jacob Worrell of Genealogy Saloom!

Note:  It is interesting to the author of this blog that legendary Houston Attorney who comments in the above Houston Chronicle article knows Carey Worrell (wife of League City/Clear Lake, TX realtor Brian Worrell), the sister-in-law, Matthew James Worrell . . . and family (the same one who vowed that if Julian’s Real Mummy failed to show-up for one of the multiple abortions he paid for over the public Internet with a credit card, misspelling both of mother’s names, said he and his “family” would “ruin” her and the child’s life which he said he wanted nothing ever to do with even though he had no doubt it was his.

Pursuant to non-contract, non-consenting, void ab initio due to, inter alia, implicit and explicit fraud upon the court and utter lack of due process of law, both procedural and substantive, this now married for convenience as admitted (though it has been reported by a four year old child, absent “coaching,” at least not from real mommy,  that he sneaks out on “Nancy” in the middle of the night tohug boys and girlfriends both,” while “Nancy” sleeps,  and . . . reformed (?) . . .  cured(?) . . . er . . .  Responsible Father and . . .  sweet child of God (See Harris County record on just how sweet circa Dec. 19, 2005, 2006)  is now illegally “sole managing ‘conservator'” of said child who has not been, thanks to him and his $20,000 bribe of which proof has not been difficult to locate in these cases which are ubiquitous and nationally recognized as “The Damon 10,000 Screw,” or, “The Fix Is In, kept away from the mother who raised him alone for over two and one half years now with no contact, not even a phone call on Christmas or his little birthday (stolen at age 5 1/2 when his little brain was still growing on May 08, 2012). https://www.linkedin.com/in/mattworrell

Mother is a former teacher who will most likely never be able to work in that field again thanks to being wrongfully entered into every state, local, national, and other databases because it was to late to “substantiate” evidence instead against the alleged pedophile father, or, in the alternative, father who took his son to private, but CPS-licensed “play therapist,” Kimberly A. Abernethy (North Houston, Texas) to “coach” him that he had been sexually assaulted by his father and “The Visitor-a ‘homeless teenager with black spiky hair'” who always spends the night at “Daddy and Nancy’s house” (where “Nancy’s” three small children resided in he/r former marital home with the man she admitted on court record to committing adultery with, official and unofficial court record, that is and whose money they take every month to the tune of approximately $2,000.00). You are rude, crude, and socially unacceptable in every way, and your fraud will be exposed, and your participating, bank-rolling criminal families who have committed federal crimes along with you.  This apparent millionaire who can afford a  $650/hr. and $450/hr. family law attorney and multiple private investigators for seven years even though his son no longer lives with the mother apparently needs the kind of validation that comes from sadistically telling your two year-old son how much one can’t wait to “throw ‘Mommy in jail because ‘Mommy’ can’t afford an attorney and ‘Daddy’ can.”  Gee, do ya’ think he read the Father’s for Equal Rights Manifesto that still retails exclusively online for approximately $100.00 entitled, Screw the Bi _ _ h?

Federal RICO lawsuits have been filed now in two states and three counties for exactly these types of indiscretions that, by statute, are defended by the Keepers of the Gates in many states by the attorneys general for the Office of Child Support Enforcement, Crime Victim’s Assistance Funds, and (UN)SAFE (free stalking for sociopath, narcissist, criminal fathers) supervised “visitation” (another completely unconstitutional phenomenon by which bags of cash only are carried out after not being recorded at the Cypresswood Drive location of “SAFE” (Exec. Director Marinelle Timmons, founder of “M.A.D.D.” locally) in Harris County, Texas . . . on a Saturday when “SAFE” Victim’s Assistance Centre, Inc. ( another criminal enterprise much like its Child Advocacy Center partners in Crime criminal enterprise which dabbles, inter alia, in  honest services fraud, a RICO predicate crime besides artifice to defraud the Public Trust) and when the BANKS ARE CLOSED (GEE, I wonder where that loot is carried off to).

  Do you think Judge Lisa Millard and Associate Judge Conrad Moren get extra vigorish per child enrolled in supervised visitation besides their state and local block grant funding and “community stakeholder” free federal land grants like the cops and their social worker buddies who must sign memorandum of understanding to “collaboratively” enforce the law?    Stay tuned.

Catch a Clue– “Collaborative” (law) is Conspiracy” and “Collusion,” among other predicate crimes and conflicts of interest  to the Federal R.I.C.O. Act of 1970.



Fair Use and Legal Disclaimer (PROMINENTLY DISPLAYED):

Censorship is a crime, and author invokes he/r rights to pursue lawful, US Constitutional remedy as necessary and appropriate.

Author of this blog is not a lawyer, therefore none of the information herein or on this blog “legal advice.”

(1)  This post is made in good faith and for deterrent purposes against child abusers, alleged child abusers, and those who would maternally alienate fit, loving mothers and children from one another.

(2) Content in this post is protected by Julian’s Real Mummy’s First Amendment herein claimed rights as a natural-born American, “sovereign,” “elect” citizen pursuant to the Supremacy Clause of the US Constitution and incorporated Bill of Rights made applicable to the states via ratification and application of the Fourteenth Amendment to the Federal, US Constitution and incorporated Bill of Rights, under the freedom of expression, freedom of association, freedom to peaceably assemble, and freedom to speech.

(3) All content in this post is also protected pursuant to the Federal statute 17 U.S.C., section 107 (“Fair Use”) as this content is solely intended for general knowledge, academic research, and/or entertainment purposes.

(4)  If anyone should desire, require, or demand a retraction or modification in part or in full, you must contact the author of this blog for fair notice to correct, pursuant to reasonable and lawfully obtained evidence supported by all legal and factual bases for your desire, demand, and/or requirement for  a full or partial retraction in a timely manner so that Author of this blog may respond expediently and lawfully.

Julian Just Found These on Accident|Missing You, Love Your Real Mommy

Dear Julian,

I just found these searching for your name on the Internet.  I haven’t seen any video of you before.  I sat paralyzed in the middle of the night, unable to sleep thinking of you, and unable to cry, yet fascinated and gripped at the same time with the most bittersweet, haunting shivers that reminded me of being in labor with you and getting the uncontrollable shivers, your little soul about to be born through me, your real mummy.  Words cannot express how much I miss you every second of every day. I call, but nobody will answer the only phone number I have and the only one I always had when you were with “DaddyTX.”  They have always purposefully refused to answer the phone ever since you were a baby when I generously let them have all the time they wanted with you, and encouraged it, even after the kidnappings at least once a year since you were twelve days old.  We did nothing to deserve this.  This is not our fault, as you once asked.  I am watching over you right here where I will remain until the Lord, the Father the Son, and the Holy Ghost, makes me leave, but I hope that is not for a very long time, my little angel.

It’s Almost Christmas, Already, How do I Get You Presents?  You Will be Eight Years Old Next Month, Halfwaythrough Second Grade, and I’ve Been Forced to Miss it All, Got Your Latest Report Card and Interim Report Card from Ms. Hengel’s Class, Though; Come Home to Mommy, You Can Always Come Home, My Little Jewel!  I Think and Dream of Nothing Else.  Sitting Still and Waiting for the Lord–The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit…until You Come Home and We Both Wake Up From this Foggy Nightmare…Haunted by Your Smile and Your Little Laugh, the Giggle that I Could Bottle Right Up, and then There are the Sunflowers and Sunflower Fields and Patches I Sometimes See and Think of You and Smile and Close My Eyes to Hold Onto the Memories  I Can’t Believe Anyone Would Do This, But They Did…A lot of Them, I Want You Raised Around Loving People, the Kind Who Love Unconditionally, No Matter What, Like the Love Mommy and Jesus Have for You… You Deserve That, Every Child Does, So Why Are they Keeping that From You if They Had Any Good in Them, I Wonder to Myself, Puzzling…It Doesn’t Make Any Sense…Something Feels Very Wrong, But So Strange I Can’t Put My Finger On It…Empty Souls?  Pod People?  What Feels So Strange About this Set-up?  So Surreal, Beyond Surreal.  How Has it Been Over Two and One Half Years, Julian, and Yet I am Still Fighting The Only Way I Know How for You…Deadline, Gotta Write…Good Things Are Coming This Year 2015!  I Can’t Believe They Stole Primary School From Us, and They Don’t Even Appreciate it Like I Do, They Couldn’t Possibly.  We are Not Alone, Pumpkin.  The Mommies are Making a Come Back This Year.  This is the Year of the Protective Parents and Their Little Children




https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zbofyaapNEw&feature=player_detailpage(DaddyTX MVI 0207)






Julian singing I’ve Been Working on the Railroad with Half Mohawk at Daddy’s



Julian at Discovery Green Fountain with Daddy









Join the FIGHT to stop JUDICiAL & ATTORNEY MISCONDUCT in Harris, Houston, Texas

This is my first post to my new blog in hopes of finding others who have been treated not only unfairly by Harris (Houston) County Family Court, but ILLEGALLY. My story is only one — a huge one (and hard to believe), but only ONE.If those persons forced into poverty by unfair handling of divorce assets, children forced to live with relatives or, worse, in foster care due to false claims — often made anonymously, and the ruin of families and lives by this corrupt government body do not join together, use everything possible, i.e. social media, word of mouth, protests, etc. to put a very bright light on this topic, the unlawful activity will continue.  You may not think it effects you. I didn’t think much about either, until my husband of 20 years decided to abandon myself and our two children.I have unlawfully been “ordered” not to put my ex-husband in an unattractive light so, I will not mention his name when I am speaking of some of the horrible things this court allowed him to do. I do, however, have no problem filling you in on all the other names in this case. You will just have to use your imagination when it comes to topics that do not name a specific person.
The Players:  Retired Judge Frank Rynd (now special counsel for the Catholic Church, Houston/Galveston Diocese); Judge Sheri Y. Dean; Judge David Farr; Judge [black]; Judge [14th court of appeals]; Judge [new associate judge]; Attorney Julia Lovorn; Attorney Craig Haskins; Attorney William Soffer; Attorney Edward Burwell; Attorney [fat one restraining order];


Every one of these judges and attorneys were involved in this cover up. Every single one. They all knew what was going on. You would think this was a cover up for the president of the United States. It wasn’t. It was a cover up for a regular middle-class couple from Cypress, Texas. Nobodies.

Please check back to follow this story. If you have been treated unfairly and illegally by this court, please contact me with your name and your story. I want to put it here. We must let this court know that we will not sit by silent. Even if your case is officially finished, you may have ramifications. The statute of limitations for a civil manner in Texas is four years. Let’s let them know we are watching them. Make your vote count. Write in your own name on any ballot. You don’t have to be an attorney to be a judge. to be continued . . .



From the “Presenter” Below who helped the local and state government actor individuals (and private individuals not yet defendants or parties of record), family law attorner and “Adjutant General of Texas” (appointed by Gov. Rick Perry), John Nichols, Sr., father to “Bo” Nichols, Jr.:


Have we upped the ante, yet and raised the flat $20,000 entry due and owing to Judge Lisa A.Millard and Conrad Moren complicit with Houston Attorney Lawrence Rothenberg and family law Attorney Bruce Allen Buskirk and GAL/AAL Donna Everson?

How long was Cheryl Harvick on your payroll that you advertise as having CPS supervisors of twelve years on your staff in your Internet ads, Nichols?








Judge Lisa Millard, 310th Judicial District Court of Harris County in Houston, Texas–proud of 20 years of maternal deprivation, male entitlement, discriminating against those who can’t afford justice, or, the “poor,” the tanned, the female, the “disabled” being less than eighteen years of age, against those who are not yet present or served in court, and the intelligent who won’t play her incestuous game involving, among other things,….disturbing in nature….psychopsema–a social and economic crime To Judge Lisa Millard: Thank you for your contributions to a more insane, criminally unjust and unequal, less literate, less free, more abusive, narcissistic personality disorder and sociopath engendering…ripe for experimental research, bribes, corruption, votes, extortion, treason against the American public with whom you were tragically “trusted” and “vested” (see Harris County Juvenile Detention Kids-for-Cash scam or staked “state” scheme)! The Big Guy Downstairs is surely watching and proud of you, daughter of another judge, and so too will the other side be watching your actions against children and mothers …like a…”HAWK” (and we don’t mean “NAMBLA” man-boy love “hawks,” either, though we know how popular this issue would make your “party” and further your agenda) Photo: Courtesy of Google Images


20 Years of Kids-for-Cash Scams Alleged in Judge Lisa Millard’s Infamous 310th Court in Harris County in Houston, Texas (Allegedly Protecting Wealth Pedophiles through “Texas Super lawyers, ” Bribes/Judicial Campaign Donations, Court-Appointments, Judicial Slush Funds and Continuing Learning Education Legal Seminars for them)

This judge –Lisa A. Millard (recently re-elected for six years)–never met a rich and abusively controlling, manipulative, criminal absentee “Responsible” father who abandoned his child and the mother for years on end until he got remarried and wanted rid of child support…. who she didn’t like, or whose attorney she wasn’t in business with, on knowledge, belief, and firsthand, actual, legal knowledge in more than one identical case.


Real Mommy Nikki Marie Jones and Brittany Ann Corcoran’s Nightmare and deliberate and knowingly and reasonably foreseeable being government commissioned RE-VICTIMIZATION for profit  that is Unfortunately all too Familiar with this Audience….

Pursuant to Judge Lisa Millard’s 1996 “orders” converted to Gilbert or Jim Corcoran for “sole managing ‘conservatorship'” of then 6-year old Brittany Corcoran who he had not seen or spoke to, as reported, in 3 1/2 years, and for whom a paternity suit had finally been brought and finalized in Millard’s incestuous 310th Court in Harris County in Houston, Texas, against public decency, trust, and peace “possessory ‘conservator'” to Brittany’s previous sole caretaker and nurturer, her natural property-holder/”mother” from whom she was “berthed,” or birthed of her corporeal body and vessel aboard her waters granting more if not all “right, privileges, “immunities of a property-holder Nikki Marie Jones, having allowed the same the same egregious crime(s) against humanity and High treason against Julian’s Real Mummy, Joni Faith Saloom,and my only property (over social worker and individual police officer individual defendants (which should include private “play therapist” Kimberly A. Abernethy  in Houston (who is licensed by DFPS) who didn’t even bother to show-up to the court theater to which Saloom was afterwards, not before said individual property being a natural male age 5 1/2 (pre-kindergarten) was abducted or wrongfully, unreasonably, and unconstitutionally “removed” from Joni, reciprocally, his property, on May 08, 2012 in Pearland, Texas (Brazoria County) with the foreknowledge that Joni would be instantly and permanently deprived of any and all meaningful contact with her property being a little natural male, her life, her very heartbeat, coerced and compelled against her will by father and, in a separate suit by the “state of Texas”–DFPS–in May 2012, both natural woman and her little natural male “child,” who was at the time 5 1/2 years old pursuant to actual or, in the alternative, intentionally and knowingly contrived allegations of said child for sexual abuse against his father–“Daddy”– and “The Visitor”--“a ‘homeless’ teenager with black, spiky hair,” as alleged to multiple professionals and family members in May 2012), Matthew James Worrell (a.k.a. Matt Worrell) and family…who, like stubborn infantile children who must always have their own narcissistic personality disordered, sociopath engendering ways by any Machiavellian means  after five  and half years of harassing Joni and Julian through malicious and even threatened and expressed cps and police visits and complaints, got what they thought they wanted, at his incalculable expense damages tolling for life and progressive in nature, scope, death, and expense against society, constructively, actual HARM and INJURY that was reasonably foreseeable as intended and pre-planned and incrementally and systematically carried out as evidence reveals that no bribed judge will ever let the guardian ad litem and opposing counsel paid by Health and Human Services Commission, on knowledge and belief, or related inter-agency grantor admit on the record…and there is, contrary to your obstruction of justice, more than one record.

http://caselaw.findlaw.com/tx-court-of-appeals/1406436.html (Click or cut and paste into browser) regarding the case of  Nikki Marie Jones ex rel Jones, Appellant and the infamous former Harris County D.A. John B. Holmes for the Harris County Sheriff’s Office as Appellee, Nos. 01-99-01159-CR, 01-99-01162-CR, Justices O’Connor, Hedges, and Price, published December 21, 2000; See also Nikki’s habeas corpus case, no. 816902, in Harris County, 351st Criminal District, regarding the charge against her for alleged “interference with child custody” for protecting her daughter from the child or property’s real reports of sexual abuse against her father, Gilbert or Jim Corcoran, who had of course been recently married, of Belliare, Texas (who is or was a medical technician)


http://caselaw.findlaw.com/tx-court-of-appeals/1126785.html (The alleged abuser’s harassing and vexatious lawsuit against KHOU Channel 11 News in an effort to obstruct justice and erode Public Trust and journalistic integrity)

2002–       Nikki Jones, Brittany Corcoran’s fit and protective, highly persecuted and targeted REAL Mommy filed a bill of review in the First District Court of Appeals in Houston, Texas (Harris County) and listed at least six appellate points (although the writing Justice appears to have avoided altogether how many and what the other appellate points actually represented).  Jones was forced to bring this suit  sui juris, or,  in “pro se.”    The only appellate point the Houston appellate court discusses is Jones’ contention that Judge Lisa Millard was acting as counsel when she procured her counsel.  It is interesting to note that there is no counsel listed upon appeal…that’s because there is no right to a court-appointed attorney based on indigence in appellate court.  Jones appears to assert that she has a right of appeal because Judge Lisa Millard should have disqualified herself, or, self-recused.  But see Judge Lisa Millard’s earlier “CLE” seminar that she gave bout “one judge, one life,” and how to go out of one’s way to refuse to recuse oneself from a case and on collaborative or “unified” family law that disregards all constitutional and Federal law on the books and instead looks to employing the expensive, yet, economically stimulating “special knowledge” (and Ford Foundation funded or ICLE Agenda-21 reminiscent boiler-plate manuals written by and for the profit of social working psychopaths for a less populous, thus, more sexually deviant and experimentally preferred insane and criminally profitable to the states world) of a plethora of court-appointed sinecures–old biddies who can’t work anymore, basically, and pay at least $1,000 a quarter, some more, in judicial campaign or slush fund fees to each judge who puts them on cases to betray and deny liberty and obstruct truth and justice and proper investigation or zealous individual advocacy from all (See also Judge Lisa Millard and Attorney John Nichols (CFG), Sr.’s CLE seminar on “Keeping it In and Keeping it Out”…of the record) (More is described in another post on this blog about CLE’s, or, continuing learning education credits con by Marvin Bryer of California who spent $100,000 trying to save his grandchild for his daughter, much to his avail).

In this case, Houston Attorney Lynn E. Kurigner of Kamin & Jenkins for alleged pedophile father

Additionally, what does one do when the required transcript for appeal is “confidential”and Millard’s court recorder (notice no longer “reporter”) repeatedly tells you that the judge won’t even let him talk to you, and that “those costs money,” but refuses to provide even a quote or the process to obtain a quote?  Holy corruption!  I can personally attest to having an almost identical case to Nikki and Brittany’s with the same corrupt outcome in Judge Lisa Millard’s court.  How come so many of us have exactly the same story and it is always the same flat $20,000 bribe or “donation” as payment (in many of our cases actually witnessed, as in, eyewitness–good luck getting that evidence admitted, ha-ha!  “Keeping it Out” of the record indeed, Judge Millard (see her CLE seminar moderated by family attorney John Nichols, Sr.)!  At this, you are an expert with “special knowledge“–No wonder you and your minions really need everyone to be crazy, or at least, perceived as such) Nikki Jones was one thousand percent right about Judge Lisa Millard.  Justices Hedges and Keyes always affirm Judge Millard’s (especially all her appealed termination of mother’s parental rights cases for insufficient evidence in support of properly empaneled family court juries), and every other corrupt Houston (Harris County) family court judge’s crooked and highly predictable boiler-plate cover-up scams well-played.


The above article by Brian Wallstin of the The Houston Press certainly reveals that Wallstin earned his Press Club Journalism Award as sponsored (now that it is no longer a Free Press, much to the detriment and disinformation of Houstonians.  Interestingly, I recognized Wallstin’s name from a write-up he published about the infamous Houston hand doctor Michael Brown in which Wallstin was careful to give credence to Attorney John Nichols, Sr.  I actually recall writing Wallstin a brief e-mail attesting to the lack of credibility by the notorious board certified family law specialized “Texas Superlawyer” John Nichols, Sr., who every attorney with whom I have ever spoken gasps in horror and shock and runs the other way when they hear his name.  We hear he plays real dirty like Houston Attorney Julia Lovorn….in court and out-of-court at paternal grandmother and father who abandoned mother entire pregnancy and at birth’s house they share and scheme together in a dysfunctional, disturbing way).

On the other side of the adversarial “aisle” was Lynn S. Kuriger for defendant through Kamin Associates.

Read real testimony of Real Mommy from whom, fifteen years ago– Judge Lisa Millard reportedly(legally or under the color of law through abuse of public office or title, but unlawfully) kidnapped only property–“child”— a then seven 7) year-old little girl–to give her to a man she had never known before, “presumably,” a father–a nightclub-owning alcoholic, as reported by mother’s own hand below:

Lisa Millard.Comment on bribe.petition to remove.06.24.14 001


“Texas Super lawyer” who also represented my baby boy’s father in 2007 in highly contentious paternity suit, John Nichols, Sr. like Millard’s Associate Judge, Conrad Moren, was appointed by Texas Governor Rick Perry in the role of “Adjutant General” of Texas, or, Commander-in-Chief of Texas Forces in Times of Martial Law and “Domestic” Emergencies, and they have both been specifically chosen to rule against, or have otherwise volunteered to rule against major sexual choice rights in Texas (i.e. Houston Mayor Annise Parker and Nichol’s certified question to Texas Attorney General Gregg Abbott asking to delay deciding the Defense of Marriage decision (“DOMA”); See also former Forced-to-Resign Harris County, Texas D.A. Chuck Rosenthal arguing the strategically engineered Lawrence v. Texas sex scandal (which is peculiarly relevant to a defendant Sergeant William Lilly in the case of my only child who I raised alone until May 08, 2012 and have been deprived of ever since) and then case before the US Supreme Court.

…(“All the World is but a Stage…and Men, and Millard, are but Actors….)

20 YEARS IN BUSINESS OF REPORTED/ALLEGED PEDOPHILE PROTECTION, KIDS -FOR- CASH RICO COURT CONS, ADOPTION SCAMS,  AND STILL SERVING (and protecting their own private wealth and trust funds for their spoiled “affluenza” afflicted troubled and entitled children who are nothing like the sweet, appreciative, “mentally healthy” children they “kidjacked” (see http://www.kidjacked.com) from you for no reason other than a bribe or other egregious crime against humanity and the PUBLIC TRUST to which they are a FIDUCIARY and have obligation to disclose and self-recuse any and all conflicts of interests with regard to yours and your child’s case, if you are still fortunate enough to have one, and where they are required by all laws of ethics, morality, and common sense for at least the appearance  of justice, fairness, and equality to uphold the integrity of the Judicial Branch of government and help to ensure compliance with believing in and ultimately following the laws and teaching their children not to fear and loathe authority based on real, actual oppression and deprivation of fundamental, constitutionally protected, federally secure and common law, natural and civil rights which are also the guaranteed rights to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” (quoting The Declaration of Independence)….unalienable, timeless.

…themselves and their own families as they permanently, mercilessly, hypocritically, and self-righteously destroy the lives of others.

Reaching Out to All other “Victims,” rather, Survivors and Individuals STANDING of the 310th Judicial District Court of Harris County, Texas in and around Houston, (“Hon.”) Judge Lisa A. Millard and Associate Judge Conrad Moren Presiding (310th, Harris County in Houston, Texas), (Children, Mothers, Sons, Fathers, Grandparents, adoptive parents, foster children, foster parents, those who have had rights terminated or lost “custody” or “conservatorship” of their child with absolutely no showing or allegation of parental unfitness where the alleged abuser or custody-switching beneficiary had a very high-priced attorney, including but not limited to any of the following individuals potentially involved in yours and/or your precious property or “child’s” deprivations perpetrated under the color of law for authority in abuse of their badge, office, or constitutional oath or statement of office John Nichols, Sr. and/or “Bo” Nichols (reportedly $650/hr.), Jr., Julia Lovorn, or even Houston Attorney Lawrence/”Larry” Rothenberg(reportedly $450/hr.) or Bruce Allen Buskirk, where the court-appointed attorney and/or Guardian ad-litem and/or amicus for child was Stephen Newhouse now 313th Juvenile Court Judge in Harris County, Texas, Donna Everson, or Ronnie Harrison, where William Sumpter Frazier was the prosecuting attorney or played a role in the court case,  Houston Attorney Jeannie Caldwell, Rebekah Birdwell, Cheryl Harvick, CPS Program Supervisor for Brazoria County, Karen Coblentz, Children’s Assessment Center or Children’s Crisis Care Center (C.C.C.C. and “C.A.C.”), Brazoria County Children’s Alliance, Sergeant William Lilly, formerly of the Harris County Sheriff’s Office, Officer Paul Elton (Pearland Police Department),  Dedra Latasha Hardaway (Brazoria County CPS social worker), Lesly Damian-Murray(Brazoria County CPS social worker), Karen Coblentz  (CPS Program Director in Angleton, Texas, Brazoria County),  Robin Gray or Robin Nelson(Harris County, CPS social worker at the “C.A.C.”), Debra Hatley (CPS Program Supervisor at the Children’s Assessment Center (“C.A.C.”) in Houston, Harris County), Sergeant J. Walton, (Harris County Constable, Ron Hickman’s Precinct 4), Tonya Clay (C.A.C., CPS Manager or Director/social worker) Judge  Veronica Torres (Harris County Title IV-D child support magistrate “judge” in Harris County), Yvette Jircik, Harris County Child Support Division of Texas Attorney General’s Office, Michael Balash, Sherry Minke with “SAFE,” Carol Sepulveda, CAPTA “therapist”–therapeutic deceiver– with The ARK in Humble, Texas, Cecilia Johnson (home assessment evaluator for kinship care, Region 6 CPS contractor, Humble, TX), Nisela Zamorano, Brazoria County CPS, Deidre Ford (C.A.C. Program Director),  Sandra Rosinski-Russell, Child Advocates, Inc. (Houston, Texas HQ), Regina Carrillo (Pearland or in and around Houston area), Dr. Jo Ann Baer (Pearland or in and around Houston area),  Detective Ron Worley, Judge Margaret Stewart Harris (Criminal Court # 5 in Houston, Harris County, TX), Tonya Rolland (former “assault” attorney and former corrupt D.A. Chuck Rosenthal‘s “employee” in Harris County (Rolland’s best buddy is Judge Margaret Stewart Harris, and apparently an unidentified false witness who appears to look like Kelly Siegler on the tape of the false imprisonment/ Brandon Gardiner (Harris County Police Officer), Houston Attorney Ricardo/”Rick” Ramos (Ramos & Fritzsch Law Offices), former 308th judge and judicial campaign manager for Judge Jim York,  Charley Prine, Kimberly/Kim A. Abernethy (play therapist in North Houston, licensed by CPS as a “play therapist,” private practice),  Norma Willcockson, Heidi Mandle, Carol Stith or Karel Stith, Guardian ad-litem and attorney ad-litem(married to family court Judge in the same county, Bonnie Hellums), Meca Walker, Alicia Franklin,  Peter Basralian, Constable Precinct 7 in Harris County (HCSO), Texas in HoustonKristi Belluomini, Ekira Jones (forensic investigator at C.A.C. or elsewhere in Harris or Brazoria County), Priscilla Hufstetler (any kin to Judge Hufstetler in the same County of Brazoria?) with the Pearland Police Department, Harris County Mental Health Deputies, Craig Feazel, Harris County, anyone involved in a “dirty” DWI/DUI sting  and/or entrapped “assault” scam that was conveniently engineered during your child custody proceedings and/or divorce in Harris County, Texas where you were most likely held without bail with no “priors,” other “victims” of clerks tampering with judicial and government documents, any judge who has kicked you out of your own alleged “hearing” or bench trial to conduct more ex parte testimony with the opposing team (“Responsible Father” and the new “Step Mommy”), docket for Harris County, and/or where potentially inculpatory and exculpatory and/or all evidence has been withheld from you and your child in your defense, including by CPS, any and all police officers, captains, law enforcement officer or official who has refused to allow you to either receive or make a legitimate, non-frivolous, non-harassing police report, especially in an emergency situation with your child, the names of any and all first reporters who you believe, in bad faith and/or retaliation, malice, and/or bribe or donation from another parent seeking custody or termination of his child support obligation reported you, the names of any and all judges who denied you and your child any and all findings of fact or conclusions of law where you timely moved for them were not granted, any Harris County (or other) judge lost control on you in court and screamed her/his court was not a “constitutional court,” any bailiff in any family, juvenile, or probate court who has threatened to arrest you  with arrest (or judge for that matter for trying to present your own case as you were forced to do, unrepresented) and repeatedly “removed” you from the court for no apparent reason other than you wouldn’t answer the judge’s question the way she wanted you to and “sanctioned” your failure at subornation of perjury by labeling you as “difficult,” “defensive,” “hard-to-manage,” or anything like that to include constantly telling you to quit “interrupting” or “testifying” even though you were just trying to answer her or his question(s) truthfully, any judge who denied you access to your child’s school and issued at least one, if not more protective orders or unreasonable and irrelevant permanent injunctions against you without notice, proof, or a hearing (based solely on a materially false affidavit), any judge and/or court and/or attorney who failed to give you notice or blatantly (too) late notice of any hearing or trial, the names of any judges who manufactured “probable cause” to subject you to a paternity or substance test to include a hair follicle test, the name of any judge, associate judge/magistrate, and/or GAL/court-appointed attorney for you and/or child prevented from having any evidence admitted, any judge who demanded you to turn over your children’s birth certificate, social security card, and/or passport for no good cause or explanation, the names of judges who let the CPS special prosecutor, “supervised” “visitation” programs and the names of individuals involved who have harmed or allowed any kind of abuse and/or maternal alienation to continue against your child(ren) and told you they couldn’t help you until you took your case to court where they would charge you a substantial fee for their testimony and those horrid orange “observation” notes auntil you CPS, and especially the guardian ad litem/attorney ad litem for the child run the entire court, the names of any judges who ordered “sole managing conservatorship” to a recently married father or adoptive or new or foster parent who had a history of severe alcohol and/or actual or record of substance abuse and/or who alleged “parental alienation” as a reason to switch custody, the names of any expert witnesses who played the same “game”–” The Fix is In, any judge, the names of any magistrates, associate judges, and judges who allowed your child’s other parent being abusive, at the least, legally, to repeatedly file false affidavits, ex-parte, unnoticed hearings about which you were never informed and repeatedly filed for emergency hearings (ex-parte) to switch custody in bad faith, the names of any judges or magistrates/associate judges who told you that you had better sell some “jewelry, house,” or anything else of value to hire a lawyer because they couldn’t help you without one (you being respondent or defendant in a case where you were indigent and  guardian ad-litem, court-appointed attorney, or otherwise who denied your child his or her right to speak to the judge even though you or an attorney moved for such interview, any magistrate/judge/court referee who switched custody on you without your knowledge, consent, notice, or a hearing, any judge or associate judge who signed “orders” for opposing counsel and then told you it was “your turn” to testify, names of all judges, lawyers, amicus, appointed GAL/AAL’s, especially Donna Everson (one of Judge Millard’s top three, if not first highest ranking judicial campaign contributor, consistently over the past five years according to reports obtained from the Public Integrity Unit in Austin’s judicial campaign fund reports),  and even your own attorney, perhaps, who have seriously questionable conflicts-of-interest and/or a “stake” in the outcome of your child’s or family member’s case through memberships or investments in juvenile and/or prison facilities and/or diversion programs in and around Harris County, Texas, magistrates, and/or elected judges  who refused to appoint an attorney for you in a termination of parental rights case before the “Show Cause”/”Full Adversary” hearing, improperly seated/empaneled family law/termination of parental rights jury venire members who are paid to sit together frequently, names of judges who barred any and all of your proffered evidence(but testified for the other side and allowed all their evidence), including through his or her ad-litem’s carefully controlled or suborned objections (or text messages–See former Judge Elizabeth Coker story in Polk County, Texas, post on this blog for your convenience under the Corrupt Judges section),but then asked her minions to follow you out of court after the hearing or unnoticed improper “trial” (which she promised would be a jury based on your timely and written motion from the beginning of the inception of the case) to get one of the cps reports you offered that she refused to be admitted to throw in the file to appear as if maybe a real trial was had, which it weren’t, not by any reasonable BAR members tandards even (and that is BAD), names of any judges who testified as a witness where there were none, names of any and all court personnel, court recorders or reporters, judges, associate judges, (Hispanic) Receptionist on evening shift at Pearland Police Department who most likely will not reveal her name to you no matter how nicely you acted, Felecia Powell Williams (court and CPS appointed “therapist”), Charlotte Yoakum (Harris County CPS), CASA, Attorney (formerly “Hon.”) John J. Specia, Jr., Connie Nelki, Marinelle Timmons, CEO of “SAFE” Victim’s Assistance Centre, Inc./Un-SAFE (free stalking for sociopath, NPD, legally abusive and maniacal fathers recently married and out of jail) in Houston, Texas/Harris County, Barbara Jordan, Adrian Kendricks, Amanda Strickland (Brazoria County CPS attorney),  Veronica Juarez with “SAFE” (…and Senator Whitmire’s office, formerly),  Tamisha Laster with “SAFE,” Matt Schippers with “SAFE,” Diane Coello, with “SAFE” and with CPS, Stella Cox with Vince Ryan’s Office, any collaborators in Chris Daniel’s crew of ALL clerks and sundry court personnel--Harris County Clerk’s Office, Judge K. Randall/ “Randy” Hufstetler of the 300th Judicial District Court of Brazoria County, Texas in Angleton, Brazoria County D.A. (Ms.) Jeri Yenne, Sheriff Charles Wagner, Captain J.C. Doyle, Pearland Police Chief, City Manager of Pearland, (now former) Bill Eisen or otherwise, Pearland City Council members, Judge Ed Emmett, Harris County Children’s Commissioner’s Court, Harris County Sheriff’s Office Special Crimes Against Children and Sex Crimes Unit, Ruben Diaz, Detective Alvarado, Pearland Police Department,  Judge Sheri Dean, Judge Judy Warne, Judge Bonnie Hellums, Judge Denise Pratt, formerly of the 311th Court in Harris County, Texas (Houston), Judge Jim York (246th Court), Harris County, Texas in Houston, Officer Brown, Pearland Police Department) of elected Judge Lisa A. Millard (since 1994) and appointed Judge/Magistrate Conrad Moren (a lawyer and fellow BAR member, sitting with Attorney “Bo” Nichols, Jr. on the Leadership Board of the Burta Rhodes Rayburn (American) Inn of (Family) Court,  appointed by Texas Governor Rick Perry and granted Executive Powers under Coast Guard “authority”), and all 310th Clerks and Sundry Court Employees.

COME FORWARD TODAY AND Contact Author of this Blog Before Another Child and Parent are Totally and Permanently Lost to One Another without any crime or abuse or neglect having even been alleged!, “Julian’s Real Mummy” (Click on the “Gravatar”/Profile on this Blog for contact information)–There are many more children–much more natural property, rather–and families suffering the tyranny and evil oppression of this horrid Harpy from HE _ _ (double hockey stick)!

MOMS AND CHILD…SURVIVORS, COME FORWARD NOW!  This cannot be allowed to happen any more, and especially not in Texas where similarly deprived parents and children who have some of the worst and the most stories in numbers than any other state except maybe California without fear of exposure for legitimate and real crimes as alleged or reported by an individual(s) who has been and/or whose children have been actually harmed and seriously deprived and who possess some kind of firsthand, good faith, actual legal knowledge (hopefully hard evidence) and concrete facts as a deterrent  Lives are being ruined daily in her court, and she has grown very wealthy, even for a judge, by selling our children, many of us our only children–small children and alleged “victims” of paternal pedophiles (on knowledge, belief, circumstantial and other evidence, and by firsthand, legal, actual lawful knowledge as opposed to perjurious multiple party hearsay).  This black- hearted, soulless woman or human-less hybrid hails herself and is sanctimoniously promoted and put on a pedestal as being the child’s advocate judge.  She has continuously run unopposed, yet racks up $100k in her last judicial campaign fund (See exact figures and reports in Texas Tribune and/or original source from the Public Integrity Unit in Austin, Texas).

Share your Real nightmare (and your natural property or “child’s”) on Gavelbangers.com, a site to rate your judge, although she will probably have the comment “removed” as was your child allowed to be so through her silent approbation or incitement…ex parte, your liberty, your rights, fundamental freedoms, and anything else this greed-mongering HARPY can get away with scavenging through the pernicious cloak of “judicial ‘immunity‘”…and the privilege that comes with the wealth from selling the property–children–not born of her own diseased and vile body void of a soul, or, in the alternative, black.

See also Judicial Canons III, IV (recusal or disqualification grounds–28 U.S.C. Section 455 and 28 U.S.C. Section 144).

Health and Human Services/CPS Business Plan with Big Pharma to Experiment on America’s Children

Health and Human Services(HHS)/CPS Business Plan with Big Pharma to Experiment on America’s Children

Forget about the “welfare state,” real Americans, this is only one unabashed and publicly available community-stakeholder and collaborative, interdisciplinary policy manual that details one bullet point of many in the overarching ‘Party’ Agenda to Destroy everything traditionally American and Go _ d through creation of a more streamlined, economically efficient and socially Darwinist-outcomes-oriented, research-based Xanadu the likes of Reunion and its Les Enfants Creuse that Julian’s Real Mummy calls the New “Mental Health” state.  While it was crushing for this real American who grew up  in a generation that still, to some degree at least, valued and tried to teach the spirit of the good old-fashioned Puritan work ethic that allowed for the reality of the dream to be, do, and achieve anything in this world (that is, er, once, …as it can be difficult to keep) with enough determination, Spartan work-ethic, and divinely inspired, inflammatory, white-hot passion to read, as I recently did,   that Long Island, New York and places in California, at least, had their own dystopian Eugenicist, Island of Reunion laboratory to breed for certain Anglophile populations for a more “equitable, just, fair, and socially equal and responsible community.


SOUND OF THE DRUMROLL…..(now click on the link to the Trauma-Informed Care Presentation below)-


This presentation appears to be the greed-mongering, penny-pinching “State” of Texas (and others’)Health and Human Services Commission (an Inter-Agency Business Venture or Criminal Enterprise that Consists of Health and Human Services Department/Commission, Office of Child Support Enforcement of the Texas Attorney General, and Real American Parents’ Favorite “Helpers,” also with headquarters in Austin, Texas, the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services, Mental Health Deputies of the Sheriff’s Department to Assist “Peace” Officer Droids in “Domestic” Violence or Crisis Situations, the Crisis Intervention Team, or Catchment “Zones” Coming to an Area Near You if not Already Locking up those crazy, hysterical, “vigilant,” “alienating” property-owning, “protective” mothers and some fathers not in on the custody-switching scam over at the Texas Attorney General’s Office Recruitment Center,  Administrative Office of the Courts, the Children’s Commissioner’s and Commitment and Probate Courts, the “SAFE” supervised “access” and “visitation” (“trauma-induced”) test sites presided over by Executive Director, Marinelle Timmons in the Houston (Harris County, Texas) Regional Hub that is the modern-day equivalent of the former WWII Army Office of Special (Sexual) Services and Special Projects Covert PsyOps found in the joint public-private profit center  venture capitalist coercive cover-up front of interdisciplinary SS Eugenicist Nazi’s of questionable moral and intellectual fiberMonopoly found in one of the, at least, sixty-four Children’s Assessment Center/Child Advocacy Centers.

Senate Bill 1440, Texas: “CPS Takes Away your Child Property Bill”

After much opposition for Texas Governor Rick Perry to veto this bill that makes it almost a mandate for (governor) appointed associate judges (who unconstitutionally claim “Executive” “immunity” under Coast Guard and maritime statutes as an accessory before and after the fact or crime to include high treason and misprision) to kidnap your child or property under color of law and in conspiracy against your, inter alia, Fourth Amendment rights against unreasonable search and seizure Fifth and Fourteenth Amendment substantive due process of law right not to be deprived of life, liberty, or property absent due process of law and absent equal protections of the law (Fourteenth Amendment), Thirteenth (originally Fourteenth) Amendment right not to be subjected to conditions of involuntary servitude,  Fourteenth Amendment constitutional right to procedural due process of law, Ninth Amendment implied, un-enumerated rights (to be a parent and to do what you want with your property, at least, so long as you’re not hurting anyone else), and your well-established (as a matter of law and fact) right to familial association and integrity and right to privacy absent government intrusion, the bill was snuck in behind another bill that was widely accepted and passed by a majority vote of 1 …out of 1 individual in the room…the same speaker who presented the bill.

See also:  Title 5, Protection of Consumers of Financial Services, Chapter 396, Private Child Support Enforcement Agencies, Texas Finance Code, http://www.statutes.legis.state.tx.us/Docs/FI/htm/FI.396.htm, (see definition of deceptive trade practices)

See also: Senate Journal, 81st Legislature, Austin, Texas,March 17, 2009, http://www.journals.senate.state.tx.us/sjrnl/81r/pdf/81RSJ03-17-F.PDF#page=53

Senate Bill 1440, Texas:

“CPS Takes Away your Child Property Bill”

By: Kirk Watson(D), Senate

Jerry Madden (R), House

S.B. No.  1440

(Senate Bill 1440 amends the Family Code to clarify that certain proposed orders or judgments of an associate judge in Title IV-D or child protection cases become the order or judgment of the referring court without the signature of the judge of the referring court if a request for a de novo hearing is not timely filed or the right to such hearing is waived.) [Note: Title IV-D refers to Federal Social Security Act through which states, oftentimes through the Attorney General–in Texas, Gregg Abbott–collect and enforce child support for certain property owners/ “parents” who have gone to the attorney general’s office in response to solicitation for help collecting child support from another parent.]

AN ACT relating to orders and judgments rendered by associate judges in child support and child protection cases and to the investigation of child abuse and neglect.
Subsection (a), Section 201.1041, Family Code, is amended to read as follows:
If a request for a de novo hearing before the referring court is not timely filed or the right to a de novo hearing before the referring court is waived, the proposed order or judgment of the associate judge, other than a proposed order or judgment providing for enforcement by contempt or the immediate incarceration of a party, shall become the order or judgment of the referring court by operation of law without the signature of the judge of the referring court or ratification by the referring court.
Subsection (a), Section 201.2041, Family Code, is amended to read as follows:
If a request for a de novo hearing before the referring court is not timely filed or the right to a de novo hearing before the referring court is waived, the proposed order or judgment of the
associate judge becomes the order or judgment of the referring court by operation of law without
the signature of the judge of the referring court or ratification by the referring court.
Section 261.302, Family Code, is amended by adding Subsection (g) to read as follows:
The department, without filing suit, may seek a court order in aid of an investigation under Section 261.303. SECTION
Section 261.303, Family Code, is amended by amending Subsections (a), (b), and (c) and adding Subsections (c-1), (c-2), (c-3), (f), (g), (h), (i), (j), (k), (l), and (m) to read as follows:
A person may not interfere with an investigation of a report of child abuse or neglect conducted by the department or designated agency , and a court may render an order to assist the
department in an investigation under this sub- chapter.  If admission to the home, school, or any place where the child may be cannot be obtained, or if consent to transport a child for purposes relating to an interview or investigation cannot be obtained, then, on presentation of an application supported by an affidavit described by Subsection (c-2) that is executed by an investigator or authorized representative of the department, [for good cause shown] the court having family law jurisdiction,including any associate judge designated by the court, may, on finding that the affidavit is sufficient and without prior notice or a hearing, [shall] order the parent, the person responsible for the care of the children, or the person in charge of any place where the child may be to allow entrance, transport of the child, or both entrance and transport for the interview, examination, and investigation.
If a parent or person responsible for the child’s care does not consent to release of the child’s prior medical,psychological, or psychiatric records or to a medical, psychological, or psychiatric examination of the child that is requested by the department or designated agency, then, on presentation of an application supported by an affidavit described by Subsection (c-2) that is executed by an investigator or authorized representative of the department, the court having family law jurisdiction, including any associate judge designated by the court, may, on finding that the affidavit is sufficient and without prior notice or a hearing [shall, for good cause shown], order the records to be released or the examination to be made at the times and places designated by the court.
If a person having possession of records relating to a child that are relevant to an investigation does not consent to the release of the records on the request of the department or designated agency, then, on presentation of an application supported by an affidavit described by Subsection (c-2) that is
executed by an investigator or authorized representative of the department, the court having family law jurisdiction, including any associate judge designated by the court, may, on finding that the
affidavit is sufficient and without prior notice or a hearing, order the records to be released at the time and place designated by the court.
An application filed under this section must be accompanied by an affidavit executed by an investigator or authorized representative of the department that states facts sufficient to lead a person of ordinary prudence and caution to believe that:

3.  based on information available, a child’s physical or mental health or welfare has been or may be adversely affected by abuse or neglect;


the requested order is necessary to aid in the investigation; and
(3)  there is a fair probability that allegations of abuse or neglect will be sustained if the order is issued and executed.
An application and supporting affidavit used to obtain a court order in aid of an investigation under this section may be filed on any day, including Sunday.
A court may designate an associate judge to render an order in aid of an investigation under this section. An order rendered by an associate judge is immediately effective without the
ratification or signature of the court making the designation.
As soon as practicable after executing the order or attempting to execute the order, as applicable, the department shall file with the clerk of the court that rendered the order a written report stating:
the facts surrounding the execution of the order,
including the date and time the order was executed and the name of
the investigator or authorized representative executing the order;
the reasons why the department was unable to execute the order.
A court issuing an order in aid of an investigation under this section shall keep a record of all the proceedings before the court under this subchapter, including a report filed with the court under Subsection (g). The record of proceedings, including any application and supporting affidavit presented to the court and any report filed with the court under Subsection (g), is confidential and may only be disclosed as provided by Subsection
(i) or Section 261.201. (i)
If the department files a suit under Chapter 262 (termination of parental Rights, Texas Family Code), the department shall include with its original petition a copy of the record of all the proceedings before the court under this sub-chapter, including an application and supporting affidavit for an order under this section and any report relating to an order in aid of an investigation.
As soon as practicable after the department obtains access to records of a child under an order in aid of an investigation, the department shall notify the child’s parents or another person with legal custody of the child that the department has obtained the records.
Access to a confidential record under this sub-chapter does not constitute a waiver of confidentiality.
This section does not prevent a court from requiring notice and a hearing before issuance of an order in aid of an investigation under this section if the court determines that:
there is no immediate risk to the safety of the child; and
notice and a hearing are required to determine whether the requested access to persons, records, or places or transport of the child is necessary to aid in the investigation.


A court’s denial of a request for an ex-parte order under this section does not prevent the issuance of a criminal warrant.
This Act takes effect immediately if it receives a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution. If this Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this Act takes effect September 1, 2009


Introduced:  Legislative Session 81R, Introduced by Kirk Watson (D)

Source:  Texas Legislature Online, Texas Legislature Reference Library(http://www.lrl.state.tx.us/), Austin, Texas, http://www.legis.state.tx.us/tlodocs/81R/billtext/pdf/SB01440F.pdf#navpanes=0
Governor’s Prior Veto Proclamation
Gov. Perry Vetoes SB 1440
June 19, 2009
Pursuant to Article IV, Section 14, of the Texas Constitution, I, Rick Perry, Governor of Texas, do hereby disapprove of and veto Senate Bill No. 1440 of the 81st Texas Legislature, Regular Session, due to the following objections:
As a result of Gates v. Texas Department of Protective and Regulatory Services, Senate Bill No. 1440 would establish guidelines for Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) caseworkers to follow when making entry and transport-for-interview decisions in alleged child abuse and neglect cases. The court’s decision in Gates is extremely narrow in its articulation of the standards that must be met for transporting a child to conduct an interview. The decision also creates uncertainty about how court orders allowing such transport are to be obtained by DFPS under
existing law. This court-created uncertainty must be addressed. Senate Bill No. 1440, however, overreaches and may
not give due consideration to the Fourth Amendment rights of a parent or guardian.
DFPS is charged with protecting the unprotected, and all parties involved benefit when procedures are clear and easily
understood. Texas law should provide a clearly delineated investigative process that not only supports the rights of parents and guardians, but also provides DFPS with the proper authority and flexibility to protect the most vulnerable Texans. I am directing DFPS, through its parental advisory committee, to study the effect of the Gates decision on the ability of the department to appropriately enter a residence and, if necessary for the protection of the child, to transport the child for interviews in a neutral location. I am also directing DFPS, through its parental advisory committee, to develop and
recommend statewide procedures to follow when seeking court orders to aid investigations, while protecting the rights of parents and families.
I have signed my name officially and caused the  Seal of the State to be affixed hereto at Austin, this the 19th day of June, 2009.
Governor of Texas
Deputy Secretary of State


Public Notice to the 310th Judicial District Court of Harris County, Texas in Houston, Judge Lisa A. Millard, Associate Judge/ “AJ” Conrad Moren, and all Clerks and Sundry Court Personnel and Officers of the Court:

you unlawfully administrated my property which i demand for you to restore immediately

Judge Lisa A. Millard, 301th court, Harris County, Texas, City of Houston, a family/”civil”/”CPS Cluster Court”/termination of parental rights/adoption/CPS, Child Advocates, Inc. watches the judge all day on CPS Tuesdays, the only kind on he/r calendar
Associate Judge Conrad Moren, 310th Court, Harris County, Texas, City of Houston, presiding for “elected” Judge Lisa A. Millard whereas he, appointed by Texas Governor Rick Perry pursuant to executive “immunity” coast guard “powers” of martial or maritime, but not innocent until proven guilty flag of peace law and see where they scratched out former statute the penalty, serious crime to desecrate the American u.S flag of innocence presumed without the gold fringe, tassel, ball, or eagle perched atop aiding and abetting before and after the fact of its presence in a non-legislative, non-specialty bills of attainder are US Constitutionally impermissible court


Judge Lisa Millard and Conrad Moren.pic.310th
Family “Civil” Court/”CPS Cluster Courts,” 310th, Harris County, Texas, City of Houston Judge Lisa A. Millard, Associate Judge Conrad Moren Standing up behind Judge Lisa Millard

JUNE 19, 2015: BALANCE OWED, $3,271,680.00

1,136 DAYS AND NIGHTS WITHOUT MY NATURAL PRIVATE PROPERTY julian jacob worrell of genealogy Saloom

     Being over eighteen years of age and of sound mind, i, being natural (wo)man, individual, living and corporeal body, imbued with the divine, holy Spirit of our Creator ALMIGHTY GOD, beings, “sovereign” and “elect” in nature, spirit, and essence, owner of my private property, aged seven years old (in 2014), a little natural, corporeal male also imbued and endowed with divine Spirit of our Creator, sovereign and elect, whose picture i DO Now insert for identification purposes,  erroneously referred to in court documents as “JONI FAITH SALOOM,” “JONI SALOOM,” and “SALOOM, JONI,”  and “JULIAN JACOB WORRELL, A CHILD,”  i DO Now  require  you to return my property to me (the little guy in the picture below, being natural man, individual, berthed, birthed on my waters by my vessel, living and corporeal body imbued with the divine, holy Spirit of our Creator ALMIGHTY GOD, the alpha and the omega, the “I AM,” immediately as the Federal, US Constitution and incorporated Bill of Rights to which you are supposed to have an oath, u.S. constitutional) on file or otherwise all your alleged “judgments” and “orders” are further rendered null and void on their face as a matter of law and fact. 

     i, being natural (wo)man, require that thou restoreth my property, little male, to me immediately, and, further, that, as my property was stolen from me on May 08, 2012, which your court later “allowed,” in the absence of proper “jurisdiction” or voluntary consent, without authorization from me and without due, just, fair compensation, you are being billed by myself at a rate of $1.00 per minute for each minute that my property goes missing and unreported as such and not in my possession with your approval or pursuant to your unconstitutional, therefore, null and void ab initio on it face due to, inter alia, implicit and explicit fraud upon the court, bribery by my son’s father described or called as “Matt James Worrell, ” sometimes “Matthew James Worrell,” “Matthew J. Worrell,” and sometimes “Worrell, Matthew J./Worrell, Matt J.,”  and no due process of law and without equal protection of the laws, having been denied right of record to appeal by denying my right to transcript to appeal, thus collaterally estopping and entrapping your pattern and procedure in these cases, in “pro se,” without any “appearance” or “special appearance” unnecessary, without needing further adjudication of such according to precedent, although I have tried to press this case at queen’s bench (but was unconstitutionally ejected from court where i specifically objected to and denied “appearance” but then associate judge Conrad Moren told the official court reporter, Benjamin A.  Alva, to lie and say “Saloom’s here,” on record (and on the off records).  Today is the 864th day without my property (being described as September 19, 2014). My son is missing and no one will take a report or investigate without retaliation in contravention of Amendment I of the Federal, US Constitution and its Bill of Rights ratified and applies directly to the people through Amendment XIV of the Federal, US Constitution.

     Calculated at a rate of $1.00 per minute, for both myself and, reciprocally and asserted through jus tertii to the degree that I do not make an “appearance” in your court without “jurisdiction” over either one of us due to, inter alia, implicit and explicit fraud upon the court, subornation of perjury, malfeasance, misprision, treason, possible bribery in sum of $20,000.00 USD (taken ultra vires), generally, corruption and cover-up, for little property aged seven, you owe me and  my son both $1, 244,160, tax exclusive but accruing daily at the allowable, reasonable rate x 2= $2,488,320.00 USD (or payable in solid gold, land, and/or combination of any or all three forms of payment), with my little property’s half ($1,244,160.00, tax exclusive) to be put into a trust until the age of majority or otherwise determined by myself (untouchable by complicit kidnapper father).  + $20,000= $2,508,320.00.

     Your court was divested of any and all perceived “jurisdiction” to judge any matters related to me or to my property on or before May 09, 2012 due to unlawful and unconstitutional acts apparent on their face, and due to no jurisdiction or standing as parties appear to have been absent )(Under federal Law, which is applicable to all states, the U.S. Supreme Court stated that “if a court is without authority, its judgments and orders are regarded as nullities. They are not voidable, but simply void, and form no bar to a recovery sought, even prior to a reversal in opposition to them. They constitute no justification and all persons concerned executing such judgments or sentences are considered, in law, as trespassers”)(Elliot v. Piersol, 1 Pet. 328, 340, 26 U.S. 328, 340 (1828)).

     To the degree that you and the court, to which you are a fiduciary to the “public trust,” retaliate against me and my property for me filing meritorious federal civil rights claims pursuant to your “Kids- for- Cash” criminal enterprising state “joint public-private” ventures with multiple appointed parties (compensated by the same Harris County Commissioner’s and Commitment/CPS/Adoption/TPR/”CPS Cluster Court”/Child Advocates, Inc./Child Advocacy Centers of Texas, and all sixty-four of them to date (now 2015)/family “civil” court, privately public, you can also be held liable through Title 42 U.S.C. Section 1983, 1985 (3), and 1988 (The Civil Rights Act of 1871, re-codified as The Civil Rights Act of 1964 and The Civil Rights Attorney’s Fees Act of 1976) (See also precedential decision in UNITED STATES OF AMERICA v. MARK CIAVARELLA, JR., on appeal from M.D. PA,  D.C. No. 3:09 CR-00272-002, decided by Honorable Edwin M. Kosik on(3rd Cir.,Nov. 14, 2012).

     Furthermore, even if your court were to wrongfully, but certainly not mistakenly,  allege “jurisdiction” against me and my natural property from my body or “vessel,” of divine nature–a Gift which one may not take–the “appearance” of, and certainly justice and integrity mandate your voluntary disqualification or recusal or “substitution” immediately.  Such an issue could be taken all the way up, as could any other false or intentionally and wrongfully alleged charges based on perjury and malicious prosecution, harassment, official oppression, intimidation, retaliation, fraud, racketeering, subornation of perjury, intentional infliction of emotional stress, discrimination based on a certain class–gender, “disability,” etc.


Signed, i, being natural (wo)man, individual, property owner whose water berthed/”birthed” natural man, individual, being divine in nature and essence THE HOLY SPIRIT, “I AM,”  sui juris, de jure

Your First Christmas Without Mommy.Holding Mommy's Gifts
My only private property described as “child,” a natural individual, my son, my life, described as “”Julian-Jacob: . . .of  family Saloom; Picture his first Christmas without me, almost age 6 when taken, on knowledge and belief, December 2012
Joni Saloom - jsaloom@lifetouch.com.02.10.09
i, being a natural, (wo)man, individual, living and corporeal, imbued with the holy Spirit of our divine Creator ALMIGHTY GOD, being “sovereign” and “elect” in nature, spirit, and essence (quoting(US Constitution, Preamble) owner of stolen property pictured above, little natural, corporeal male born of my body, or, “vessel,” on my “waters,” out of your “jurisdiction,”
now, julian-jacob: of family saloom, being  aged seven years old as of 2014, being secreted and held hostage unreasonably, unlawfully, unconstitutionally, and without cause or authority as no crime was committed or even alleged to have been committed by natural (wo)man, individual, or her property

The Fix is In…Harris County Family Court Rooms, 310th (Houston,TX)

Judicial candidate returns illegal campaign donations …

You Guessed it, Folks….for $20,000.00  You, Too Can Have Your Way, I Mean “Day in Court“(but then  the $20,000 fee was not a guess, but rather the ole’ “Damon 10,000 Screw” According to former FBI Agent Terminology)

$20,000 from couples exceeded state limits

 Updated: February 18, 2014 10:45pm



Coincidence?  I think not!

 “Woe unto you Pharisees and Scribes!” (Matthew 23:23)

Lisa Millard.Comment on bribe.petition to remove.06.24.14 001


http://www.jonisaloom.wordpress.com/category/kids-for-cash-film-demonstrative-exhibit-filed-with-united-states-district-court (Kids for Cash Scandal, Video)


http://www.jonisaloom.wordpress.com/category/family-court-fraud/cps-judge-looks-out-for-kids-and-turns-whistleblower/ (Video, Former San Diego Family Court Judge Tells)

Lisa Millard and John Nichols.CLE presenters.Keeping It in and Keeping it Out.Error Preservation






http://www.jonisaloom.wordpress.com/category/rate-your-family-court-system-in-your-state-and-county/(Rate Your Court by Filling Out this Report Card)

http://www.jonisaloom.wordpress.com/category/watch-chamber-of-secrets-48-hours/ (“Chamber of Secrets,” Mom Wears a Wire, Judge, Clerk, and Attorney Indicted)





Judge Lisa Millard Prohibits Mother from Speaking Spanish to her Daughter at Home: Recused

Houston Chronicle
Section A, Page 13
Tuesday, Aug. 22, 2000

Hispanics protest order that mother speak English to child

Hispanic leaders on Monday demanded a judge rescind an order that requires a woman to speak English to her child and apologize for issuing it.
State Rep. Rick Noriega, D-Houston, said state District Judge Lisa Millard’s order violated First Amendment free speech rights by ordering Natalia Gonzalez to speak English to her 6-year-old daughter Carolina at home.
This type of “action by Judge Millard is frequently reserved for the kinds of countries that don’t have a democracy. I think an apology is in order,” Noriega said.
Noriega was among the Hispanic leaders who criticized Millard’s ruling at a news conference held outside the Family Court Building.
Joel Salazar, president of the Mexican American Bar Association of Houston, said Millard revealed a bias against Hispanics and the idea that a bilingual education is as good as an education received primarily in English.
Would this judge would order a redneck to speak proper English?” Salazar said.

The court, we believe, was abusing its discretion,” he said.

Millard has come under fire after it was reported last week that she issued the order in spring 1999 following testimony from Carolina’s teacher that the child would continue to fall behind unless her parents spoke English to her at home. Her parents signed off on Millard’s order, and her father, Ramon Gonzalez, continues to support it.
Carolina’s parents are entangled in a custody battle in Millard’s family law court.
Natalia Gonzalez has asked that Millard be recused because, the mother’s lawyers say, the judge has demonstrated bias by requiring English be spoken in the home and failing to let the mother’s witnesses testify on her behalf at a May hearing.
State District Judge Fred Edwards of Montgomery County is expected to rule this week on the motion to recuse Millard.
At the hearing in May, Millard made changes in who has custody of Carolina and extended the order banning Spanish at home. Ramon Gonzalez’s lawyer, Tom Conner, said he put in the extension of the no-Spanish requirement when he and Natalia Gonzalez’s lawyer drew up the agreed-on order for Millard to sign.
Conner said court-appointed investigators were to have interviewed Carolina and other family members in the coming months before Millard decides on permanent custody arrangements. Conner said he sought to force the parents to talk English to Carolina so they wouldn’t speak to her in Spanish and tell her what to say when English-speaking investigators came.
Natalia Gonzalez’s lawyers didn’t oppose the ban on Spanish in the home in spring 1999 or May, Conner said.
Natalia Gonzalez has disappeared with the child, and she may have fled country, Conner said.



Houston Chronicle
Section A, Page 21
Wednesday, Aug. 23, 2002

No-Spanish order punctures First Amendment

Of all legal tangles, child custody cases are among the most complicated, emotional and difficult to devine.
The case of Natalia Gonzalez, her former husband, Ramon Gonzalez, and their daughter, Carolina, seems a textbook example of all of those descriptions.
At the heart of the case is a disturbing order issued by the state District Judge Lisa Millard in April 1999 that Natalia Gonzalez should not be allowed to speak Spanish in the presence of her daughter.
Teachers for the child had told the parents that she would do better in school if her English improved. Attorneys in the case say the Gonzalezes signed off on the judge’s order, this even though there is research to refute the belief that eliminating the child’s first language would help her in school.

Now attorneys for the mother are asking to have the judge recused from the case on the grounds that the no-Spanish ruling shows a disregard for the First Amendment and bias on the part of Millard.
It gets even more complex. Natalia Gonzalez was to have turned Carolina over to her former husband’s family Aug. 6, but didn’t do so and appears to have left the area with the child.

Attorney Richard Orsinger, who represents the woman, has argued further that Millard revealed bias when she threatened to put the child in a foster home if the parents didn’t work out a temporary custody arrangement. With this threat hanging over her, the mother signed off on the custody arrangement and the provision that she not speak Spanish to the child at home, Orsinger said.
Ramon Gonzalez’s lawyers argued Natalia Gonzalez is raising this issue as a ploy because his former wife is upset the judge took primary custody from her.
Another judge will decide whether Millard should indeed be recused.

However it all turns out, there is merit to the First Amendment portion of Orsinger’s argument, which is also being made by Latino community groups. We skirt dangerously close to losing a basic, right when we allow a judge, for whatever noble purpose, to dictate what we can say and how we can say it, even in our own homes.
The fact that the weight of judicial authority could have played a role in pressuring either or both of the Gonzalezes into signing away their free-speech rights ought to be al the more disturbing to all of us.
We understand that Millard had difficult and complex circumstances with which to deal. The no-Spanish order was issued, say attorneys, “mostly to prevent the child from being improperly influenced by either parent” during supervised visitations by non-Spanish –speaking personnel.
Sounds as if the court needs to hire more bilingual personnel.
Meanwhile, Judge Millard may want to think it all, for amid all the confusion one thing remains certain: With regard to the freedom of speech – in any language – the Constitution is in pretty plain English.

Motion to Disqualify Ad Litem in Custody Case DeniedMother prohibited from speaking Spanish to child at home

Brenda Sapino Jeffreys
Texas Lawyer
October 16, 2000

Houston family-law attorney Robert S. Clark has fended off a rare attempt to
disqualify him from serving as guardian ad litem in a contentious custody
battle marked by controversy over an order — now vacated — that prohibited
the mother of a 6-year-old from speaking Spanish to the child at home.

Judge Lisa Millard wasn’t as lucky as Clark; the Houston family-court judge
was recused from the suit in August after lawyers representing Natalia
Gonzalez, a Mexican national, alleged that Millard was biased and interfered
with Gonzalez’ constitutional rights by prohibiting her from speaking Spanish
around her daughter.

But lawyers for Gonzalez also sought to disqualify Clark, a sole
practitioner, on the grounds that he failed to protect the interests of
6-year-old Natalia Carolina Gonzalez, who apparently was taken out of the
country by her mother in early August.

After hearings on Oct. 3 and 4, 311th District Judge Douglas Warne, the
Houston family-law judge presiding over the custody battle between Gonzalez
and her ex-husband since Millard’s recusal, denied the motion to disqualify
Clark, saying he has made a “good-faith effort” to represent the child, known
as Carolina.

Clark and Houston’s Thomas Conner, a lawyer for Carolina’s father, tried
during the hearing to find out from Natalia Gonzalez’ lawyer where Carolina
is living. But J. Michael Solar testified on Oct. 4 that he does not know the
whereabouts of the child. He testified, however, that he did notify his
client, Natalia Gonzalez, about an order from Warne to produce the child in
court by 3 p.m. on Oct. 4.

After the child was not brought to court on Oct. 4, Warne issued a
preliminary order awarding sole managing custody of the 6-year-old to her
father, Ramon Gonzalez, and ordering Natalia Gonzalez to deliver the child to
her ex-husband’s house by 6 p.m. on Oct. 8.

Ramon Gonzalez has not seen the child since July 31, when he turned her over
to her mother under terms of a custody agreement. He testified that when he
and his son and daughter-in-law went to pick Carolina up on Aug. 6, no one
was home and her mother’s house was empty.

Natalia and Ramon Gonzalez were divorced in March 1997, but their fight for
custody of Carolina has been raging for months, apparently culminating in
Natalia Gonzalez’ departure from Harris County with the child. The suit has
been hotly litigated, but the no-Spanish order and the resulting motion to
recuse Millard because of her alleged bias thrust it into the limelight, with
Hispanic community groups in Houston criticizing the unusual order. Millard
did not return a call seeking comment.

Solar, of Solar & Associates of Houston, says Carolina should have a new ad
litem attorney because Clark did too little to protect the child from onerous
orders — such as the no-Spanish order. Solar also complains that Clark did
too little to investigate allegations raised by the child’s mother that
Carolina was sexually abused by her father and his girlfriend. (Dr. Ramon
Laval, a court-appointed psychologist, testified on Oct. 3 that he found no
evidence Carolina was abused. A sexual-propensity evaluation by another
doctor, also ordered by Millard, is pending.)

“He was appointed, and it was 13 months before he saw the child,” Solar said
about Clark’s work. “He basically sat back and let other people assume his

Solar criticized Clark for allowing Millard to lift an order prohibiting
contact between the child and Ramon Gonzalez’ girlfriend (now his common-law
wife) until results of the sexual-propensity evaluation are complete.

“This child was largely left to flounder out here without supervision,” Solar
suggested in court.

Conner, a partner in Conner & Lindamood, says the abuse allegations are

“Two independent mental-health care people found no sex abuse and the only
person who did was Natalia’s hired psychologist,” Conner says.

Solar also suggests that Clark showed bias by supporting Millard at the
recusal hearing.

“He did not object to the conduct that formed the basis of the recusal motion
and adamantly argued on behalf of the court in the underlying proceeding,”
Solar says.

Without giving a specific reason, 9th District Judge Frederick Edwards of
Conroe signed an order on Aug. 24 granting a motion to recuse Millard.

But in denying the motion to remove Clark, Warne said Clark has made a
good-faith effort to represent Carolina Gonzalez’ interests. The judge
pointed out that many of the orders in the custody suit are agreed orders. He
also said he would not expect Clark to question a child personally about
sexual abuse allegations — and, in fact, would remove any ad litem who did

He suggested it’s not unusual for ad litems to be criticized for doing too
little — or doing too much and running up costs.

“I don’t think this motion to disqualify is properly about the English
language issue,” the judge said.


Solar grilled Clark for several hours about what he did and when, while
representing Carolina Gonzalez. But Solar found the table turned when Ramon
Gonzalez’ lawyer, Conner, put Solar on the witness stand to testify during a
hearing on an emergency motion to give Ramon Gonzalez custody of his

Solar was asked numerous questions about the whereabouts of Carolina and her
mother. He testified he does not know where Carolina Gonzalez is living and
if she’s with her mother or subject to her control.

Asserting attorney-client privilege, Solar did not have to answer questions
about Natalia Gonzalez’ intentions, such as whether she would abide by
Warne’s Oct. 3 order to produce Carolina Gonzalez.

Solar testified that he spoke to Natalia Gonzalez on the evening of Oct. 3,
when she telephoned him. He said he last saw her in late August at the office
of her attorney in Mexico City, but he does not have a telephone number or
address for his client.

“She contacts me. I have expressed an interest in talking to her from time to
time,” Solar explained.

Clark asked Solar to assist him in setting up a face-to-face meeting with
Natalia Gonzalez and her daughter, but Solar testified he would have to
consult with counsel first. “I want to do the right thing by my client,”
Solar added.

Clark was unsatisfied: “Your client is complaining through this motion that I
don’t have enough contact with her, yet you don’t know if you can assist me
in contacting her?”

Ramon Gonzalez testified that his ex-wife has not provided him with an
address or telephone number, but did have him served with a custody suit she
filed in Mexico.

Warne said he expected to sign an order granting sole managing custody to
Ramon Gonzalez at another hearing on Oct. 6. after Texas Lawyer’s press time.
He said he would delay signing the order until after he reviewed previous
testimony of Susana Rosin, a child psychologist who reported Carolina’s
sexual abuse allegations against her father and his girlfriend.

Although Ramon Gonzalez’ lawyer says he is pleased with Warne’s preliminary
order giving custody of Carolina to her father, Conner says it’s a Pyrrhic
victory. Conner expects Ramon Gonzalez to have to go to Mexico to get his
daughter, despite Warne’s order.

“I don’t think you’ll see this lady on this side of the Rio Bravo anytime
soon,” Conner says.

Solar says he’s extremely disappointed with Warne’s rulings and is
considering several options, including appeals, to protect his client’s

Fair Use and Legal Disclaimer (PROMINENTLY DISPLAYED):

(1)  This post is made in good faith and for deterrent purposes against child abusers, alleged child abusers, and those who would maternally alienate fit, loving mothers and children from one another.

(2) Content in this post is protected by Julian’s Real Mummy’s First Amendment herein claimed rights as a natural-born American, “sovereign,” “elect” citizen pursuant to the Supremacy Clause of the US Constitution and incorporated Bill of Rights made applicable to the states via ratification and application of the Fourteenth Amendment to the Federal, US Constitution and incorporated Bill of Rights, under the freedom of expression, freedom of association, freedom to peaceably assemble, and freedom to speech.

(3) All content in this post is also protected pursuant to the Federal statute 17 U.S.C., section 107 (“Fair Use”) as this content is solely intended for general knowledge, academic research, and/or entertainment purposes.

(4)  If anyone should desire, require, or demand a retraction or modification in part or in full, you must contact the author of this blog for fair notice to correct, pursuant to reasonable and lawfully obtained evidence supported by all legal and factual bases for your desire, demand, and/or requirement for  a full or partial retraction in a timely manner so that Author of this blog may respond expediently and lawfully.

i second that motion and emotion; Another Petition to Remove Judge Lisa Millard from the Bench; Regards from the Lion Who Watches the Eagle Who Watches the “Mongoose” (Greg B. Enos, Atty.), who watches the brood of vipers in the courts






Oh, goody.  The votes on this petition might actually help account for the 1,000 votes that disappeared from the last petition tally overnight.  Yes, others are watching the watchers.

Cheers to the author of this petition.  Did you know that Judge Lisa Millard in Houston, Texas (Harris County) and her assistant judge, Conrad Moren, also know many other pernicious crimes like bribery, as reported or alleged by more than one mother, aiding and abetting kidnappers, protecting alleged pedophiles and child traffickers, verbal assault on a witness, failure to adhere to constitutional oath of office which she confesses regularly on and off official and unofficial court record, abuse of office and title, racketeering and federal R.I.C.O. crimes, obstruction of justice, wrongful suppression of evidence, abuse of procedure, domestic terrorism, fraud, both implicit and explicit, crimes of “immunity,” prosecutorial misconduct, intentional suppression of exculpatory and inculpatory evidence, refuses to comply with demands for jury that she has otherwise promised on court record (official and unofficial) and also for any (or) all findings of fact and conclusions of law to support her client(father’s) heavily bank-rolled decisions, egregious crimes of injustice, inhumanity, unfairness, inequity, and, as reported, alleged, or opined by others with firsthand, actual, legal knowledge, allegedly engages in radical and extreme gender, socioeconomic, and racial disparity or discrimination (both female and male bias, depending upon whomever holds the proverbial purse strings or is represented by a more powerful friend or contributor/voter of hers), Sovereignty, natural citizens, parents and children, treason, misprision, legislating from the bench, upholding bills of attainder, threats of false imprisonment or kidnapping, collaboration/conspiracy not unlike Judge Elizabeth Coker and Judge Denise Pratt, both whom resigned or were forced to resign with more dignity than Millard, tampering with government documents, abuse of process, subornation of perjury, witness tampering, ex-parte queen, fiduciary and other fraud, double, triple-dipping in federal funds to serve self and special interest lobbyists that help fund her phony judicial campaign that is run as a front for the Red Party under the alias “Republican Party?”  It’s true.  Both she and Conrad Moren are exposed.  Signed, the Lion that watches the eagle, that watches the “mongoose” (Greg B. Enos, Atty.), that watches the brood of vipers in the courts in and around Harris County (Houston), Texas.  One (Friendly) Question, Mr. “Mongoose”:  Was that the voice of “unflappable” associate judge on your Twelve Days of Christmas post on The Mongoose blog who arrogantly wrote, “Thank you, Greg, we appreciate the ‘work’ you do for ‘us.’?”  Regardless, what does this speaker propose to mean, or, rather boast about, when he or she writes, and I am paraphrasing here, “It is no use trying to fight it, their taking over is inevitable?”  Is this person referring to a certain “Party” not of their own, yet, for whom they are consistently making criminal rulings for under threat of losing pensions and positions, exposure or blackmail/extortion, or even worse, of their own free will and volition with a voluntary spirit with sufficient knowledge of harm?  I claim dibs on front row seats at the “New” Nuremburg Trials–which may or may not be “imminent.”  The MSM and disinformation propagandists appear to purposefully leave out the most powerful “Party” of all, which this Author aspires to represent faithfully, earnestly, and steadfastly.  On any given day, it is anyone’s game!  “Take heart and have courage,” for the Kingdom of Heaven is near, and He shall come like a thief in the night.”  Are you ready to not look back or hold onto anything of this world?  Thanks to official oppression and total deprivation untolled, yet being tolled, this Author has died to the Righteous Fight.  Cliches are sometimes true, in this case, “Good always Triumphs over Evil in the End.”  “Invictus,” my Friends.  It is not too late to join the Good, winning, Triumphant Team.  Remember, it’s a marathon, not a sprint (another cliche from the grand tradition of a certain Circuit has  underestimated and under-esteemed by other Circuits not so empowered).  Just remember that the Lord enabled the Assyrians and Babylonians to oppress others specifically to set them up for their own Fall.  Now that is useful ancient wisdom illumined and mysterious, and most powerful.

PUBLIC NOTICE TO KIDNAPPERS OF julian jacob worrell of genealogy saloom

PUBLIC NOTICE TO KIDNAPPERS OFMY ONLY SON,julian jacob worrell of genealogy saloom near Houston, Texas:



$1, 635,840.00  x 2 =  $ 3, 271,680.00

R.I.C.O. Act of 1970 predicate acts or crimes included,

The following individuals, jointly and severally, owe $1,635, 840.00 (tax and interest exclusive) to joni saloom , Julian’s Real Mummy (list does not necessarily include all individuals liable as co-conspirators):

1.  Cheryl Harvick (sued individually and officially because could not have acted individually without official position, the “color” of code or law), Brazoria Count CPS supervisor/promoted to director for discovery to reveal or not (violation of US Constitutional rights of natural American “citizens,” conspiracy against US Constitutional rights of natural American “citizens” under color of law; neglect to protect; 42 U.S.C., sections 1983, 1985(3), 1986, and 1988;  specifically, violation of both procedural and of substantive due process of law pursuant to the Federal US Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments to the Federal US Constitution and Bill of Rights ratifies and applies directly to the people through the Fourteenth Amendment to the Federal, US Constitution; violation of and conspiracy against  freedom of expression, speech, association, right to seek redress for grievances from the government without (reasonable) fear of or actual retaliation or denial and violation of further US Constitutional, natural,implied rights, freedoms, and liberties; well-established right to familial association (not to be confused with familial “integrity;” freedom to direct the moral and religious upbringing of my private property described as “child” pursuant to Amendment I/First Amendment to the Federal US Constitution and its Bill of Rights ratifies and applies directly to the people through the Amendment XIV/Fourteenth Amendment to the US Constitution;  unlawful, wrongful, malicious, retaliatory unreasonable search and unreasonable, unlawful, wrongful  seizure pursuant to violated Amendment IV/Fourth Amendment to the Federal, US Constitution and Bill of Rights; violation, the foreseeably planned (“conspired”), knowing and intentional use of excessive force/cruel and unusual punishment, the intended retaliation “under”/ pursuant to Amendment VIII/Eighth Amendment to the Federal, US Constitution and Bill of Rights ratifies and applies directly to the people through Amendment XIV/Fourteenth Amendment to the Federal US Constitution; violation and conspiracy against Amendment IX/Ninth Amendment to the Federal, US Constitution implied and God-given natural law, inalienable and unalienable rights not to have any other US Constitutional amendment infringe upon any other rights, freedoms, or liberties claimed by natural American “citizens;” violation and conspiracy against right against involuntary servitude absent commission of a crime pursuant to/”under” Amendment XIII/Thirteenth Amendment to the Federal uS Constitution; violation and conspiracy against rights to procedural due and substantive process of law and equal and substantive protection of those federal laws against gender bias, socio-economic or social status, racial or ethnic heritage, and marital status, the right to privacy–“to be left alone absent government intrusion;” the right to freedom of movement–“bodily integrity;” and the right to familial integrity (not to be confused with the well-established, strictly scrutinized First Amendment fundamental right to direct the moral and religious upbringing of one’s natural private property described “child” and to freely associate and express with one’s natural “child,” the right not to have exculpatory evidence suppressed or undisclosed; the right not to be perjured against which definition legally and lawfully includes retaliatory, malicious and invidiously discriminatory, racially animated slurs—essentially, a “hate crime”–with the knowing, intentionally harmful expectation to permanently deprive one of custody, control, and management of one’s natural property “child” under/pursuant to the Fourteenth Amendment to the Federal uS Constitution ratifies and applies directly to the people through the Fourteenth Amendment to the Federal US Constitution, among many other “state” law crimes and predicate acts pursuant to the federal R.I.C.O. Act of 1970.  See also, official oppression; honest services fraud; simple conspiracy and fraud; assault; intention to abduct a child from custody and hand over to known kidnapper and alleged child sex offender, child enticement; interference with child custody; interference with access and visitation; retaliation; invasion of privacy; violation of federal mail and wiretap laws/conspiracy; child abuse, child endangerment; intentional infliction of emotional distress; neglilgent infliction of emotional distress; malicious prosecution; mail and wire fraud; theft; grand theft; extortion; perjury; subornation of perjury; honest services fraud; fraudulent concealment and deception; conversion; entrapment by estoppel; tampering with government documents, etc., . . .); failure to report child abuse or neglect; alienation of affection;gross negligence;

2.  Paul Elton; (sued individually and officially because could not have acted individually without official position, the “color” of code or law), police officer for City of Pearland, municipal defendant for Monell claims for damages (violation of US Constitutional rights of natural American “citizens,” conspiracy against US Constitutional rights of natural American “citizens” under color of law; neglect to protect; 42 U.S.C., sections 1983, 1985(3), 1986, and 1988;  specifically, violation of both procedural and of substantive due process of law pursuant to the Federal US Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments to the Federal US Constitution and Bill of Rights ratifies and applies directly to the people through the Fourteenth Amendment to the Federal, US Constitution; violation of and conspiracy against  freedom of expression, speech, association, right to seek redress for grievances from the government without (reasonable) fear of or actual retaliation or denial and violation of further US Constitutional, natural,implied rights, freedoms, and liberties; freedom to direct the moral and religious upbringing of my private property described as “child” pursuant to Amendment I/First Amendment to the Federal US Constitution and its Bill of Rights ratifies and applies directly to the people through the Amendment XIV/Fourteenth Amendment to the US Constitution;  unlawful, wrongful, malicious, retaliatory unreasonable search and unreasonable, unlawful, wrongful  seizure pursuant to violated Amendment IV/Fourth Amendment to the Federal, US Constitution and Bill of Rights; violation, the foreseeably planned (“conspired”), knowing and intentional use of excessive force/cruel and unusual punishment, the intended retaliation “under”/ pursuant to Amendment VIII/Eighth Amendment to the Federal, US Constitution and Bill of Rights ratifies and applies directly to the people through Amendment XIV/Fourteenth Amendment to the Federal US Constitution; violation and conspiracy against Amendment IX/Ninth Amendment to the Federal, US Constitution implied and God-given natural law, inalienable and unalienable rights not to have any other US Constitutional amendment infringe upon any other rights, freedoms, or liberties claimed by natural American “citizens;” violation and conspiracy against right against involuntary servitude absent commission of a crime pursuant to/”under” Amendment XIII/Thirteenth Amendment to the Federal uS Constitution; violation and conspiracy against rights to procedural due and substantive process of law and equal and substantive protection of those federal laws against gender bias, socio-economic or social status, racial or ethnic heritage, and marital status, the right to privacy–“to be left alone absent government intrusion;” the right to freedom of movement–“bodily integrity;” and the right to familial integrity (not to be confused with the well-established, strictly scrutinized First Amendment fundamental right to direct the moral and religious upbringing of one’s natural private property described “child” and to freely associate and express with one’s natural “child,” the right not to have exculpatory evidence suppressed or undisclosed; the right not to be perjured against which definition legally and lawfully includes retaliatory, malicious and invidiously discriminatory, racially animated slurs—essentially, a “hate crime”–with the knowing, intentionally harmful expectation to permanently deprive one of custody, control, and management of one’s natural property “child” under/pursuant to the Fourteenth Amendment to the Federal uS Constitution ratifies and applies directly to the people through the Fourteenth Amendment to the Federal US Constitution, among many other “state” law crimes and predicate acts pursuant to the federal R.I.C.O. Act of 1970.  See also, official oppression; honest services fraud; simple conspiracy and fraud; assault; intention to abduct a child from custody and hand over to known kidnapper and alleged child sex offender, child enticement; interference with child custody; interference with access and visitation; retaliation; invasion of privacy; violation of federal mail and wiretap laws/conspiracy; child abuse, child endangerment; intentional infliction of emotional distress; neglilgent infliction of emotional distress; malicious prosecution; mail and wire fraud; theft; grand theft; extortion; perjury; subornation of perjury; honest services fraud; fraudulent concealment and deception; conversion; entrapment by estoppel; tampering with government documents, etc., . . .), failure to report child abuse or neglect; alienation of affection; gross negligence

3.  William Lilly; (sued individually and officially because could not have acted individually without official position, the “color” of code or law); police officer, special investigations, (sex) crimes against children unit, Harris County /Harris County Office of Risk Management and Human Resources/Harris County Sheriff’s Office appointed by Harris County Sheriff, Adrian Garcia; (violation of US Constitutional rights of natural American “citizens,” conspiracy against US Constitutional rights of natural American “citizens” under color of law; neglect to protect; 42 U.S.C., sections 1983, 1985(3), 1986, and 1988;  specifically, violation of both procedural and of substantive due process of law pursuant to the Federal US Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments to the Federal US Constitution and Bill of Rights ratifies and applies directly to the people through the Fourteenth Amendment to the Federal, US Constitution; violation of and conspiracy against  freedom of expression, speech, association, right to seek redress for grievances from the government without (reasonable) fear of or actual retaliation or denial and violation of further US Constitutional, natural,implied rights, freedoms, and liberties; freedom to direct the moral and religious upbringing of my private property described as “child” pursuant to Amendment I/First Amendment to the Federal US Constitution and its Bill of Rights ratifies and applies directly to the people through the Amendment XIV/Fourteenth Amendment to the US Constitution;  unlawful, wrongful, malicious, retaliatory unreasonable search and unreasonable, unlawful, wrongful  seizure pursuant to violated Amendment IV/Fourth Amendment to the Federal, US Constitution and Bill of Rights; violation, the foreseeably planned (“conspired”), knowing and intentional use of excessive force/cruel and unusual punishment, the intended retaliation “under”/ pursuant to Amendment VIII/Eighth Amendment to the Federal, US Constitution and Bill of Rights ratifies and applies directly to the people through Amendment XIV/Fourteenth Amendment to the Federal US Constitution; violation and conspiracy against Amendment IX/Ninth Amendment to the Federal, US Constitution implied and God-given natural law, inalienable and unalienable rights not to have any other US Constitutional amendment infringe upon any other rights, freedoms, or liberties claimed by natural American “citizens;” violation and conspiracy against right against involuntary servitude absent commission of a crime pursuant to/”under” Amendment XIII/Thirteenth Amendment to the Federal uS Constitution; violation and conspiracy against rights to procedural due and substantive process of law and equal and substantive protection of those federal laws against gender bias, socio-economic or social status, racial or ethnic heritage, and marital status, the right to privacy–“to be left alone absent government intrusion;” the right to freedom of movement–“bodily integrity;” and the right to familial integrity (not to be confused with the well-established, strictly scrutinized First Amendment fundamental right to direct the moral and religious upbringing of one’s natural private property described “child” and to freely associate and express with one’s natural “child,” the right not to have exculpatory evidence suppressed or undisclosed; the right not to be perjured against which definition legally and lawfully includes retaliatory, malicious and invidiously discriminatory, racially animated slurs—essentially, a “hate crime”–with the knowing, intentionally harmful expectation to permanently deprive one of custody, control, and management of one’s natural property “child” under/pursuant to the Fourteenth Amendment to the Federal uS Constitution ratifies and applies directly to the people through the Fourteenth Amendment to the Federal US Constitution, among many other “state” law crimes and predicate acts pursuant to the federal R.I.C.O. Act of 1970.  See also, official oppression; honest services fraud; simple conspiracy and fraud; assault; intention to abduct a child from custody and hand over to known kidnapper and alleged child sex offender, child enticement; interference with child custody; interference with access and visitation; retaliation; invasion of privacy; violation of federal mail and wiretap laws/conspiracy; child abuse, child endangerment; intentional infliction of emotional distress; neglilgent infliction of emotional distress; malicious prosecution; mail and wire fraud; theft; grand theft; extortion; perjury; subornation of perjury; honest services fraud; fraudulent concealment and deception; conversion; entrapment by estoppel; tampering with government documents, etc., . . .); failure to report child abuse or neglect; alienation of affection; gross negligence;

4.  Lesly Damian-Murray; (sued individually and officially because could not have acted individually without official position, the “color” of code or law), Brazoria Count CPS caseworker (violation of US Constitutional rights of natural American “citizens,” conspiracy against US Constitutional rights of natural American “citizens” under color of law; neglect to protect; 42 U.S.C., sections 1983, 1985(3), 1986, and 1988;  specifically, violation of both procedural and of substantive due process of law pursuant to the Federal US Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments to the Federal US Constitution and Bill of Rights ratifies and applies directly to the people through the Fourteenth Amendment to the Federal, US Constitution; violation of and conspiracy against  freedom of expression, speech, association, right to seek redress for grievances from the government without (reasonable) fear of or actual retaliation or denial and violation of further US Constitutional, natural,implied rights, freedoms, and liberties; freedom to direct the moral and religious upbringing of my private property described as “child” pursuant to Amendment I/First Amendment to the Federal US Constitution and its Bill of Rights ratifies and applies directly to the people through the Amendment XIV/Fourteenth Amendment to the US Constitution;  unlawful, wrongful, malicious, retaliatory unreasonable search and unreasonable, unlawful, wrongful  seizure pursuant to violated Amendment IV/Fourth Amendment to the Federal, US Constitution and Bill of Rights; violation, the foreseeably planned (“conspired”), knowing and intentional use of excessive force/cruel and unusual punishment, the intended retaliation “under”/ pursuant to Amendment VIII/Eighth Amendment to the Federal, US Constitution and Bill of Rights ratifies and applies directly to the people through Amendment XIV/Fourteenth Amendment to the Federal US Constitution; violation and conspiracy against Amendment IX/Ninth Amendment to the Federal, US Constitution implied and God-given natural law, inalienable and unalienable rights not to have any other US Constitutional amendment infringe upon any other rights, freedoms, or liberties claimed by natural American “citizens;” violation and conspiracy against right against involuntary servitude absent commission of a crime pursuant to/”under” Amendment XIII/Thirteenth Amendment to the Federal uS Constitution; violation and conspiracy against rights to procedural due and substantive process of law and equal and substantive protection of those federal laws against gender bias, socio-economic or social status, racial or ethnic heritage, and marital status, the right to privacy–“to be left alone absent government intrusion;” the right to freedom of movement–“bodily integrity;” and the right to familial integrity (not to be confused with the well-established, strictly scrutinized First Amendment fundamental right to direct the moral and religious upbringing of one’s natural private property described “child” and to freely associate and express with one’s natural “child,” the right not to have exculpatory evidence suppressed or undisclosed; the right not to be perjured against which definition legally and lawfully includes retaliatory, malicious and invidiously discriminatory, racially animated slurs—essentially, a “hate crime”–with the knowing, intentionally harmful expectation to permanently deprive one of custody, control, and management of one’s natural property “child” under/pursuant to the Fourteenth Amendment to the Federal uS Constitution ratifies and applies directly to the people through the Fourteenth Amendment to the Federal US Constitution, among many other “state” law crimes and predicate acts pursuant to the federal R.I.C.O. Act of 1970.  See also, official oppression; honest services fraud; simple conspiracy and fraud; assault; intention to abduct a child from custody and hand over to known kidnapper and alleged child sex offender, child enticement; interference with child custody; interference with access and visitation; retaliation; invasion of privacy; violation of federal mail and wiretap laws/conspiracy; child abuse, child endangerment; intentional infliction of emotional distress; neglilgent infliction of emotional distress; malicious prosecution; mail and wire fraud; theft; grand theft; extortion; perjury; subornation of perjury; honest services fraud; fraudulent concealment and deception; conversion; entrapment by estoppel; tampering with government documents, etc., . . .); failure to report child abuse or neglect; alienation of affection;gross negligence;

5.  Karen Coblentz; (sued individually and officially because could not have acted individually without official position, the “color” of code or law), Brazoria Count CPS  director; sued for violation of and conspiracy against  US Constitutional rights of natural American “citizens,” conspiracy against US Constitutional rights of natural American “citizens” under color of law; neglect to protect; 42 U.S.C., sections 1983, 1985(3), 1986, and 1988;  specifically, violation of both procedural and of substantive due process of law pursuant to the Federal US Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments to the Federal US Constitution and Bill of Rights ratifies and applies directly to the people through the Fourteenth Amendment to the Federal, US Constitution; violation of and conspiracy against  freedom of expression, speech, association, right to seek redress for grievances from the government without (reasonable) fear of or actual retaliation or denial and violation of further US Constitutional, natural,implied rights, freedoms, and liberties; freedom to direct the moral and religious upbringing of my private property described as “child” pursuant to Amendment I/First Amendment to the Federal US Constitution and its Bill of Rights ratifies and applies directly to the people through the Amendment XIV/Fourteenth Amendment to the US Constitution;  unlawful, wrongful, malicious, retaliatory unreasonable search and unreasonable, unlawful, wrongful  seizure pursuant to violated Amendment IV/Fourth Amendment to the Federal, US Constitution and Bill of Rights; violation, the foreseeably planned (“conspired”), knowing and intentional use of excessive force/cruel and unusual punishment, the intended retaliation “under”/ pursuant to Amendment VIII/Eighth Amendment to the Federal, US Constitution and Bill of Rights ratifies and applies directly to the people through Amendment XIV/Fourteenth Amendment to the Federal US Constitution; violation and conspiracy against Amendment IX/Ninth Amendment to the Federal, US Constitution implied and God-given natural law, inalienable and unalienable rights not to have any other US Constitutional amendment infringe upon any other rights, freedoms, or liberties claimed by natural American “citizens;” violation and conspiracy against right against involuntary servitude absent commission of a crime pursuant to/”under” Amendment XIII/Thirteenth Amendment to the Federal uS Constitution; violation and conspiracy against rights to procedural due and substantive process of law and equal and substantive protection of those federal laws against gender bias, socio-economic or social status, racial or ethnic heritage, and marital status, the right to privacy–“to be left alone absent government intrusion;” the right to freedom of movement–“bodily integrity;” and the right to familial integrity (not to be confused with the well-established, strictly scrutinized First Amendment fundamental right to direct the moral and religious upbringing of one’s natural private property described “child” and to freely associate and express with one’s natural “child,” the right not to have exculpatory evidence suppressed or undisclosed; the right not to be perjured against which definition legally and lawfully includes retaliatory, malicious and invidiously discriminatory, racially animated slurs—essentially, a “hate crime”–with the knowing, intentionally harmful expectation to permanently deprive one of custody, control, and management of one’s natural property “child” under/pursuant to the Fourteenth Amendment to the Federal uS Constitution ratifies and applies directly to the people through the Fourteenth Amendment to the Federal US Constitution, among many other “state” law crimes and predicate acts pursuant to the federal R.I.C.O. Act of 1970.  See also, official oppression; honest services fraud; simple conspiracy and fraud; assault; intention to abduct a child from custody and hand over to known kidnapper and alleged child sex offender, child enticement; interference with child custody; interference with access and visitation; retaliation; invasion of privacy; violation of federal mail and wiretap laws/conspiracy; child abuse, child endangerment; intentional infliction of emotional distress; neglilgent infliction of emotional distress; malicious prosecution; mail and wire fraud; theft; grand theft; extortion; perjury; subornation of perjury; honest services fraud; fraudulent concealment and deception; conversion; entrapment by estoppel; tampering with government documents, etc., . . .); failure to report child abuse or neglect; alienation of affection; gross negligence;

Notice has been issued with proof of receipt pursuant to Federal statutes 42 U.S.C., sections 1983; 1985(3), 1986, and 1988 to the following individuals for their respective roles in the conspiracy and kidnapping of Julian Jacob Worrell of genealogy Saloom from his natural mother that culminated on May 08, 2012.

6.  Matthew James Worrell; violation of and conspiracy/”interference” against US Constitutional rights of natural American “citizens,” conspiracy against US Constitutional rights of natural American “citizens” under color of law; neglect to protect; 42 U.S.C., sections 1983, 1985(3), 1986, and 1988;  specifically, violation of both procedural and of substantive due process of law pursuant to the Federal US Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments to the Federal US Constitution and Bill of Rights ratifies and applies directly to the people through the Fourteenth Amendment to the Federal, US Constitution; violation of and conspiracy against  freedom of expression, speech, association, right to seek redress for grievances from the government without (reasonable) fear of or actual retaliation or denial and violation of further US Constitutional, natural,implied rights, freedoms, and liberties; freedom to direct the moral and religious upbringing of my private property described as “child” pursuant to Amendment I/First Amendment to the Federal US Constitution and its Bill of Rights ratifies and applies directly to the people through the Amendment XIV/Fourteenth Amendment to the US Constitution;  unlawful, wrongful, malicious, retaliatory unreasonable search and unreasonable, unlawful, wrongful  seizure pursuant to violated Amendment IV/Fourth Amendment to the Federal, US Constitution and Bill of Rights; violation, the foreseeably planned (“conspired”), knowing and intentional use of excessive force/cruel and unusual punishment, the intended retaliation “under”/ pursuant to Amendment VIII/Eighth Amendment to the Federal, US Constitution and Bill of Rights ratifies and applies directly to the people through Amendment XIV/Fourteenth Amendment to the Federal US Constitution; violation and conspiracy against Amendment IX/Ninth Amendment to the Federal, US Constitution implied and God-given natural law, inalienable and unalienable rights not to have any other US Constitutional amendment infringe upon any other rights, freedoms, or liberties claimed by natural American “citizens;” violation and conspiracy against right against involuntary servitude absent commission of a crime pursuant to/”under” Amendment XIII/Thirteenth Amendment to the Federal uS Constitution; violation and conspiracy against rights to procedural due and substantive process of law and equal and substantive protection of those federal laws against gender bias, socio-economic or social status, racial or ethnic heritage, and marital status, the right to privacy–“to be left alone absent government intrusion;” the right to freedom of movement–“bodily integrity;” and the right to familial integrity (not to be confused with the well-established, strictly scrutinized First Amendment fundamental right to direct the moral and religious upbringing of one’s natural private property described “child” and to freely associate and express with one’s natural “child,” the right not to have exculpatory evidence suppressed or undisclosed; the right not to be perjured against which definition legally and lawfully includes retaliatory, malicious and invidiously discriminatory, racially animated slurs—essentially, a “hate crime”–with the knowing, intentionally harmful expectation to permanently deprive one of custody, control, and management of one’s natural property “child” under/pursuant to the Fourteenth Amendment to the Federal uS Constitution ratifies and applies directly to the people through the Fourteenth Amendment to the Federal US Constitution, among many other “state” law crimes and predicate acts pursuant to the federal R.I.C.O. Act of 1970.  See also, official oppression; honest services fraud; simple conspiracy and fraud; assault; intention to abduct a child from custody and hand over to known kidnapper and alleged child sex offender, child enticement; interference with child custody; interference with access and visitation; retaliation; invasion of privacy; violation of federal mail and wiretap laws/conspiracy; child abuse, child endangerment; intentional infliction of emotional distress; neglilgent infliction of emotional distress; malicious prosecution; mail and wire fraud; theft; grand theft; extortion; perjury; subornation of perjury; honest services fraud; fraudulent concealment and deception; conversion; entrapment by estoppel; tampering with government documents, etc., . . .); failure to report child abuse or neglect; alienation of affection; child abuse; emotional child abuse; child endangerment; reported and alleged sexual abuse of a child under the age of six years old; cruelty to a child

7.  Nancy Gray Worrell;violation, deprivation, conspiracy/”interference” against  US Constitutional rights of natural American “citizens,” conspiracy against US Constitutional rights of natural American “citizens” under color of law; neglect to protect; 42 U.S.C., sections 1983, 1985(3), 1986, and 1988;  specifically, violation of both procedural and of substantive due process of law pursuant to the Federal US Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments to the Federal US Constitution and Bill of Rights ratifies and applies directly to the people through the Fourteenth Amendment to the Federal, US Constitution; violation of and conspiracy against  freedom of expression, speech, association, right to seek redress for grievances from the government without (reasonable) fear of or actual retaliation or denial and violation of further US Constitutional, natural,implied rights, freedoms, and liberties; freedom to direct the moral and religious upbringing of my private property described as “child” pursuant to Amendment I/First Amendment to the Federal US Constitution and its Bill of Rights ratifies and applies directly to the people through the Amendment XIV/Fourteenth Amendment to the US Constitution;  unlawful, wrongful, malicious, retaliatory unreasonable search and unreasonable, unlawful, wrongful  seizure pursuant to violated Amendment IV/Fourth Amendment to the Federal, US Constitution and Bill of Rights; violation, the foreseeably planned (“conspired”), knowing and intentional use of excessive force/cruel and unusual punishment, the intended retaliation “under”/ pursuant to Amendment VIII/Eighth Amendment to the Federal, US Constitution and Bill of Rights ratifies and applies directly to the people through Amendment XIV/Fourteenth Amendment to the Federal US Constitution; violation and conspiracy against Amendment IX/Ninth Amendment to the Federal, US Constitution implied and God-given natural law, inalienable and unalienable rights not to have any other US Constitutional amendment infringe upon any other rights, freedoms, or liberties claimed by natural American “citizens;” violation and conspiracy against right against involuntary servitude absent commission of a crime pursuant to/”under” Amendment XIII/Thirteenth Amendment to the Federal uS Constitution; violation and conspiracy against rights to procedural due and substantive process of law and equal and substantive protection of those federal laws against gender bias, socio-economic or social status, racial or ethnic heritage, and marital status, the right to privacy–“to be left alone absent government intrusion;” the right to freedom of movement–“bodily integrity;” and the right to familial integrity (not to be confused with the well-established, strictly scrutinized First Amendment fundamental right to direct the moral and religious upbringing of one’s natural private property described “child” and to freely associate and express with one’s natural “child,” the right not to have exculpatory evidence suppressed or undisclosed; the right not to be perjured against which definition legally and lawfully includes retaliatory, malicious and invidiously discriminatory, racially animated slurs—essentially, a “hate crime”–with the knowing, intentionally harmful expectation to permanently deprive one of custody, control, and management of one’s natural property “child” under/pursuant to the Fourteenth Amendment to the Federal uS Constitution ratifies and applies directly to the people through the Fourteenth Amendment to the Federal US Constitution, among many other “state” law crimes and predicate acts pursuant to the federal R.I.C.O. Act of 1970.  See also, official oppression; honest services fraud; simple conspiracy and fraud; assault; intention to abduct a child from custody and hand over to known kidnapper and alleged child sex offender, child enticement; interference with child custody; interference with access and visitation; retaliation; invasion of privacy; conversion; violation of federal mail and wiretap laws/conspiracy; child abuse, child endangerment; intentional infliction of emotional distress; neglilgent infliction of emotional distress; malicious prosecution; mail and wire fraud; theft; grand theft; extortion; perjury; subornation of perjury; honest services fraud; fraudulent concealment and deception; conversion; entrapment by estoppel; tampering with government documents, etc., . . .).; failure to report child abuse or neglect; alienation of affection

8.  Kimberly A. Abernethy;private, but licensed by Department of Family and Protective Services for “‘state of Texas'” “play therapist”/LFMC in North Houston located in Harris County, Texas with virtually no oversight nor ethics; child abuse; cruelty to a child; child endangerment; neglect to protect; dishonest services fraud; malfeasance; hate crimes, generally; retaliation; invasion of privacy; fraud, simple conspiracy, therapeutic deception; failure to report child abuse or neglect; alienation of affection; see also federal R.I.C.O. Act of 1970 and predicate crime violations and acts; gross negligence

9.  Donna Everson;appointed/self-elected dual role guardian and attorney ad litem (“GAL/AAL”) for the private property described as child post permanent kidnapping by perpetrators above; continued the fraud, collusion/conspiracy against US Constitutional rights and violations of natural American “citizens;” neglect to protect; perjury; subornation of perjury; possible bribery; intention/agreement to abduct from custody and hand over to known kidnappers and reported and alleged by child sex offender; fraudulent concealment; tampering with government documents and record; official oppression; secreting and harboring child; interference with child custody; interference with “access and visitation;” child enticement; intentional and harmful suppression of exculpatory evidence; denial of record and due substantive and procedural due process of law; criminal negligence; negligent infliction of emotional distress; intentional and intentionally harmful and malicious, retaliatory infliction of emotional distress; child abuse, generally; emotional child abuse; cruelty to a child; child endangerment; failure to report child abuse or neglect; alienation of affection;gross negligence

10.  Judge Lisa A. Millard;among so many other predicat acts, crimes, and violation and conspiracy against aforementioned US Constitutional rights of natural American “citizens” pursuant to federal statutes 42 U.S.C., sections 1983, 1985; 1986; and 1988, breach of fiduciary duty; honest services fraud; subornation of perjury; on knowledge and belief and circumstantial possibly other evidence, bribery; perjury through testimony as part of conspiracy; simple conspiracy; simple fraud and conversion; official oppression; malicious prosecution; violation of federal mail and wiretap laws; threat and possibly actual false imprisonment;  retaliation; stalking through contractors or other individuals; extortion; threat, coercion;kidnapping; racketeering, corruption; abuse of public office; organized crime, fraud and false statements; criminal barratry; entrapment; entrapment by estoppel; gross negligence; intentional infliction of emotional distress; negligent infliction of emotional distress; theft; grand theft; child abuse, generally and constructively; child endangerment; cruelty to a child; neglect to protect; failure to report child abuse ori neglect; invidiously discriminatory, racial animus; denial of both substantive and procedural due process of law; intentinal suppression of exculpatory evidence; alienation of affection; gross negligence; blocking appeal of an indigent, unrepresented individual in termination of post permanent deprivation kidnapping of a five year old, possibly sexually and certainly emotionally abused by father child/”TPR”/termination of parental rights ceremony after-the-fact coerced/ forced un-litigant attacked by more than one party; recklessly indifferent and conscious-shocking ratification//”condonation” by precedent in the Federal US Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals;

11.  Associate Judge Conrad Moren; governor appointed associate judge in the 310th court of Harris County with Judge Lisa A. Millard;among so many other predicat acts, crimes, and violation and conspiracy against aforementioned US Constitutional rights of natural American “citizens” pursuant to federal statutes 42 U.S.C., sections 1983, 1985; 1986; and 1988, breach of fiduciary duty; honest services fraud; subornation of perjury; on knowledge and belief and circumstantial possibly other evidence, bribery; perjury through testimony as part of conspiracy; simple conspiracy; simple fraud and conversion; official oppression; malicious prosecution; violation of federal mail and wiretap laws; threat and possibly actual false imprisonment;  retaliation; stalking through contractors or other individuals; extortion; threat, coercion;kidnapping; racketeering, corruption; abuse of public office; organized crime, fraud and false statements; criminal barratry; entrapment; entrapment by estoppel; gross negligence; intentional infliction of emotional distress; negligent infliction of emotional distress; theft; grand theft; child abuse, generally and constructively; child endangerment; cruelty to a child; neglect to protect; failure to report child abuse ori neglect; invidiously discriminatory, racial animus; denial of both substantive and procedural due process of law; intentinal suppression of exculpatory evidence; alienation of affection; gross negligence; blocked appeal through denial of indigent parent representation and any trial record or transcript demanded, politely (whilst not “interrupting”)

12.  Benjamin A. Alva;official court recorder for the 310th court of Harris County under Judge Lisa A. Millard, Associate Judge Conrad Moren, and guardian/attorney ad litem for child, Donna Everson-denying transcript or recording or even a quote to indigent party who timely and politely demanded it; blocking appeal in termination of parental rights case

13.  Clerk of 310th Court; unnamed at this point

14.  DOES;unnamed at this point

15.  Carey Worrell;paternal aunt to child and pre-conspired “medical consenter” pre-abduction/kidnapping; conspiracy against and violation of well-established US Constitutional rights of natural American “citizens;” cruelty to a child, neglect to protect; ill-willed retaliation; interference with child custody; child enticement; agreement to abduct child and hand over to know kidnapper and reported and alleged chidl sex offender; failure to report child abuse or neglect

16.  Diane Worrell;

17.  John K. Worrell;

18.  Ronnie Harrison;

19.  Lawrence/”Larry” Rothenberg;one of Matthew James Worrell’s many attorneys/attorners

20.  Bruce Allen Buskirk;one of Matthew James Worrell’s many attorneys/attorners

21.  City of Pearland; municipal/county liability pursuant to Monell claims for compensatory special and actual monetary damages);failure to train; ratification/”condonation” in Fifth Circuit applicable precedent; failure to properly discipline

22.  Brazoria County CPS Board;county liability pursuant to Monell claims for compensatory special and actual monetary damages);failure to train; ratification/”condonation” in Fifth Circuit applicable precedent; failure to properly discipline

23. Harris County Office of Risk Management and Human Resources;county liability pursuant to Monell claims for compensatory special and actual monetary damages);failure to train; ratification/”condonation” in Fifth Circuit applicable precedent; failure to properly discipline

24. Children’s Commissioner’s Court Harris County governed by Judge Ed Emmett and Harris County Attorney, Vince Ryan

25. William Sumpter Frazier;CPS prosecutor in the 310th court of Harris County

27.  John J. Specia, Jr.; DFPS, CPS Commissioner

28.  Debra Hatley;

29.  Robin Gray/Robin Nelson;

30.  Tonya Clay;

31.  Dedra Latasha Hardaway; CPS caseworker or investigator– (conspiracy against US Constitutional rights of natural American “citizens,” agreement to abduct from custody; fraud; possible bribery; child enticement; honest services fraud; simple conspiracy, conversion; negligent infliction of emotional distress; intentional infliction of emotional distress, neglect to protect); alienation of affection; kidnapping; conspiracy to kidnap; failure to report abuse or neglect of a child; fraudulent concealment; gross negligence

32.  “Debra Reyna;” (tampering with government documents, fraud, fraudulent concealment)

33.  Texas Attorney General’s Office/Title IV-D related agency and affiliated “third party faith based organization” through volunteers and/or CPS, Yvette Jircik; Michael Balash (racketeering, organized crime, simple conspiracy, conspiracy against US Constitutional rights of natural Amerian “citizens,” violation of rights color of law; abuse of process; abuse of procedure; honest services fraud; corruption; honest services fraud; intentional infliction of emotional distress; negligent infliction of emotional distress; fraudulent concealment; attempted entrapment; corruption; abuse of public office; invasion of privacy; violation of federal wiretap laws; mail and wire fraud; hacking and cyber-crimes through contracts; breach of contract; breach of fiduciary duty; deceptive practices; retaliation; attempt to falsely imprison and inducement to commit a federal crime; malicious prosecution; official oppression; terroristic threat via contractors)

34.  Title IV-D “Master,” Social Security Act,  “Judge”Veronica Torres (honest services fraud; fraudulent concealment; breach of fiduciary duty; official oppression; simple conspiracy; conspiracy against the US Constitutional rights of natural American “citizens;” fraud; violation of rights under color of law; abuse of process; abuse of procedure; tampering with government documents; negligence; intentional infliction of emotional distress; negligent infliction of emotional distress; subornation of perjury);

35.  Angela Lancelin (negligence, fraud, honest services fraud, neglect to protect, racketeering, simple conspiracy, criminal enterprise, generally pursuant to corrupt practices and organized crime; breach of fiduciary duty).

36.  Tonya Roland [spelling as documented] violation and conspiracy against US Constitutional rights of natural American “citizens” pursuant to, but not limited to 42 U.S.C., sections 1983; 1985(3); 1986; and 1988; criminal racketeering; quid pro quo bribery, extortion; on knowledge, belief and circumstantial and other evidence, kidnapping conspiracy with Judge Margaret Stewart Harris of the Criminal Court at Law No. 5 and then amicus attorney who is now a juvenile court associate judge in the 313th juvenile court, Stephen Newhouse;  appointed by Associate Judge Conrad Moren of the 310th court or attorney John F. Nichols, Sr. for Matthew James Worrell in Harris County, Texas in Houston; simple conspiracy; fraud and false statements; perjury; subornation of perjury; tampering with government documents; malicious prosecution; retaliation; false imprisonment; assault; racially motivated hate crimes, generally

1,136 Days and Nights without my only Son,

Julian Worrell of Genealogy Saloom

(pictured below at age 6)

as of FRIDAY, JUNE 19, 2015



press this case at Queen’s Bench–i, being natural woman of sound mind and over eighteen years old require that thou restoreth my property to me immediately, male aged seven years







this man stole my property pictured below. i, woman, require thou to restore my property to me immediately. you are being billed for the use of my property

Lesly Damian.Pic.

this woman stole my property. i am woman and i require that you restore my property, a little man who is age 7 (pictured below).


this man and woman stole my property pictured below that i require them to restore to me immediately

those who stole my property that are not pictured: at least, but not limited to,  two other natural males with very dark brown and black hair and very dark brown eyes, both males having a  large build,  about 6 feet  tall, one being Caucasian, and the other being African-American, and one other natural woman

i, being natural woman, require that thou restoreth my property–a male, aged seven years (pictured below)–immediately.  those who do not restore my property immediately are being billed at the rate of $1.00 per minute as “due compensation” for the unauthorized use of my property.  my property has been stolen without “due compensation” for eight hundred sixty-four (864) days and nights as of Friday, September 19, 2014. 

these natural males and females who stole my property, a little natural male of my body, imbued with the divine Spirit of our Creator, God, on May 08, 2012, as of today, on this 19th day of September in the year 2014 A.D., are herein charged for such unauthorized use of little natural male property of i, being natural woman and owning said property of my body and Spirit, imbued by divine Creator being God, as follows:

$1, 244,160.00 USD, or the equivalent in gold or property (exclusive of interest to be calculated at the current rate at the time of payment.)  i, natural woman and property owner of little male, now age seven years-old, calculated $1.00 per minute X 1,440 minutes per 24 hr. period x 864 days= $1, 244,160.00 x 2 ( the same amount being owed to little natural male as well as to i, natural woman and his property owner(tax exclusive).  This sum will continue to toll and accrue until my property as pictured is returned to me.

i, natural woman and/or little natural male of my body and of the Spirit, also make claim to any and all common, natural, civil, federal, and other possible criminal charges and/or remedies that i, natural woman and/or property of my body and of the Holy Spirit, a little natural male as pictured, who is currently enrolled at Lakewood Elementary School in  municipality Tomball, Texas (in Harris County, Texas)(without valid, authentic proof of any falsely alleged “registration” insufficiently noticed and informed, for which natural males and females take federal money for every day of my property’s use at such place called Lakewood Elementary School, a branch of “Tomball Independent School District,” doing business as Tomball I.S.D. under the leadership of Superintendent of Schools,, as currently listed on the public Internet, Mr. “Huey Kinchen.”

anyone who sees the seven year-old male pictured below, my property, is required to restore it to me immediately, or to otherwise pay me pursuant to the fee schedule herein posted.

this is a picture of my property that I require to be restored to me immediately:


my property is the natural male with the darkest hair in the picture, aged seven years, in the right hand side of the picture ramming into the large male with dark hair in the picture. i, being natural (wo)man, require my property to be restored to me immediately.


i being a natural (wo)man, this is my property that i require thou to restore to me immediately

Day # 864 ($2,488, 320.00, tax exclusive but tbd)without due compensation or authorization for my property, a little male aged seven years old and pictured below- comes now i, a natural woman imbued with the Holy Spirit and with corporeal, living body and property owner to little natural male, to require that :

1. i, being natural female, require that natural males and females restoreth my property  to me immediately and pay fees for unauthorized use of my property, and to little male property, being natural and corporeal with divine spirit.

2. to give public notice to perpetrators who stole my property as pictured below, in addition to other parties not pictured, but who know what they stole my property and, reciprocally, that they stole little male’s property, my corporeal body, or, “vessel,” through which he was born on her natural waters belonging to divine Creator, that no proper  authorization was given or doled by this rightful property owner and that no due compensation was paid for the unlawful, unconstitutional, and unreasonable “kidnapping,” or, “removal” of my property on the land on May 08, 2012.

i being natural woman with corporeal body and divine spirit, require that as of today, September 19, 2014, $1, 244, 160.00 USD, or its equivalent in solid gold or land, or a combination of any of these three methods of payment, be paid with interest to me for the use of my property without due compensation.

Today, September 19, 2014, is the 864th consecutive day and night that my property is gone and missing without my authorization or consent.  Property thieves/”kidnappers” owe me $1.00 per minute X 1,440 minutes per day of 24 hours, which equals a sum total dollar value amount of $1,244, 160.00 (tax exclusive) x 2 (also owed to natural male property as described herein).  i, natural woman, also require that my property has a “reciprocal right” to the same amount of due compensation for the time he has been used and deprived of his property, the corporeal body of his natural woman property owner as designated by Almighty God, divine Creator, which, at 864 consecutive days and nights also totals a sum total USD of $1, 244, 160.00 (tax exclusive).

The combined “due compensation” that this natural woman and property owner requires that thou(alleged perpetrators) pay to natural woman and Author of this blog, property owner of little male now aged seven years (pictured below and being held hostage), is , as of today, Friday, September 19, 2014, $ 2,488,320.00 (tax exclusive but accruing daily at a reasonable and fair rate given the totality of circumstances). natural woman gives public notice to property thieves/”kidnappers,” natural males and females, that  property without authorized or due and just, fair compensation, natural woman’s little natural, corporeal property, now aged seven (pictured below), will continue to be charged at the incredibly objeective reasonable rate of $1.00 per minute plus tax.

i, natural woman, will require that the common law court of record press this case at queen’s bench, court of record.  it is  my (natural woman and owner of property as described below’s) common law requirement that thou restoreth my property, now aged seven (7) years, a male born of me and my corporeal body, a natural woman belonging to God, imbued with the Spirit of our divine Creator, God, like little male property herein described,  immediately.   i am a natural woman and i require that any man or woman who sees my property, a little man pictured below, age 7, restore him to my possession immediately.  Little man, my property from my womb, was stolen from me on May 08, 2012, and i require that he be restoreth to me immediately.

i am a woman.  my property that was born of my own flesh and blood and to me from God, my Creator, was stolen from me by (but not limited to) the following female(s) and male(s) who currently reside on the land in the “state,” or “territory,” “foreign or “political subdivision” of “state,” or “military enclave” called “Texas,” which falls under the “Original ‘jurisdiction'” of the Republic US secondary to the natural, common law, divine laws of God when a natural male or female is not harming another natural man or woman, property of our divine Creator, God.

Some of the Things Julian Worrell’s Mommy Loves About Him, but Not All

Some of the Things Julian Worrell’s Mommy Loves About Him, but Not All


Sunday, August 10, 2014, Day # 801 Without You, May This Message Find You My Little Love…

Julian Jacob Worrell (of Genealogy Saloom), Mommy’s Sunflower, Love your Real Mommy, Joni Faith Saloom

Laughs in His Sleep with Hoot Owl--Baby Old Navy Outfit

You used to giggle in your sleep, and that is how Mommy knew you were happy.

Mommy and Julian.6mos.CHurch

Mommy holding Baby Julian, 6 mos. old, in front of Church

1.  All of Your Fantastic Smiles– mischievous (as in, “I just hid something so that you can’t find it, but I want you to find it”), sweet and angelic (like when you used to come and hug Mommy and pray with her or cuddle up and read with Mommy), thrilled and excited (while you clap your hands together and put them under your chin and giggle as if awaiting a Christmas present), wry (smirk as in, “Ha-ha, funny, but you didn’t fool me”), competitive (as in, “Mommy, I’m tired and can’t run anymore”…and then you sprint ahead and beat Mommy to the next mile-marker on the track), happy (as if enjoying a Happy Meal or playing troll under the bridge at the park with Mommy), the epiphany smile (as in, “Hey, I figured it out!”), Content, the Reciprocal Smile (smile back at someone smiling at you),….etc.;

2. The Way You Giggled in Your Sleep as a Baby and Then Talked In Your Sleep Just Like Mommy;

3.  Your Sweet Little Laugh that I/Mommy could just bottle-up and sell with a pretty bow around it;

4.  Your Spirit;

5.  Your Comedy;

6.  Your Wit and Sense of Humor;

7.  Your intelligence, giftedness;

8.  Your joie de vi, the joy of life, our happiness;

9.  Your Adorable Little Face with the “apples” Mommy could just eat right out of those cute cheeks;

10.  How you “stole Mommy’s eyes” and put them in yours;

11. The way you used to say, “Grr, Grr,” as a sign of affection in the morning or at night;

12.  How You Used to Love to Snuggle with Mummy and Read at Bedtime;

13.  Your endurance jogging and walking in Memorial Park and at Bear Creek Soccer Park with Mommy;

14.  Your courage;

15.  Your excitement when you got a new toy;

16.  Your strength;

17.  How Easy You Were to Please and How Easily Amused You Were;

18.  How You Never Wanted to Leave Mommy, Just Like Mommy Never Wanted to Leave You for a Second;

19.  Holding You as a Little Baby;

20.  Your Pictures;

21.  Your Sweetness and Light from the Lord; and

22.  Your Bear Hugs and Kisses;

23.  Your Helpfulness;

24.  Your practical common sense;

25.  Your well-roundedness and how you were good at everything you tried;

26. Your Creativity and Imagination;

27. How Good You are at Memory Game;

28.  Playing Operation, Hungry, Hungry Hippos, and Bingo and Boggle with You;

29.  Taking Care of You When You Were Sick;

30.  Shopping for You;

31.  How special and unique you are, your Brilliance;

32.  Your fascination with nature as a little child;

33.  Your Determination;

34.  Your Boldness Combined With Your Humility and Unpredictable Caution;

35.  The Way You Loved Your Daddy and Mommy; and of course,

36.  Watching You Sleep.

But this is just a short list, for Mommy will always love everything about you, and I will always be here for you as long at the Lord lets me.  You should remember this every time you see a beautiful, bright, mysterious moon, a pretty sunflower, when you hold a good book, when you go swimming at the pool, go to the park, put a sticker on your hand like Mommy used to do so that you knew she was thinking about you whenever you looked at it at pre-school, whenever you ace a spelling test on Fridays, whenever you see  a pretty bird take flight in the sky, know that Mommy is near like a Momma bird is never far from her nest of babies, even when she has to go and forage for food to bring back to them.

I love you, Julian!  I miss you every second of every minute of every hour of every day.  Another first day of school is almost here for you–the third one in a-row (all of them) that they have kept you away from your Mommy.  My heart breaks thinking about this.  I do hope you are happy, my love, but I also hope you never stop thinking about your real Mommy and coming home as soon as possible.  You can always come home.  “Home is where the heart is.”

Julian, you are a rare gem, a jewel that sparkles like no other will ever sparkle for your Mummy.  You are truly one in a million, and cannot and will not be replaced in my heart.  Again, I will see you in my dreams, if I am lucky.

Love always,

Your real Mommy, Joni Faith Saloom

“From Womb to Tomb: Child Slavery and US Courts” by Brett Redmayne Titley

“From Womb to Tomb: Child Slavery and US Courts,”

by: Brett Redmayne Titley, PressTV.com

July 19, 2014

Fox News Reporter Martin Burns lost his life for this story to be told, and so did former Georgia Senator Nancy Schaefer and her husband, Bruce.  Author of this blog sincerely hopes that any readers will invest the time to not only read this profound and inspired story by Brett Redmayne Titley of Press TV, but that he or she will  further research and expose the nightmare that has incrementally transformed our reality in America, most dramatically, for our children.

Click on or go to,  www.presstv.com/detail/2014/07/18/371805/child-slavery-and-us-courts/ to access this incredibly important story that most reporters and networks, and those who pay them, have gone to great lengths to conceal from real Americans and real mommies and daddies.


(1) Press TV, Brett Redmayne Titley, “From Womb to Tomb: Child Slavery and US Courts,” July 19, 2014

(2) California Protective Parents Association newsletter, Connie Valentine

Unholy Unions and Interesting Conflicts: Attorney John F. Nichols, Sr., Commander in Chief of Texas in Domestic Emergencies Appointed by Texas Governor Rick Perry, Connecting the Dots (“Delusions”) to Judge Lisa Millard and her Associate Judge Conrad Moren



 John Nichols.Opinion.SameSex Marriage Benefits.RQ1150GA;


http://www.bestlawyers.com/Downloads/Articles/15440_1.pdf (Keeping it In- Keeping it Out, Preservation of Error Through Making and Meeting Objections in Texas Family Law); Moderator: John F. Nichols, Sr., Nichols Law, P.L.L.C.;


Hoppes and Cutrer;
Judge of the 387thJudicial District Court of Fort Bend County, Texas;
Judge of the 310th District Court of Harris County, Texas;
Jenkins & Kamin, L.L.P.;
http://www.brrinnofcourt.org/? page_id=52 (Current 2014-2015 Leadership for Burta Rhoads Rayborn Family Law American Inn of Court);
(Fifth Circuit Leadership for Burta Rhoads Rayborn Family Law American Inn of Court)
Collaborative Report.harriscountyreport (One might skip to the last page to get a look at the names of those in attendance at a 2009 Summit on “Child Protection” in Harris County, and those reported to be
interested in membership on the last page of this report).
Presenter Attorney John F. Nichols, Sr., State Bar of Texas, FIDUCIARY LITIGATION: DUTIES AND OBLIGATIONS BETWEEN PARENT, CHILD, AND THIRD PARTIES, San Antonio, Texas, December 01, 2012

State Bar of Texas

UNHOLY UNIONS AND INTERESTING CONFLICTS: “Commander-in-chief” of texas military in times of “Domestic Emergency” or “Martial Law,” Attorney John F. Nichols, Sr., appointed by governor rick perry : connecting the dots between atty. John nichols, SR., elected judge lisa A. millard, her associate judge conrad moren, SS, the “state” purse, and the new un-american agenda

One might certainly connect the dots between “Texas Superlawyer,” John F. Nichols, Sr., “Adjutant General,” or, “Commander in Chief” of Texas Military forces in times of “Domestic” Emergency or “Martial Law,” and elected Judge Lisa A. Millard (Harris County, Texas, 310th Court in Houston), whose associate judge is Conrad Moren (with Executive Coast Guard Immunity under Sovereign Powers).  Associate Judge Conrad Moren, who usually presides on “CPS Tuesday” dockets in Judge Millard’s courtroom on the Fifteenth Floor of The “Civil Building” at 201 Caroline, Houston, Texas  77002, occupied  a “Leadership” role for Burta Rhoads Rayborn Inn of Family Court as did Houston Attorney and son of Attorney John F. Nichols, Sr., “Bo” Nichols, Jr., who it is rumored from former client(s) of his runs the Houston office, or one of them, who, in his or her opinion, does not help women, or, at least not her, in spite of his what were described as outrageous fees.

John Nichols and Judge Lisa Millard gave a Continuing Learning Education (“CLE”) course/seminar together in which Nichols was the “Moderator,” and Millard was the Speaker/Instructor.  The syllabus is posted on this blog and is searchable on the public Internet through “Google.”  Attorney, or, “Commandante” John Nichols’ website in which he once boasted (of which Author/Mother has concrete proof) that Nichols Law Firm  employed CPS Supervisors with twelve years experience on his staff in Houston, Texas–the same website that solicits “termination of parental rights” in “high-net worth divorces” and paternity cases, “grandparent’s rights,” “stepparent adoptions,” and how to hide assets and disguise as “bonuses” and “acquiring the other side’s attorneys” of  lesser financial resources and reputation and status.  But criminal barratry is not limited to attorneys and lawyers.

Author of this blog and real Mommy of Julian Jacob Worrell,  notes that CPS Supervisor Cheryl Harvick had twelve (12) years with CPS when she, inter alia, abducted my only child, who was at the time only age five (5), right before he started kindergarten, on May 08, 2012, and threatened that Author would “never call the Office of Consumer Affairs” on one of her “people“ever again” (referring to Lesly Damian-Murray/Lesly Murray, spellings as documented, a CPS caseworker or investigator for County of Brazoria, Texas under the immediate direction and supervision of both Cheryl Harvick and Karen Coblentz, the latter of whom is the Program Director for Brazoria County CPS which is located in Angleton, Texas).

Author also notes that Pearland Police Officer Paul Elton, who warned that Author would never go “talkin’ smack'” at his precinct about him again (even though Author only went to retrieve the license he stole, or failed to give back to Author when he was too busy colluding with alleged sexual abuser as reported by Child, and the same father who had an open police report in Harris County for such allegations, a fact of which Officer Elton was informed and shown proof).  Officer Elton stole license on May 03, 2012, but then showed-up with Cheryl Harvick and multiple other fully uniformed and armed police officers and Sgt. William Lilly (without prior information that he would be there disclosed to Author/Mother) on May 08, 2012, the same day of abduction of child who was allegedly subjected to a second sexual assault exam where Author/Mother was denied the rights, as, reciprocally, so was Child to have his mother present for comfort (even though all defendants as alleged had full knowledge that mother had already taken child to specialists in sexual assault exams on children at Texas Children’s Hospital on Friday May 04, 2012, and who did see the diagnosis in writing) before then alleging mother was guilty of “neglectful parenting” for her, not for Cheryl Harvick and police officers Paul Elton and Harris County Sheriff’s Officer appointed to the Special Crimes Against Children Unit, the now former Sgt. William Lilly, and Judge Randy Huffstetler of the 300th Judicial District Court in Brazoria County (Angleton,Texas) allegedly subjecting Child to a second sexual assault exam where Harvick and officers had Child, as alleged, “transported” Child to the Children’s Assessment Center/”C.A.C.,” or Child’s Advocacy Center in Houston, Texas  ( staffed with CPS employees and contractors in Harris County) on the same day of May 08, 2012 while mother was held hostage, or in a situation where it was not reasonable or in which she felt free to leave and subjected to unlawful and wrongful interrogation without the attorney she asked to have present after objecting to questioning by Sgt. William Lilly and Cheryl Harvick with Officer Elton and other police officers coming and going.  “Neglectful parenting”  was explained to Author/Mother by Harvick as “exposing child to an adult situation.”  “Emotional abuse” was alleged to have been “coaching” or telling child he was abused, never mind that if anyone did the alleged “coaching,” it was Matthew James Worrell and “therapist”  Kim A. Abernethy in Houston, Texas (who never released records or appeared or was even invited to court), the proceedings of which did not start until after  malicious, ill-willed, intentional with knowledge of reasonably foreseeable harmful consequences to both Author/Mother and Child violations of their reciprocal First, Fourth,Fifth, Ninth, and Fourteenth Amendment constitutional violations and many other rights, including “inalienable” rights to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” and unalienable rights and natural, common law, God-given rights that no man can possibly take away  that did occur before any notice to Author/Mother of Emergency Hearing and Modification Lawsuit brought by Matthew James Worrell, not CPS that was already scheduled for May 09, 2012 in Harris County–310th court of Judge Millard, Conrad Moren Presiding).   Incidentally, Kim A. Abernethy, who still refuses to speak to Child’s mother and Author of this blog, did not participate in any court proceedings at which Author/Mother was invited or present, and no reports or notes were admitted into evidence or even presented.

May 08, 2012 was the same day that CPS Program Supervisor Cheryl Harvick lied and said she was putting child in foster care and told Author/Mother that she hoped she cried all night because it was her(Mother’s)fault for refusing to sign away her parental rights to Matthew James Worrell’s family which put him in foster care.

In reality, Harvick delivered said Child to baby-snatching kidnapper and paternal grandmother (as documented from 2007 where police had to wrest Author/Mother’s newborn from her arms behind her locked bedroom door where she hid with father, Matthew James Worrell after she called police on mother with bogus allegations, allegedly Houston Attorney Julia Lovorn’s idea that did backfire).  The same paternal grandmother lived right around the corner from Matt and very close to Attorney Bruce Allen Buskirk, Matt’s attorney when first Modification and Emergency, Ex-Parte Hearings and Temporary Restraining Orders were granted by Conrad Moren with absolutely zero notice to Author/Mother,  and very near guardian and attorney ad-litem, Donna Everson, who refused to ever speak to Child’s Mother/Author of blog,  yet who made sure no contact occurred for a year between child and mother for Judge Millard and denied Mother/author and Child right to attend first day of kindergarten and refused to allow anyone to ask child any questions regarding allegations whatsoever, including blocking his right (See Texas Family Code statute 263.302, Permanency Hearings) to at least speak to the judges in a developmentally appropriate manner as explicitly enumerated in Texas Civil Practice and Remedies Code statutes.

It is also interesting to note that Nichols’ former client, Matthew James Worrell, had Harris County (Houston) attorney Bruce Allen Buskirk file for everything Attorney John Nichols Sr. taught Matt to do in 2007–ex-parte hearings, temporary restraining order on mother, Emergency Hearing, and Emergency “Modification” on the same day–May 04, 2012, that Matthew James Worrell found out Child and mother were at Texas Children’s  Hospital.  After Harvick and others kidnapped, or “removed,” Julian without any exigent circumstances for remaining with mother even alleged, without warrant for child’s “removal” from mother, without voluntary consent, and without warrant for child’s removal from mother based on probable cause and reliability on May 08, 2012, Harvick (notorious and made infamous in The Houston Press article by Margaret Downing titled, “Fostering Abuse,…” pub. March 27, 2003–available on this blog and online) then demanded in a later court appearance that Associate Judge Conrad Moren immediately terminate Mother/Author of blog’s parental rights to her only child without citing any legal or lawful grounds whatsoever, and demanded that the court on-the-spot give “full, sole managing conservatorship” to father, Matthew James Worrell (even though there was an open case for alleged child sexual abuse on the same father in Harris County, which she and her “people” made sure to shut-down and in spite of his public Harris County criminal record of felonious intent to distribute large amounts of “M.D.M.A.,” street drug name, “Ecstasy,” the same night he was pulled over driving his convertible black Mercedes-Benz and  received a DUI and a DWI and was found to have, including alcohol, five “identifiable” illicit substances in his system after refusing to take a breathalizer and being subjected to a blood test on December 18, 2005, a matter that Author/Mother knew nothing about at the time she conceived Child as she did not meet Mr. Worrell until 2006).

Interestingly, Sgt. William Lilly, Harris County Sheriff’s Office appointee for Special Crimes Against Children Unit who, on May 08, 2012, told everyone to leave the room and menacingly warned Author/Mother that since she wouldn’t give what would have been a false confession for what he called a “felony in the ‘state’ of Texas,” making an alleged false report of child abuse, that he would be “back” for her as soon as he talked to the father and “proved” that she/Mother/Author was “lying.”

Former Sergeant William Lilly, after thirty years of active service in law enforcement, as reported by Houston’s Channel 2 News in a shockingly scanty online report, was  terminated  on July 11, 2014 (date of report) for routine failure to investigate.  Lilly’s alleged supervisor, reported as Ruben Diaz, was allegedly suspended for twenty (20) days without pay for failing to supervise.   So,  technically, this father was never investigated, and no court or jury has ever met the Supreme law of the land, US Supreme Court  constitutional muster, the  “least restrictive” standard being a finding beyond clear and convincing evidence that a parent, in this case, Mother/Author  lose her parental rights to child.  No one has attempted to open or re-investigate Mr. Worrell and/or to at least prove Mother/Author did what the law and Child’s doctor insisted she do–make a report to CPS, among other things like file a police report and go to Texas Children’s Hospital for a sexual assault exam or otherwise possibly face jail time and a fine.  Yet, current as alleged “orders” (technically null and void of law based on implicit and explicit fraud, chicanery, and/or mistake upon the court and rendered, arguably without proper standing and jurisdiction), substantively and when considering the “totality of circumstances,”  have had the same chilling effect along with a implicit form of a protective order that doesn’t expire until Child is eighteen years old and permits no meaningful contact, not even phone or electronic, with Child.

Author/Mother also notes that court-appointed guardian and attorney ad-litem for said Child, Donna Everson, did in open court, on dates that can be provided by Author/ Mother, solicit “stepparent adoption,” or otherwise responded to inquiries by her real clients of CPS–Matthew James Worrell and his wife of convenience being used to take away Author’s son and to possibly serve as a cover  for said  father’s alleged and reported and observed double-life, Nancy Gray-Worrell, formerly Nancy Gray, and then Nancy Gray-Dufour (whose divorce from Darin Paul Dufour, spelling as documented, ironically took place in the same 310th Court of Harris County under Judge Lisa A. Millard in a recent time frame for prejudicial effect of making mother appear difficult for no fault of her own and yet was penalized for by Judge Lisa Millard in open court, and Judge Conrad Moren) , and whose divorce papers by her own confession admit that both she and her former husband were unfaithful to one another, yet, who had the bold-faced effrontery to announce to GAL/AAL Donna Everson, CPS cheerleaders for her and Matt, her family, Matt, Child’s father, and their attorneys and adoptive parent supporters and former boss, Larry/Lawrence Heitman, that Author/Mother was a “SLUT,” as she smacked her bubblegum against Bailiff’s pointed remarks for her to quit.  When Author/Mother confronted Everson about this, Everson denied such statement, and later, in the hallway outside Judge Millard’s courtroom, nastily inquired of  Author/Mother, in a sarcastic and threatening tone of voice, if Author/Mother was “hearing voices in [her] head.”

This was the same occasion on which Donna Everson, with Vince Ryan’s Assistant County Attorney and CPS prosecutor, William Sumpter Frazier being present and alert, admitted that she “did what CPS told her to do” when Author/Mother insisted on inquiring if and why not Donna Everson, Child’s dual-role attorney and guardian ad-litem, had ever even asked the child what really happened regarding sexual allegations or anything else.  Although Sumpter-Frazier, on this occasion, played “good cop” and told Donna to “take it easy,” he was overheard or possibly recorded and/or otherwise documented, as discrediting Author/Mother inside the courtroom before docket call in October 2012 by referring to her two times as the “cuckoo-bird,” as he chewed on his cigar and later used several obscenities in the presence of Author/Mother, including the “f” word–the same one they accused Author/Mother of saying after she found out about alleged sexual abuse of her only child, age five years old, yet never produced or disclosed any evidence of this.  Furthermore, Author/Mother notes that Cheryl Harvick (CPS Supervisor’s) Original Intervention document filed by William Sumpter Frazier on the morning of May 09, 2012, falsely alleged that Author/Mother told her son to tell his father that he  wanted to “chop off [his] head,” (referring to father).  This was the same allegation that had, prior to 2012 lawsuit by Mr. Worrell,  had been publicized all over the news and cited as a reason that actor Charlie Sheen temporarily lost custody of his twin boys when he allegedly made that threat to the mother.  No proof existed as to this specific allegation.  Furthermore, Kim Abernethy could have easily enticed Child to say that to his father on an alleged voice mail as Child was quite angry that his daddy had not shown-up or called in 113 consecutive days (giving no notice, as usual, with the exception of “play therapist” appointments with Kim Abernethy in Houston after final (reduced) child support orders were rendered.  Kim Abernethy is licensed by the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services–the same body that takes complaints for “play therapists.”  She has no clinical, medical, or related forensic education and training that might be related to allegations.  Abernethy’s role in the continuing two (2+)-year absence of Julian Jacob Worrell of Genealogy Saloom from his natural mother-Joni Faith Saloom–Julian’s  only consistent primary caretaker through the age of 5 1/2 right up until the day he was abducted, or “removed” wrongfully and unlawfully with blatant and spoken retaliation under the color of law, is not yet fully confirmed, but is highly suspect.  Abernethy received her license from the same Texas Department of Family and Protective Services, and does not possess a medical or clinical license or continuing two (2)-year absence from his mother is not yet fully confirmed, but is highly suspect.

Author of this blog, Julian’s Real Mummy, notes herein that Judge Lisa A. Millard recently took  a big one “for the team”–Harris County Republican Party– when she was the lucky one who had to, or volunteered, to deny City of Houston Major Annise Parker’s same-sex spouse benefits from Harris County (Read more at http://www.texpate.com/2014/01/03/tro-on-pidgeon-lifted/# more-2863, by Noah M. Horowitz, posted on January 03, 2014).

Judge Millard performed another political stunt, as one may or may not conclude, when she sentenced a male, non-Caucasian father (in spite of the well-known social-economic policy and conservative agenda to discriminate against single mother households even when not receiving “welfare,” which technically does not even exist in Texas as TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families deriving from the Federal Social Security Act) funds are diverted to defend criminal fathers and make the mothers pay child support to shift balance of power and control, as Author/Mother herein hypothesizes or opines) to six months in jail for over-paying child support and visiting his child too much as a result of modified sua sponte court orders and clerical errors to which his former employer, AT&T, admitted. Such a stunt would also foment racial conflict and tension, another silent agenda of a certain “Party” formerly asleep at the computer, or, radiation box.

Next, Author of this blog notes, but does not draw any kind of causal conclusion (although possibly correlational) regarding the publicly accessible “Opinion” requested by Commander John Nichols, Sr. (click on pdf. file above, highlighted in blue) of the Texas Attorney General, Gregg Abbott.

Texas Attorney General, Greg Abbott (See oag.tx.gov), by statute defends all family court judges and CPS workers in federal lawsuits and controls the Office of Child Support Enforcement and I believe doles Crime Victim’s Assistance Funds and “SAFE” access and visitation funds for “state” of Texas, not to mention his indirect, yet directly advertised on his website under the Non-Custodial Parent Page “Responsible Fatherhood” federally funded programs from the Health and Human Services Department connection or unholy union  through “faith- based organizations” which are known to be custody-switching scams disguised as “state” experimentation with social and economic policy and Eugenics discrimination–a war on women and single mothers with small, adoptable children.

Finally, Author of this blog and of this post asks the reader to  draw his or her own conclusions regarding, among other things, the fact that Attorney John F. Nichols, Sr. and his son, “Bo,” who sometimes substituted for his father, were Child’s father’s attorneys in 2007 paternity proceedings in the 310th Judicial District Court of Harris County, Texas (Presided over by elected Judge Lisa A. Millard and Associate Judge Conrad Moren, both affiliated and described above).

On May 08, 2012, Author of this blog’s only child, her then five (5) year-old son, Julian Jacob Worrell of Genealogy Saloom, was abducted under the color of law for the “state” of Texas and in conspiracy against both hers and Julian’s constitutional, civil, unalienable, and “inalienable” rights and Federal right to privacy after Julian made allegations of a sexual and deviant nature against father and “The Visitor–a ‘homeless teenager with black, spiky hair’ at “Daddy’s.'” (See Declaration of Independence and The Privacy Act of 1974, 5 U.S.C. 552).

These repulsive allegations were subsequently made as Texas law required, reported in good faith to multiple community professionals who believed Julian and his mother and were also required to report their concerns to CPS.  This happened after Julian’s father no-showed, no-called, and no-answered the phone to his crying son for a year and a half (113) consecutive days of said father Matthew James Worrell’s purchased joint-managing (non-primary) “conservatorship” as alleged with or without jurisdiction of the 310th Court, yet, who had recently taken an interest in his son after final child support orders in IV-D Magistrate Veronica Torres’ court in Harris County were ordered on February 29, 2012.

Mr. Matthew James Worrell Worrell, Child’s father, who had recently gotten married, and who was Mr. Nichol’s former client in 2007, and who continues to be a suspect in the eyes of Author/Mother in a possible bribery case (when father “Matt Worrell” had moved on to a different attorney, Lawrence/”Larry” Rothenberg) involving the entire 310th Court and its officers and sundry employees and clerks of which  Judge Lisa Millard and Conrad Moren are fiduciaries to the public trust.  See also former F.B.I. agent Ted Gunderson’s description of what used to be termed among family court insiders and attorneys, that is, before inflation as the going rate as attested to and witnessed by similarly situated mother’s across the US has increased to a standard $20,000 fix to the judge, usually a lump sum (excluding attorney’s fees and bribes to cops, mediators, arbitrators, conciliation court officials, amicus attorneys, parental assessment and evaluators and coordinators, “therapists,” social workers, donations, participation in certain programs that may or may not involve Federal money through “state” block grant funding), as “The Damon $10,000 screw,” or, “The Fix Is In. continuing two (2)-year absence from his mother is not yet fully confirmed, but is highly suspect.  Abernethy received her license from the same Texas Department of Family and Protective Services, and does not possess a medical or clinical license or formal education or training so related.


(1) This post is made in good faith.

(2)  Author of this blog and post/Mother, reserves and preserves First Amendment rights to freedom of speech and expression, to freely associate, to freedom of religion and the fundamental right to “direct the moral and religious upbringing of child” (including to participate meaningfully in his education), and to the “care, control, and maintenance” of her child, and to peaceably assemble in this forum, and to her right to seek redress for harms or grievances from the government, and, of course, to hers and to her only child’s fundamental, well-established as a matter of fact and law “inalienable” rights to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” (US Constitution and incorporated Bill of Rights as incorporated and implied through ratification and application of the Fourteenth Amendment to the Federal US Constitution and incorporated Bill of Rights to the Federal, US Constitution); (The Declaration of Independence).

(3)  Again, Author/mother only points out facts and circumstances without accusing anyone of causality regarding possible and actual crimes committed.

(4) If anyone should desire, request, or demand a correction and/or retraction, one should immediately submit such desire, request, or demand in writing to Author of this blog with a wet-ink personal signature and supporting facts, evidence, testimony, etc., and all legal and factual bases for such reasons related to request/demand/desire for correction and/or retraction so as to give fair notice to Author.  Since your private investigators have been stalking me for several years, that is to say, among those included and/or affiliated to those in this post, it is reasonable to conclude that one knows where to send written correspondence where it will be reasonable considered.  In fact, if one clicks  Attorney Lawrence Rothenberg’s Tricks to Avoid Due Process…Every Time (available on the menu to the left on this blog), one will certainly have access to such point-of-contact (the one for Joni Saloom, not Matthew James Worrell, his client and professional perjurist–again, firsthand, legal, actual knowledge willing to certify/verify with wet-ink signature).

(5) In the event that Attorney or  alleged “Commander” John F. Nichols, Sr. (to whom Author/Mother does not submit to any such alleged “jurisdiction” in the event of “Martial Law“or “Domestic Crisis or Emergency” with or without sufficient knowledge), reads this post, Author/Mother intends no disrespect as Mr. Nichols is revered and feared among many colleagues as the best attorner and Machiavelli that money can buy.

Mother and Author, in fact, appreciated the $20.00 Mr. Nichols gave her in court for parking to have her followed by a private investigator.  Mother/Author gives Mr. Nichols full benefit-of-the-doubt that actual events that culminated in the kidnapping of Author/Mother’s little boy(and eventual “final” alleged outcome pursuant to null and void orders that resulted from possible bribery and/or as a result of implicit and explicit fraud and/or mistake upon the court or deception by certain persons presumed to have “special knowledge” for profit) intended strategy or course of action, or at least without full and sufficient knowledge required to fairly and reasonably assess the implications and foreseeable  consequences of harm that could result to mother and child as a direct and proximate result of specific pre-trial and trial specialties of  Attorney John Nichols, Sr.

Indeed, there were later, that is, after Mr. Nichols’ representation, many other attorners, agents, employees, investigators, incentivized, supplemented, referred, and complicit family members who may have been more maleficent and Machiavellian.  Perhaps Mr. Nichols is a very decent person who, in spite of ethics and possibly duty of officer of the court and possible fiduciary duty to disclose to the public in the event of such alluded to crises or martial law, Mr. Nichols’ very manipulative client who represented himself to reveal what he has about his character, motives, and lack of concern for the non-fiduciary best interests of my only child when construed in the light most favorable to said Child and Author/Mother.

Please understand, however, that Author/Mother, is determined to learn the full truth to the degree that the Lord intends so as to secure the safe, lawful, and legal return of her most precious Gift from Heaven, her son, who is now seven years old and will be entering  second grade at the end of this month.  Author/Mother wonders why so many attorneys have gasped when they learned that Attorney John Nichols represented Mr. Worrell at one point in time before automatically then, as if shocked, inquired as to where he got “that kind of money,” as if they were too afraid and were unwilling to even try to defend Author/Mother and Child, or were unable to as far as Attorney John Nichols was involved.

Curiously, however, Attorney Nichols was not the attorney involved in any of the latter cases that evoked such awe and fear of going up against Attorney Nichols, but who was not then representing Child’s father and repeat petitioner, false reporter to CPS and police for years, Mr. Matthew James Worrell.

So, “Commander/Chief,”  Author/Mother has formerly written to, at first, during 2007 proceedings, Senator Dan Patrick, whose staffer was sympathetic and believed there were grounds for stalking charges in 2007, yet, who could only recommend a “private attorney,” and then again, in 2012, Author/Mother felt forced to reach out to Governor Ricky Perry for help with legal abuse thought to be connected to Mr. Worrell’s 2007 paternity strategy and Tony Rolland, assault attorney and former Harris County D.A. Chuck Rosenthal’s employee (who Author/Mother credits in part for problems procuring suitable employment, naturally, strategic in nature), and consistently threatened malicious prosecution by Mr. Worrell regarding anger over child support,  before this travesty of justice culminated in such abduction of Author/Mother’s only child.  Author/Mother received response  from Governor Perry’s office  that he was unable to intervene in matters of the Judiciary (also accessible on this blog via menu to the left).  Are you the next person in the “chain of command?” (See same titled post accessible on the menu to the left) for one who seeks redress for grievances?

Author/Mother is certainly not afraid to seek out answers from all possible final decision-makers as alleged.  One of the questions Author/Mother has is, is the “state” and those who reside on the land currently subject to “martial law?”  As mentioned in another disclaimer, if Author/Mother hadn’t already been killed with or  in the Spirit of Jesus Christ, then  Author/Mother was arguably  killed the day she was told she could not legally hold her sweet, adorable, super healthy, happy, profoundly witty and intelligent little boy’s hand to his first day of kindergarten.

Author/mother’s life has been systematically and strategically destroyed through abuse of process, among other things, none of which are of honorable mention.  Having lost everything, including, apparently, the (legal) right to work (recall 2007  shenanigans)and be productive, liberty,  privacy, the (legal, not lawful) right to be a parent to a child, home, car (recall 2007  shenanigans), but most important of all, her son, but for the hope, faith, and divine intervention combined with clearly demonstrated heart, passion, love, and courage that are givens, that will be revealed, God willing, Author/Mother fairly and reasonably asks readers to draw their own conclusions based on what Author/Mother knows to be true to the best of her knowledge, at the peril of angering the wrong person.  With all due respect, Fine Sir, Mr. Nichols, Sr., this Author/Mother feels that she has earned that right and has faced worse death through the loss of her only child so as to command the respect that Mr. Nichols, should he should ever find himself or a loved one of his to be similarly situated as Author/Mother, would demand if not take without asking.  “).  Mr. Nichols, give your son an extra hug the next time you see him, and I ask that you think of what happened to Author/Mother and her little boy’s pain, because not all of us have been so cheated out of such fundamental privilege, liberty interest, and inalienable and unalienable rights.


report card for family court systems and officers by state and county (June 2014)

Be sure to check out The Family Court Report Card to see how well  your state and local county family court officers and related “professionals” performed for different parties involved in any domestic divorce and/or child custody dispute (mother, father, child) at:  http://www.distinctioninfamilycourts.org/grades.html.

One might also still be able to submit their own questionnaire which contains an objective and judicious rubric for rating criteria.

Just click on the following pdf. file to rate those court -affiliated professionals, judges, social workers, custody evaluators, police officers, associate judges or magistrates, juvenile court referees guardian ad litem, attorney for child, expert witnesses for both mother and father, mother’s attorney, father’s attorney, special and/or county prosecutor and/or attorney/District Attorney, Commissioner of Children’s Court, Advocates for Children, Medical Professionals, Mediator, parenting coordinators, arbitrators, private judges, counselors, therapists for child, for mother, and for father, Children’s right’s groups or non-for-profits, and finally, don’t leave out your local county sheriff and/or constable if he or she were ever involved in your family matter.  Questionnaire.

Source: www.distinctioninfamilycourts.org/questionnaire.html

One may try to submit the questionnaire electronically, or may otherwise download a copy, fill-in ratings based on objective and judicious rubric provided, print, and then return in the mail to the following address :

Distinction in Family Courts

1731 Howe Ave, #168

Sacramento, CA  95825-2209.

http://www.uglyjudge.com/ (Another great website that is not at all affiliated with Distinction in the Family Courts)




FROM: Your Real Mummy, Joni faith saloom

When I wake up in the morning, and when I go to sleep at night you are always the first thing I think about. I wonder if you’re getting ready for school, catching the school-bus, getting a ride, riding a bike, eating breakfast, and I wonder if you’re thinking about Mommy sometimes when you wake up from a dream that you thought was real because your mommy was there.  Before I go to sleep sometimes, I remember to pray to ask God to let me dream about you  and hear that heavenly sweet little giggle you always used to make as a baby when you slept.  That’s how I knew you were happy.

When I wake up in the morning, after I think about what you are doing for a little while, I thank the Lord for your life and that you are hopefully still very healthy.  I thank the Lord for how sweet, smart, comical, and witty you are–a real blessing that God gave us when he created you.  I also thank Him for choosing me to be your Mommy.  There is no greater privilege.

When I go to the store, I see the favorite snacks you used to enjoy and have to try to hide my tears.  I see the toy section and the baby aisle, and I have to walk by very quickly…to try to avoid the tears.

When I see the neighborhood children who you used to play with while they are playing basketball and riding their bicycles and scooters around the cul-de-sac on Sundays, and when I hear their loud, high-pitched, happy laughter  and sharing their joy with the world, as God intended, I imagine that there exist few greater pains and sorrows more hurtful than this feeling.  I think of other mothers and fathers who lost their children because they got called back to Heaven while they were still little.  I thank God that you and Mommy are both still alive and that so are your Grandma, Grandpa, and Pappy after I say a prayer to try to give some kind of comfort, hope, and peace to those mommies and daddies who wake up in the morning and face the pain of knowing their child is no longer on this earth.  Then I realize that our fate is different, yet more frustrating because you and I are still here on this earth.  It  feels like an insult not only the the Lord Himself, but also to the many mommies and daddies who had to suffer the tragedy and passing of their child(ren).

Then, I am sad for both  you and Mommy while, at the same time, I hope and pray with all my heart and soul  that you are happy.  Still, my heart, soul, mind, body, and Spirit die a little bit more with every passing moment that goes by without you, my sweet and adorable “Mini Me.”  Then I realize that a little part of your heart, soul, body, mind, and Spirit also has to be breaking at the same time because you were born from my body (all Glory Goes to God, but like the little girl in the old Shake- and-Bake Commercial Drawled, “I helped”).

We have been robbed…again.  This is the kind of robbery in which the victims cannot buy back or get whatever was lost or stolen at the store.  For, we cannot buy back time lost, or that which has been mercilessly stolen, tainted, denied, wasted or thrown away not by  our own choosing, but rather by others who were supposed to love and protect you (semantic distortions and legal ambiguities not properly noticed on intended beneficiaries –High Treason–aside).

This is Spiritual robbery–so much more serious and damning than robbery of material things of this world.  Mommy’s heart dies a little bit more with every passing moment that you are not with me and when I could not possibly know where you are at, or what you are doing, or if you are even safe as you always said that you were not allowed to call Mommy when with such thieves.  For the life of me, I’m sure I will more likely than not, ever know what these thieves and villains who think themselves above all laws  think that I, or anyone else for that matter,  could have ever done to anyone that was so bad and harmful to not just Mommy, but to sweet, adorable, lovable little you, a Child, to feel could ever warrant such evil and malicious loathing of your only mommy–a loathing that one has to know you feel to your very core.  This, too, saddens me, that it was beyond my ability to reach certain captors who had to have you all for themselves, and who, in so doing, insulted and disrespected you.  I am ashamed to have suffered the foolishness  of such thieves, yet I am ever so grateful to be your Mommy.

  Every day that these thieves and Pharisees, puffed up with false courage and prideful, greedy, jealous, malicious, and idolatrous hearts, choose to steal another sunrise, sunset,  moon, birthday, holiday, celebration, soccer game, movie, shopping trip, walk in the park, dinner, Sunday brunch, church gathering or festival, trick-or-treating Halloween night, pool or beach excursion, trip to the grocery or toy store together, and especially for every chance we could have used to read and learn together, when these things are stolen from you and Mommy, my sweet little Julian, a  serious offense and crime against you and against Mommy (that’s two lives and hearts being robbed) has been deliberately calculated to sever all ties and our natural bond that no man or woman can tear asunder without fear of rebuke and impunity from The Commander of Heaven’s Armies, Himself!

  Likewise, the same God Almighty  who chose me to be your Mommy and gave us to one another as gifts born of Heaven, as you were born of my own flesh and blood after my body helped God create you– my most precious gift– the same God Almighty who Created us with his own Spirit, who is more powerful than this world could ever be or anyone or anything on it, will come swiftly like a thief in the night upon those who harmed Him and who rejected Him every single time (that means every single minute we were robbed, for both you and for Mommy).  They rejected the Lord when they harmed us by stealing our God-given, precious Time–being itself, a “winged thief” that waits for no person(Keats?).

When the “Thief” of “Night” comes, we will be very rich, my little love, for that is when our treasures stored properly in Heaven come Home to rest.  Until you come home to Mummy, I will be busy thinking about you, loving you, missing you, looking forward to reading  your wonderful report cards, praying for you, wishing for you,  and dreaming of you.

I wish for tonight’s dream, to once again be able to actually feel what it felt like to hug you and read you to sleep at night.  I will pray for God to send the same feeling to you in your sleep, like I do every night, only sometimes I ask him to blow you a kiss for me that you catch and can somehow feel as a warm smile in your heart that you just know is Mummy loving you from afar and reassuring you that you need not give up hope of what children deserve–their Real mommies and daddies, loving unconditionally, regardless of his or her feelings for how the other parent may have hurt he or she.

It saddens me worse than anything else in this message  for you to someday read that somebody or some persons–thieves--thought more about what was best for their feelings, whims,  and convenience, for someone else’s children’s convenience, instead of what was best for you with your Mommy — the woman who the Lord Himself chose special just for you.  This is so very disrespectful and insulting to not only the Lord, our Creator, but also to you, a mere child whose brain is still growing, and to Mommy, who fought Heaven and Earth and just about everything in between to bring you here. My Darling, let me share that we are “thick as thieves”–that means you and Mommy, make no mistake.

What is worse?  A mother knowing that her child had his youth, his childhood, violently and mercilessly ripped away from him for no good cause and that cannot be replaced feels worse. You are not a possession, my dear, you are Mummy’s  treasured Gift, subject to Higher laws and Fate.  You were a prayer not yet hoped for, answered.

  These spiritual virtues are referred to in The Holy Bible, King James Verion of 1611–an instruction manual for how to live a happy, productive, fulfilling, and godly life worthy of Heavenly salvation–as “weightier matters”– “Justice, Mercy, and Faithfulness” (Matthew 23:13-23:23).

You once told me in the sweetest little voice, “Mumma, you’re my rose.”  What helped make it sound so sweet was the innocent way you pronounced the word–“Wrose.”  My heart melted and smiled at the same time.  Julian, you are like a Wild Sunflower, a “Son”Flower Sunflower, to Mommy–the brightest and biggest one in the whole field worth going through the worst brambles and thorns to get to reach.

Love always, Joni Faith Saloom, Your Mommy, …Forever on this 15th day of July in the year 2014 (“As it Was in the Beginning, Is Now, and Ever Shall Be, World Without End, Amen”)

Fair Use and Legal Disclaimer (PROMINENTLY DISPLAYED):

  • (1)  This post is made in GOOD FAITH and for deterrent purposes against child abusers, alleged child abusers, and those who would maternally alienate fit, loving mothers and children from one another.
  • (2) Content in this post is protected by Julian’s Real Mummy’s First Amendment herein claimed rights as a natural-born American, “sovereign,” “elect” citizen pursuant to the Supremacy Clause of the US Constitution and incorporated Bill of Rights made applicable to the states via ratification and application of the Fourteenth Amendment to the Federal, US Constitution and incorporated Bill of Rights, under the freedom of expression, freedom of association, freedom to peaceably assemble, and freedom to speech.
  • (3) All content in this post is also protected pursuant to the Federal statute 17 U.S.C., section 107 (“Fair Use”) as this content is solely intended for general knowledge, academic research, and/or entertainment purposes.
  • (4)  If anyone should desire, require, or demand a retraction or modification in part or in full, you must contact the author of this blog for fair notice to correct, pursuant to reasonable and lawfully obtained evidence supported by all legal and factual bases for your desire, demand, and/or requirement for  a full or partial retraction in a timely manner so that Author of this blog may respond expediently and lawfully.

Judge Lisa Millard Reportedly Accepted a $20,000 Bribe Through Father’s Lawyer to Kidnap 7 Year-Old Girl

Lisa Millard.Comment on bribe.petition to remove.06.24.14 001

Source: Change.org; Original Petition by Shukura Shelby, Ridgecrest, California, submitted in support and out of care and concern for the rights of Clifford Hall and his eleven year-old son

It appears from this comment that Judge Lisa Millard of the 310th Judicial District Court of Harris County Texas in Houston, Texas has been taking bribes for a long time.  This author has been a victim, as had author’s only child, who was mercilessly kidnapped before anything went to court, but who, nevertheless, protected kidnappers and converted full custody to alleged sexual abuser of said child.   Firsthand, actual, legal–non-hearsay, non-perjured, certified/verified direct testimony in writing and not subjected to subornation of perjury, not without circumstantial evidence and witnesses– weighs heavily probative beyond preponderance of evidence, and further beats the “person of reasonable prudence and caution” excuse to steal and re-victimize innocent mothers and children for a social experiment, the likes of which I have full confidence that neither Judge Lisa Millard, nor her Associate Judge with Executive Coast Guard alleged “immunity” would ever refuse to react to had it been their children and them standing before the same Pharisees (themselves) who ruined the lives not only  this poor woman and her 7-year old daughter who had never known her father who testifies above–Ms. “Dawn Cooper”–as documented, and mine and my only child’s lives (though he was only age five and was supposed to be starting kindergarten with his real Mummy who raised him without incident or injury.  Beyond preponderance of evidence burden of proof standard in this case passes,which tips the scales for Ms. “Dawn Cooper” and of victim-author in favor of a guilty verdict.  Who is going to hold this “judge” accountable (besides God)?


DISCLAIMER:  The information in this post is made in good faith and is intended solely for educational, general knowledge, and/or entertainment purposes.  If anyone desires a correction or a retraction based on specific facts that are not already well-within the firsthand, actual, “legal,” knowledge, personal experience, observations, facts, and certified/verified direct testimony of this blog’s author(s), including the name attached to the above demonstrative evidence or direct testimony, submit request and specific, controverting evidence, facts, support or certified/verified declaration signed in wet-ink by such a person or persons to me in person.  I will act reasonably and be fair, just, and I will  act like a person of average “prudence and caution” in weighing the facts and your legal arguments and their bases in granting such request for correction and/or retraction.

The author of this blog also herein exercises her fundamental, well-established as a matter of fact and law, First Amendment right as incorporated and applied via ratification and application of the Fourteenth Amendment to the Federal,  US Constitution  and incorporated Bill of Rights to, inter alia, freedom of speech, to peaceable assembly, to “associate,” and to tell the truth to the best of author’s knowledge.


R.I.C.O. Court Con in Houston, Texas, Demonstrative Evidence

Collaborative Report.harriscountyreport (Collaborative indeed!)

Lisa Millard and John Nichols.CLE presenters.Keeping It in and Keeping it Out.Error Preservation, or,

Keeping It in and Keeping it Out, Preservation of Error Through Making and Meeting Objections in Texas Family Law

One will quickly see how the awesome Republic US  has come to know the civil strife, domestic terrorism, and bear witness to the current despotic assault on the very families and innocent children this country’s highest institutions they were designed to protect, not only “on its face,” but also in correct and proper substance and meaning in accordance with the actual Federal US Constitution and Bill of Rights and with guaranteed natural law “inalienable” rights, freedoms, and liberties enumerated in The Declaration of Independence as the God-given, natural law implied rights to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” when one scrutinizes legal rhetoric and the improper relationships, as alleged, in the document one may view by clicking on the link above.

I submit the Continuing Legal Education (“C.L.E.”) presentation which was  written and “moderated” by Houston Attorney and “Adjutant General of Texas” (family law specialist and former judge), John Nichols, Sr. and which was “edited” and made “correct” by Harris County Judge Lisa A. Millard (310th judicial district court in Houston, Texas) to the real America, not the “new” America as the” new” America is bona fide Enemy of this great Republic US, as demonstrative evidence of “criminal enterprise” and syndicalism that the Federal Racketeering-Influenced Organized Crime Act, or statute (“R.I.C.O.”)– a single shining example as representative of so many more “model” “policies” and “unified” Courts and administrative, extra-judicial law that are currently endangering and abusing the Public Trust  and true “best interests” orbest practices” of responsible and “protective,” “safe,” real Leadership that is exercised by the majority of  highly competent, morally responsible, and God-fearing Individuals (“One Nation Under God) who demonstrate normal social behavior as opposed to abnormal and deviant perverted, constitutionally and manifestly unjust, tyrannical, depraved, narcissistic, discriminatory misconduct by all reasonable standards as constructed by and for real Americans and parents, “We the People” of this Republic US.

Sidebar: One native to Kentucky, as is the author of above-referenced presentation, surely remembers the Hatfields and McCoys, and surely recognizes that this fine Republic US was founded, on its face, by “rebels” and “revolutionaries” who brought diverse and exhilarating spirit to the land on which we currently reside or call home, as in home land.

Corrupt District Attorneys and Judges in Criminal Courts

Ya’ gotta love the truth as told by Mr. Bryon Watkins, former employee of Department of Corrections in Las Vegas, Nevada in this passionate post dedicated to justice or, in the alternative, public exposure. “Right-On!”

PRESS RELEASE: LEGAL KIDNAPPING,UNLAWFUL| “It’s a Family Tradition”. . . in Harris and Brazoria Counties, Texas


Contact: Joni Faith Saloom
Telephone: 713/240-1727
E-mail: jonisaloom@sbcglobal.net

A “Family” Tradition in the Court of Country Corruption

Former F.B.I. Agent, Ted Gunderson, called it the “Damon 10,000 Screw,” or “The Fix Is In” when he investigated Brenda Battle Jordan’s case.  Most mothers, however, will be quick to correct any such statement as it is known all too well among the “victims” that the bidding for one’s child in the “R.I.C.O. court con,” or, in the fraudulent family court racket begins at $20,000, as a standard, flat-rate bribe to the judge (elected Harris County Judge Lisa A. Millard, exclusive of attorneys fees, expenses, court costs,  investigators, judicial election campaign contributions, judicial entertaining fees, government incentivized slush funds and non-for-profit lobbying contributions and business referrals).

Mother’s Day weekend marked the second year that a now seven year-old boy has been without his mother, Joni Faith Saloom, and, reciprocally, that Joni has been deprived of her only child, Julian Jacob Worrell of Genealogy Saloom (who generously gave “J.J.W.” his father’s last name even though he completely abandoned them in pregnancy, and afterward, and vowed to ruin their lives, and did refuse to attend Julian’s birth, who is now called “J.J.,” on knowledge and belief, by his father and Nancy Gray/Nancy Gray-Dufour/Nancy Gray-Worrell/Nancy G. Worrell (with three of her own small children residing in the same former marital home of he/r recent ex-husband and father of he/r children on whom she admitted to committing adultery on in open court on official and unofficial court record as they are quite known to be altered and denied in these cases so as to block appeal and any state remedy for the re-victimized fit parent so deprived, the mother as per state “pilot demonstration projects” to “remove”/constructively, kidnap legally, though, unlawfully where mother is unmarried, young, or of a single household income or receiving any kind of alleged “benefit,” and a lot of times when s/he is not when the father has money and social services and a $650 or even $450/hr. attorney possibly on Father’s for Equal Rights TX OAG affiliated third party faith based organization or “community ‘stakeholder’/’partner’ payroll as in New Day, for example) as a direct result of a malicious and retaliatory custody-switching scam set in motion by profiteering social workers, cooperating police officers, and an angry father who did not want to pay child support any more—no matter what the cost.

Social worker and police officer individual defendants in Saloom’s  Federal Civil Appeal  U.S.C.A. No. 13-20605, filed in “propria persona,” sui juris, de jure,  and currently in the Federal, U.S. Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans, against, inter alia, Cheryl Harvick, Brazoria County Texas CPS Program Supervisor,  Paul Elton, a Pearland police officer for Defendant City of Pearland, Brazoria County and Brazoria County CPS, a division of Department of Family and Protective Services for the “state of Texas,”Lesly Damian-Murray, a Brazoria County CPS caseworker or  “investigator,” Karen Coblentz, a Brazoria County CPS Program Director,  William Lilly, a police officer for the Special Crimes Against Children Unit for Harris County Sheriff’s Office/Harris County Office of Risk Management/Commissioner’s Court under elected official, Harris County Attorney Vince Ryan, and one angry father and his family (the latter of whom are not part of federal litigation), retaliated against Miss Joni Faith Saloom (and her only child, her son, who was only five years old at the time) on May 08, 2012 at the Pearland CPS office when they wrongfully and unconstitutionally (see Amendments I, IV, V, IX, XIII, and XIV, thus, unlawfully, thus, illegally, “removed” Child without a court order for Child’s “removal,” without exigent circumstances or imminent threat of danger, without a warrant for “removal” that issued on probable cause and reliability, and without convicting Saloom of being an unfit parent with clear and convincing evidence (and certainly without an attorney or a trial)—the constitutional standard for such “removals,” or, in this case, kidnapping committed under the color of law for the State of Texas.

Defendants retaliated against Joni and her son for making legitimate complaints to their superiors (Office of Consumer Affairs in Austin, Texas and to Pearland Police Department (Captain J.C. Doyle, Pearland Police Department’s Chief-of-Police for City of Pearland, a municipality and home rule charter city) on May 03, 2012 and May 05, 2012) regarding the way they attempted to cover-up Child’s plausible allegations of sexual abuse/misconduct/assault against his father, Matthew James Worrell/a.k.a. “Matt Worrell” or “Matt James Worrell” and “The Visitor—a homeless teenager with black, spiky hair” before they abducted Joni’s son.

The role that private “play therapist”/marriage and family counselor and sex therapist, Kimberly A. Abernethy of Houston, Texas, played in this bizarre custody switching scam through child’s allegations of sexual abuse against his father and “The Visitor” is unknown to Miss Saloom. Child’s father, after no-calling and no-showing for one hundred thirteen (113) consecutive days of his then non-primary “joint managing ‘conservatorship’,’ started picking the boy up to take him to see “Miss Kim.”   Kim A. Abernethy received her license from the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services. It is also unclear whether or not a Brazoria County CPS worker, Dedra Latasha Hardaway (of Alivin, Texas), recommended Abernethy to Child’s father. “Play therapy” is not even recognized as a pseudo-science.

When Child’s father learned on Friday, May 04, 2012, that Joni and Child were at Texas Children’s Hospital (for sexual assault exam for Child), he immediately had his attorney file for an Emergency Hearing and Temporary Restraining Order against Joni in the 310th Judicial District Court of Harris County, Texas. Joni didn’t learn, until months later by accident, that on Monday, May 07, 2012, Associate Judge Conrad Moren and Judge Lisa Millard switched “primary managing ‘conservatorship’” from Joni to Child’s adjudicated father without notice, without a hearing, and without a chance to present evidence or be represented by an attorney.  To this day, the switch has never been mentioned to Joni by any one.

On Monday, May 07, 2012 around 6:30PM, defendants Cheryl Harvick and Sergeant William Lilly telephoned Saloom and falsely led her to believe that they had investigated Child’s father (based on four referrals CPS had received on the matter from highly credible professionals), and further, that it was urgent Joni schedule an appointment to come to the CPS office in Pearland the following day to “help” them “make an arrest” on the father and one of the alleged perpetrators of sexual abuse against a child as Sergeant Lilly was allegedly in the process of “getting a warrant). Saloom had no idea that she was taking her child to an appointment to be permanently “kidjacked” (attributed to author of website, Kidjacked).

When Joni arrived at the Pearland CPS office with her son at 1:30PM the next day, Harvick immediately seized Joni’s then five and one half year-old (5 1/2 years old) son and separated them. Harvick threatened that Joni would “never call Office of Consumer Affairs” on one of [her] “people” again, angrily snapping and rolling her neck. Then, Defendant individual Paul Elton appeared and threw Joni’s valid Texas driver’s license—the one that he purposefully failed to return to her when he showed up at Saloom’s then town home with father for visitation on Thursday, May 03, 2012— at her as he also threatened that Joni would “never go ‘talkin’ smack’ about him at [his] precinct again! Between approximately 1:45PM and 3:00PM on the same day of May 08, 2012, defendants “transported” and subjected Child to an unnecessary second sexual assault exam at the Children’s Assessment Center (“C.A.C.”) in Houston, Texas (Harris County).   Harvick then used this second alleged sexual assault exam at Texas Children’s Hospital by the experts to which Saloom’s son’s doctor, police, and paramedics had referred them, that Harvick, not Miss Saloom, ordered, as an excuse to conclude that Joni had allegedly subjected her son to “neglectful parenting” for “exposing him to an adult situation” along with alleged “emotional abuse” for allegedly saying Joni “coached” her five year-old son to make said allegations of child sexual abuse on fraudulent “Notice of Removal.” Harvick claimed on court record that no tape was made or exists of this alleged exam that she alleged was conducted by a person identified as “Ekira Jones.” Jones is not and has not been employed with the Children’s Assessment Center/Child Advocacy Center.

At all times defendants had evidence that Joni had taken her son to Texas Children’s Hospital on Friday, May 04, 2012 for a sexual assault exam by specialists at the advice of child’s primary care physician in Pearland, who had also made a report based on Child’s allegations to him and urged Joni to do the same as this is the law in Texas, on Wednesday, May 02, 2012. They also heard from Joni that two different Pearland police officers and a CPS hotline worker in Austin, Texas not only believed Child’s allegations made directly to them, but also insisted that Child and Saloom go directly to the police station in jurisdiction where alleged events occurred—Tomball, Texas in Harris County justice of the peace jurisdiction, which they did on the same evening.

Shortly thereafter, defendant Sergeant William Lilly, Special Crimes against Children Unit for Harris County Sheriff’s Office (see his role in the contrived political stunt of fame known as Lawrence v. Texas, 2005, US Supreme Court argued by former corrupt Harris County D.A. who was forced to resign for other indiscretions, Charles/”Chuck” Rosenthal), appointed by Harris County Sheriff Adrian Garcia, arrived to coerce an interrogation that Joni refused and where Joni insisted upon an attorney being present before questioning, but was denied. Defendants (with two, and at times, three other fully armed and uniformed police officers for City of Pearland) spent five and one half hours after they seized Child trying to coerce Joni into signing away her parental rights to her only child. Lilly demanded that Joni “confess” to what he reminded her was “a felony in the State of Texas”—making a false allegation of child abuse—so that they could all “go home.” It didn’t work. Lilly then threatened that he was “coming back” for Joni when he went to the father’s house and proved she was “lying.”

Child’s father has a criminal record in Harris County (Houston, Texas) for intention to distribute large amounts of “M.D.M.A.,” street drug name, “Ecstasy,” DUI/DWI, and who was found to have at least four (4) illicit substances in his blood when police officers pulled him over on December 18, 2005. He also has a documented history of secreting and enticing Child and interfering with child custody regarding Joni’s son. Saloom says Child’s father had a penchant for sexual deviance. He is currently Child’s “sole managing conservator.” Neither CPS nor police investigated allegations of sexual abuse against the father or “The Visitor.”

Joni has not been allowed any meaningful contact with her only child, who she describes as being more vital to her life than her own heart, for over two years as a direct result of this conspiracy and retaliation. Her son calls someone else “Mommy” and took classes on how to “grieve for the loss of his [real] ‘Mommy.’ His first day of kindergarten has come and gone. After his wrongful, unconstitutional, thus, unlawful “removal,” Joni lost her home and her car. Currently, Child’s father is trying to put Joni in jail for alleged contempt of court and child support that she miraculously caught up on while employed for three months. There is allegedly a court date, regarding which, Saloom has not been served with process, in the notorious 310th “Judicial District” Court of Harris County, Texas set for June 30, 2014 at 9:00AM. The same 310th court was originally a defendant in Joni Saloom’s Federal lawsuit for violation of rights perpetrated under color of law and for conspiracy against rights of a U.S. citizen, and will most likely use this opportunity to demonstrate its wrath against Joni Saloom. When Child’s father threatened Joni that he and his family would “ruin” her life if she didn’t show-up for multiple abortions he scheduled in Houston, Texas without her knowledge or consent, and that he paid for over the Internet with a credit card, she had no idea he could legally kidnap her only child.

Update as of July 11, 2014: (Former) Sergeant William Lilly, after thirty years of service, was reportedly (possibly temporarily due to litigation) terminated for “failing to investigate” (sex crimes against children and probably others).  His immediate supervisor, as reported in a two liner on the public Internet  local Houston news, a one Mr. Ruben Diaz, was reportedly put on suspension without pay for twenty (20) days for “failing to supervise” Lilly.  Disappointingly, and, curiously, or, well, in a grossly negligent and callously indifferent, conscience-shocking manner, the cases Lilly did not investigate as a matter of fact have not been re-opened with the Harris County Sheriff’s Office (for Sheriff Adrian Garcia) or the Harris County Children’s Commissioner’s or family courts in Harris or Brazoria County in Houston, Pearland, Tomball, and Angleton, Texas.

Reports show that this is not the first alleged cover-up of sexual abuse against a six year-old child by a Pearland CPS (Child Protective Services) social worker in Pearland, Texas in Brazoria County, thus, defeating the “isolated incident” “immunity” defense.  Parents, please be warned that the self-proclaimed and fervent advertisers for the government “protectors,” and especially the alleged “non-for-profit” one hundred percent non-transparent by Texas law and statute joint public-private ventured businesses like “SAFE” supervised visitation (though Saloom has been denied access even to court-ordered two hour one time per month visitation) and victim’s assistance centers, domestic violence centers, and many churches and doctor’s offices (any and all first reporters, including police) are not here to “help” anyone but the state treasury (See the Texas General Fund and my post on this blog taken from Clint Richardson’s Reality Blog titled, “Where the State of Texas Hides Your Money,” the Texas Child Support Surplus Fund Report, also posted on this blog, and the Texas CAFR reports.  Trust nobody in this “state” of fallen grace.  Take it from this author with Hindsight 20-20 vision, or, if not myself, then explore the “Blogs and Websites” Post on this blog for a variety of opinions and perspectives.  Please, Please, Please do your homework.  Your child’s lives, any future children of yours, and your future livelihood and those of your families and friends literally depend on it if you should be put in such an unenviable position or your child “coached” to tell you these disgusting allegations by those who stand to profit as a matter of fact on average $100,000 per child “removal,” getting thousands in commission on-the-spot.” 

Similarly, the police have been promised federal land grants, and, on knowledge and belief, so have social workers, judges, and BAR member attorneys, and all court-appointed “therapists, legislators, “evaluators,” social services affiliates, collaborative law “stakeholders,” magistrates, and guardian ad litem and amicus and court-appointed attorneys who are all paid by the same Commissioner’s Court  (led by Judge of Judges, Ed Emmett and Harris County Attorney, Vince Ryan who acts through CPS special prosecutor, Mr. William Sumpter Frazier along with Donna Everson, court-appointed Guardian Ad Litem/Attorney Ad Litem for the child in the 310th court of Judge Lisa A. Millard and Associate Judge Conrad Moren) that pays CPS to “remove” fit, healthy, and happy children from loving mothers, and, sometimes fathers, although there has been quite the backlash due to Father’s for Equal Rights lobbyists (Child Advocates, Inc. who were routinely served with notice of hearings in a more timely and proper fashion than was I though I had never met them and suspect their presence was compelled to watch the judge to make sure she ruled in their–CPS and adoption lobbyists’–favor) and pedophiles in very high places who arranged for legal bribes to judges and “slush funds” to sell your children and then sell you services–racketeering, organized crime, artifice to defraud, honest services fraud, extortion, duress, threat, coercion, bribery, perjury, and subornation of perjury not to mention misprision of judges, malfeasance of lawyers, and High Treason,  and breach of fiduciary duty (Federal RICO predicate crimes against humanity). 

Veritatem Dilexi–Through truth, knowledge.  “Take heart and have courage” (The Holy Bible, repeated throughout, all real versions).


 Fair Use and Legal Disclaimer (PROMINENTLY DISPLAYED):

  • (1)  This post is made in GOOD FAITH and for deterrent purposes against child abusers, alleged child abusers, and those who would maternally alienate fit, loving mothers and children from one another.
  • (2) Content in this post is protected by Julian’s Real Mummy’s First Amendment herein claimed rights as a natural-born American, “sovereign,” “elect” citizen pursuant to the Supremacy Clause of the US Constitution and incorporated Bill of Rights made applicable to the states via ratification and application of the Fourteenth Amendment to the Federal, US Constitution and incorporated Bill of Rights, under the freedom of expression, freedom of association, freedom to peaceably assemble, and freedom to speech.
  • (3) All content in this post is also protected pursuant to the Federal statute 17 U.S.C., section 107 (“Fair Use”) as this content is solely intended for general knowledge, academic research, and/or entertainment purposes.
  • (4)  If anyone should desire, require, or demand a retraction or modification in part or in full, you must contact the author of this blog for fair notice to correct, pursuant to reasonable and lawfully obtained evidence supported by all legal and factual bases for your desire, demand, and/or requirement for  a full or partial retraction in a timely manner so that Author of this blog may respond expediently and lawfully.

Motion to Claim and Exercise Constitutional Rights and Require the Presiding Judge to Rule Upon This Motion and all Public Officers of this Court to Uphold Said Rights

Motion to Claim and Exercise Constitutional Rights Page 1 of 5 001Motion to Claim and Exercise Constitutional Rights Page 2 of 5Motion to Claim and Exercise Constitutional Rights Page 3 of 5Motion to Claim and Exercise Constitutional Rights Page 4 of 5Motion to Claim and Exercise Constitutional Rights Page 5 of 5(Fax Receipt Confirmation Available)


It’s a sad commentary on the state of affairs when a Sovereign U.S., natural born citizen has to “file” this motion in family court (upon which there was no hearing or ruling granted).

Criminal Enterprise in Harris County (Houston, Texas)

Proof that the Harris County Family and Juvenile Court Judges and PUBLIC SERVANTS, attorneys, court-appointed attorneys and guardian ad-litem for children, clerks, commissioners, prosecutors, police, sheriff’s department, constables, mental health professionals, self-professed child-savers, counselors, safe access and visitation personnel are all in bed together

Exhibit A




Exhibit B


Harris County Juvenile Probation Department (Note Key “Stakeholders” and Picture of Judge Lisa Millard of the 310th Court, Not Pictured, but Associate Judge of the 313th Juvenile Court is Stephen Newhouse, former court-appointed amicus for child)



Harris County Court Denies Child his Right to Speak to the Judge

Motion to Interview Child in Age-Appropriate Manner.1 001Motion to Interview Child.2 002

Houston Attorney Lawrence Rothenberg’s Trick to Avoid Due Process of Law and Texas Rules of Civil Procedure–Each Time! Abuse of Procedural Process

Houston Attorney Lawrence Rothenberg's Trick to Avoid Due Process of Law and TRCP 001Houston Attorney Lawrence Rothenberg's Trick to Avoid Due Process and TRCP 002Lawrence Rothenberg.04.11.13 001

This is the envelope in which the intended contents finally arrived (see date as shown on envelope above).

Was Attorney Lawrence/”Larry” Rothenberg Taking Advantage of an Unrepresented Party on Purpose?  You be the judge, Real America.



1. The green certified return receipt request to Joni Faith Saloom is taped to the back of the envelope addressed to Mr. Matthew J. Worrell

2. The “Received Dec-7-2012” stamp on the front of the same envelope appears to have been from a post office on the opposite side of Houston or Otherwise Attorney Lawrence Rothnberg with “Return to Sender”/ “Unable to Forward” Labeled  on the Front

Contents of Envelope RE: Cause No. 2007-05391, 310th Judicial District Court of Harris County, Texas, In the Interest of Julian Jacob Worrell, Child:

1. Proposed [incorrect] Child Support Findings Against Mother, Respondent, Who Didn’t Even Receive the Notice Until The Matter Was Adjudicated by Associate Judge Conrad Moren and elected Judge Lisa Millard!

2. Under-reported Income for Matt Worrell as Evidenced/Contradicted by Testimony from Mr. Worrell Himself, Attorney Larry Rothenberg’s own Client, on Court Record (Base Salary in SALES of $90,000.00…neglected to add that most of his income is generated from commission and neglected to mention his other “businesses”)

Lawrence Rothenberg Tricks Again.1.Front Envelope 001Lawrence Rothenberg Tricks Again.2

Attorney Lawrence/”Larry” Rothenberg Does it Again, Ladies and Gentleman!  He manages to Avoid Due Process of Law, Take Advantage of an Unrepresented Party, and Avoid Texas Rules of Civil Procedure all at the Same Convenient Time for His Client, Matt Worrell/”Matt James Worrell”/Matthew James Worrell/Worrell, Matt

Contents of Envelope #2: First Amended Motion to Modify In Suit Affecting the Parent-Child Relationship, RE: Cause No. 2007-05391, 310th Judicial District Court, Harris County (Houston), TX, In the Interest of Julian Jacob Worrell, son of Joni Faith Saloom, Judges Lisa Millard and Associate Judge Conrad Moren Presiding

Lawrence Rothenberg.Envelope 18

This is the envelope in which the intended contents finally reached the other party.

Attorney Larry Rothenberg and/or His Client, Matt Worrell, Abuse Process and Authority for a Third Time In-a-Row (and the 310th Court in Harris County and Judge Lisa Millard and Associate Judge Conrad Moren Apparently Participate through Ratification)!

Larry Rothenberg.Trick3Larry Rothenberg.Trick3Back of Same Envelope

Contents: At this Point, Who Really Cares?  It’s only the “best interests” of a child at stake!  Not noticed for Final Trial to Determine “Conservatorship” of My only Child, the only Consistent Caretaker he had ever known for his critical first 5 1/2 years of life, right before he started kindergarten….without me to hold his little hand and walk him to his first day of “big school, ” or primary school.


1.     This post is made in good faith, and is intended solely for educational purposes, general knowledge and personal edification, and/or entertainment purposes.

2.    Firsthand, actual, “legal,” knowledge of the author of this blog informs and supports each and every fact, demonstrative evidence, direct testimony, opinion, and belief–allegations–expressed herein.

3.    Retaliation against the author of this blog with knowledge of harmful and reasonably foreseeable consequences and, inherently maliciously intended and ill-willed actions and/or omissions perpetrated with reckless disregard to an unconscionable degree on the part of subject of this post and those affiliated and/or represented with and/or by Attorney Lawrence/”Larry” Rothenberg will further support and give credence to any and all allegations in this post.

4.     If anyone desires a correction and/or retraction regarding the information contained in this post, submit certified/verified declaration and/or request in writing with wet-ink signature of such person desiring correction and/or retraction.  Include any and all controverting evidence, testimony, and arguments to include supporting factual and legal bases necessitating correction and/or retraction in a timely and relevant manner.


Fair Use and Legal Disclaimer (PROMINENTLY DISPLAYED):

  • (1)  This post is made in GOOD FAITH and for deterrent purposes against child abusers, alleged child abusers, and those who would maternally alienate fit, loving mothers and children from one another.
  • (2) Content in this post is protected by Julian’s Real Mummy’s First Amendment herein claimed rights as a natural-born American, “sovereign,” “elect” citizen pursuant to the Supremacy Clause of the US Constitution and incorporated Bill of Rights made applicable to the states via ratification and application of the Fourteenth Amendment to the Federal, US Constitution and incorporated Bill of Rights, under the freedom of expression, freedom of association, freedom to peaceably assemble, and freedom to speech.
  • (3) All content in this post is also protected pursuant to the Federal statute 17 U.S.C., section 107 (“Fair Use”) as this content is solely intended for general knowledge, academic research, and/or entertainment purposes.
  • (4)  If anyone should desire, require, or demand a retraction or modification in part or in full, you must contact the author of this blog for fair notice to correct, pursuant to reasonable and lawfully obtained evidence supported by all legal and factual bases for your desire, demand, and/or requirement for  a full or partial retraction in a timely manner so that Author of this blog may respond expediently and lawfully.

Declaration of joni-faith: of family saloo

Page 1 of Declaration of Joni Faith Saloom.pdf 002Page 2 of 20 Declaration of Joni Faith Saloom Page 3 of 20 Declaration of Joni Faith Saloom Page 4 of 20 Declaration of Joni Faith Saloom Page 5 of 20 Declaration of Joni Faith Saloom Page 6 of 20 Declaration of Joni Faith Saloom Page 7 of 20 Declaration of Joni Faith Saloom Page 8 of 20 Declaration of Joni Faith Saloom Page 9 of 20 Declaration of Joni Faith Saloom Page 10 of 20 Declaration of Joni Faith SaloomPage 10 of 20 Declaration of Joni Faith Saloom Page 11 of 20 Declaration of Joni Faith Saloom Page 12 of 20 Declaration of Joni Faith Saloom Page 13 of 20 Declaration of Joni Faith Saloom Page 14 of 20 Declaration of Joni Faith Saloom Page 15 of 20 Declaration of Joni Faith Saloom Page 16 of 20 Declaration of Joni Faith Saloom Page 17 of 20 Declaration of Joni Faith Saloom Page 18 of 20 Declaration of Joni Faith Saloom Page 19 of 20 Declaration of Joni Faith Saloom Page 20 of 20 Declaration of Joni Faith Saloom

The file stamp at the top of Page 1 (June 26, 2012) indicates not that the person filing the document received a  meaningful hearing or was allowed to present evidence in a constitutional court, but rather that the clerks simply put it into the file in Cause No. 2007-05391, 310th Judicial District Court of Harris County, Texas.  This does not denote that judges necessarily read this information.  In fact, it is a popular opinion based on statistically significant firsthand observations of parties  in Harris County (Houston,TX) that judges routinely sign orders for their favorite attorney who contributed the most to their campaign before they even let a forced pro se (unrepresented) party speak at all without threat of imprisonment or arrest by bailiffs, let alone present evidence in their favor or read any pleadings  on file pertaining to the case before them for meaning and substance.

Please also note that the bate stamps at the bottom were added by someone in the office of former judge and current attorney, Ronnie Harrison (Harrison Law Offices in Houston,TX) who is best friends with Donna Everson (CPS/court-appointed guardian ad litem and attorney ad litem for child in this cause).  There was not properly noticed trial or jury trial in this case before final orders were rendered as was promised to me, the author, by Judge Lisa Millard on court record upon my own motion for jury trial that was specifically insisted upon in Respondent’s Original Answer(call for specifics and dates).  This document was not admitted  or even given an opportunity to be presented as evidence in this case at any meaningful time without threats of  what would have been false arrest by bailiff for what was threatened as “contempt of court” by Associate Judge Conrad Moren and Judge Lisa Millard.


This post is made in good faith.  It is Author of this blog’s original work product based on firsthand, actual, “legal” and “lawful” knowledge (as opposed to hearsay or perjury that is so ubiquitous in the unfortunate “states” of fraudulent family courts by unlawful statutes and codes and doctrines, which are not lawful where they are unconstitutional).  This Declaration(certified/verified under penalty of perjury–original certification available upon request) is not intended for profit or commercial use, but is rather posted to help others who may be facing similar situations and help them avoid certain pitfalls.  Furthermore, this information is expressly and strictly forbidden from being used for any purposes of exploitation, mockery, slander, malice, rumor-mongering, and child exploitation.  Yet, children will continue to be sold, federalized, and exploited commercially and sexually if stories like this are not exposed, or at least, that is Author’s educated and experienced, initiated opinion to which she is entitled under the fundamental and well-established as a matter of fact and law First Amendment rights to freedom of speech, expression, to freely associate, and to direct the moral and religious upbringing of her child where she has not been found to be unfit in any way in any court of competent and proper “jurisdiction,” or to have committed a crime that would warrant these horrendous deprivations and retaliation by a rogue government and possibly bribed judges and social workers and police officers on knowledge and belief.

That being said, this post is in no way intended as “legal” advice, and should certainly not be construed as such as Author of this post is not a legal practitioner or, even more desirable, a board-certified specialist in family or otherwise constitutional or any other law discipline.  Author, being a natural woman and claimant of property that was a Gift from God, a now 7 1/2 year-old little natural man, was forced to defend herself in a collateral attack from pernicious and ill-willed parties with financial incentives to collude to deprive parties of constitutional, civil, “inalienable, ” (“life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”), “unalienable,” parental, natural, Divine and common law and property rights (Declaration of Independence) with reasonably foreseeable knowledge of harmful consequences to Author and to Author’s “property” of her own body, her womb, created by God.  “Take heart and have courage” (The Holy Bible, repeated throughout, all  real versions).  Veritatem Dilexi–Through Truth, Knowledge!

Interview with Clifford Hall and His Attorney with Nancy Redd on Huffington Post–Clerical Error Sends Man to Jail for Six Months


Nancy Redd, reporter for The Huffington Post, interviews Clifford Hall and his attorney from Houston, Texas (Harris County).  Judge Lisa Millard of the 310th judicial district court in Harris County, Texas sentenced Mr. Hall to six months in jail in spite of the fact that he had overpaid his $3,000.00 in child support, and for spending “too much time” with his eleven year-old son.  Judge Millard’s court neglected to notify Mr. Hall that new orders were issued in his case that increased child support and changed visitation with his son.

In June 2013, Texas reportedly changed the law to allow judges to sentence anyone who had ever at any point in time been late or not paid child support even if he or she were caught up on child support and current before any court dates.  Texas and the courts failed to let Texas citizens know of this change in policy.  In fact, listen to Clifford Hall’s Houston attorney admit that she had no idea that the law had changed, and claims that she had no idea he could go to jail when he showed up for his court date  overpaid on child support in Judge Lisa Millard’s courtroom.

The author of this blog would like to inform the audience, however, that Judge Lisa Millard discriminates fairly and equally against both women and men alike.  This is not an isolated incident.  Judge Lisa Millard’s court was initially a defendant in a federal lawsuit filed in the U.S. Southern District of Texas, Houston Division, for violation of constitutional rights of Joni Faith Saloom and her only child, Julian Jacob Worrell of Genealogy Saloom in April 2013 before Saloom made a motion to dismiss certain defendants due to alleged “judicial” and “prosecutorial” “immunity” hurdles even though judges technically do not have judicial “immunity” for malicious acts with intent and knowledge of harm and consequences of deprivation of constitutional rights and conspiracy (See 42 U.S.C. 1983, 1985 of Th Civil Rights Act of 1871) committed ultra vires, or for ministerial or administrative acts.

Judge Lisa Millard, Conrad Moren, and the 310th Court, along with Child’s vexatious litigant father, are currently retaliating by trying to use the same scheme that was played on Clifford Hall even though Miss Saloom has yet to be served with the personal service of a summons and notice of any hearing or trial.  Millard or Moren (a “Magistrate”/”Master”/”Referee” Associate judge, not an elected, but rather a judge who has Executive immunity as does the Coast Guard) will most likely issue a Writ of capias, or bench warrant, for arrest without service of process for a child support enforcement and contempt of court of which Texas Family Code reads that a record is not required for such proceedings and in which case the plaintiff does not have any burden of proving anything.  This is a common scam of fraud by courts when the plaintiff’s counsel blatantly lies in pleadings that oftentimes the respondent or defendant never has an opportunity to see or to submit evidence on their behalf with zealous representation of his or her choice.


How Harris and Brazoria County Judges, Attorneys, Coppers, Social Workers, and a Private “Play Therapist” Neglected to “Protect” “Best Interests” of natural, Sovereign woman/”Mother” and her Property/”child” from 2007 to 2012

False Imprisonment.Dec.02.2007.Page 1 of 2



Kimberly Ann Abernethy, or Kimberly A. Abernethy (Houston, Texas)

Last Name: Abernethy
First Name: Kim
Name License Number License Type Status Expiry Date
50063 Certified Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) Expired, Active 08/31/1995
15946 Licensed Professional Counselor Current, Active 11/30/2015

Tonya Rolland.Assault Attorney.False Imprisonment.Nov.30.2007 001

Tonya Rolland, now Tonya Rolland-McLaughlin, former “Assault Attorney, Worked for former forced-to-resign D.A., Charles/”Chuck” Rosenthal, Harris County, TX (See Racist E-mails, Sex Affair with Secretary, and Drug Problem), “Pay-to-Play” Saboteur /Provacateur Extraordinaire

“When her Deputy Misdemeanor Division Chief announced to Harris County that she wouldn’t answer a Grand Jury’s questions about her job for fear of incriminating herself, she was promoted within the Office.  To this day, that prosecutor’s salary remains approximately $20,000 more a year than her peers with similar experience” ( as posted by “a Harris County Attorney” on Life at the Harris County Criminal Justice Center, Mon. May 28, 2012).


Life Responsible for the Pictures of Joni Faith Saloom, “Julian’s Real Mummy,” Below, Legal Criminal, Guilty of False Imprisonment and Falsifying/Tampering With Government and Police Records, Stalking with Intent to Harm, Failure to Show Proof of Identity or otherwise Impersonating a Public Servant, Violation of Constitutional and Civil Rights of a natural born, U.S. citizen, and her infant son under the color of law in violation of 42 U.S.C. Section 1983 and 1985(3), Earned Her Position by Doing the Dirty Work for More Experienced Criminal and Family Court Attorneys and Politico in Harris County, Starting at the D.A.’s Office, part of former D.A., Chuck Rosenthal’s Crew (See Lawrence v. Texas, argued at the U.S. Supreme Court);

www.sfgate.com/crime/article/Concord-private-eye-detailed-dirty-DUI-stings-2373276.php (Suggested Reading for  assault attorney, Tonya Rolland...but wait, you already know how to play the entrapment game, setting people up during paternity proceedings to try to even out the score and balance both sides of the scales, don’t you, Tonya?)   …and the “enhancements” you and your buddies get on assaults and DUI’s don’t hurt, now do they? 

See Tonya Rolland-McClaughlin’s Campaign Contributions at :  http://www.texastribune.org/library/data/campaign-finance/filer/103326/from/1216145/


Judge Margaret Stewart Harris, Criminal Court at Law No. 5, Harris County, Texas–best buddies with Tonya Rolland, now Tonya Rolland-McLaughlin (as pictured and incriminated above as alleged by this author with firsthand, actual knowledge)  Marge, what were ya’ thinkin’ trying to hold a new mommy in jail on false charges–“assault–bodily injury–without bail, a teacher with no “priors” in her adult life…during child custody battle…and the perpetrator was your best friend , Tonya Rolland, pictured below?  Your congregation must be so proud of you, ya’ Hippocrite… Pharisee…Harpy!

See Judge Margaret Stewart Harris’ Salary at:  http://www.texastribune.org/library/data/government-employee-salaries/harris-county/departments/county-courts-at-law/14351/ –$145,644

“But beware of the children of men, for they will deliver you to the courts and they will scourge you in their synagogues.”/ “Beware of wolves in sheep’s clothing.” (Matthew 7:15) 


Matthew James Worrell–Stay Away from this “Soccer Coach/Rockstar Dad” if you and your children live in Tomball, Texas!  See Harris County Criminal Record 2005-2006–Intention to Distribute Large Amounts of M.D.M.A., DUI/DWI, five drugs found in his system when he was pulled over and refused a breathalizer, a Felony I charge for which he received deferred adjudication and got out of picking up trash duty with a “doctor’s note”–Just like the Momma’s Boy he is; P.S. Allegations of Sexual Misconduct/Abuse/Assault with a Child Were Covered-Up by Brazoria and Harris County CPS, theirs and the court’s employee, Donna Everson, and of course, Judges Lisa Millard and Conrad Moren in th 310th Judicial District Court of Harris County, TX


Kim A. Abernethy, or, Kimberly A. Abernethy, licensed professional counselor, “Play Therapist,” licensed marriage an family counselor whose role in masterfully played custody-switching scam That May or May not Have Involved Planting Seeds in My Then Five Year-Old Son’s Head (during “Daddy’s ‘visits'”) to tell Mommy a very bizarre Story Involving multiple sexual abuse allegations from my only child, my son, my life, who, possibly thanks to this fraud for Hire, who never showed her face or a Report in Court, contributed  to my having had no meaningful contact with My son because I believed his allegations, or at least, took them seriously and “reported” like Texas law required; Further, “Miss Kim (pictured here, Photo Source: LinkedIn), as reported by my son upon coming home from a visit with “Daddy” and his wife, said he didn’t like going there because “Miss Kim and “Daddy” said that he ” wasn’t leaving that room until I [he]told them what they wanted,” which turned out to be the name, as reported by my son, of another Male from the Past who Attended the Birth of My Son Because, Much to My Disappointment at the Time, said “father” refused,  a man whom said Father is Apparently Insanely Jealous about, and admitted on court record to making my 5-year old son sit on his lap and go through “Facebook” Photos (emotional abuse for sure); This “Daddy” who, based on knowledge and belief, exhibits all listed narcissistic personality disorder presenting behavior and that of a sociopath with zero remorse, or even the ability to see the harm he daily inflicts on anyone who refuses to indulge his every last whim–also, criminal record for, all at the same time, Intention to Distribute Large Amounts of M.D.M.A., “street drug” name, “Ecstasy, DUI and DWI, and was found to have, including alcohol, five illicit or inappropriate substances in his body when he was pulled over and refused breathalizer, then taken to hospital for blood work in 2005 (Harris County/Houston, Texas); This man and a woman I don’t even know and never had a conversation with, his wife in whose former marital home of the father of her three (3) children by another man, the husband she appears to have divorced for this “Rockstar Dad” in whose home they now reside and receive $2,000/mo. in child support from him and now, child support from me, tells my son to call her “Mommy” and had the bold-faced effrontery to “testify” in court about me, a person whom she had never met, and made accusations regarding my character, even, as any classy woman, calling me a “SLUT” in open court (in between smacking her bubble gum)–Nice Kim, Way to Go Kim, By the Way, Kim, are you ready to have a talk and include me regarding the nature of “therapy” my son received, and by the way Kim, one of your specialties listed is sex therapy; Do all of your clients get referred by bribed CPS agents for retaliatory and legally, emotionally cruel, self-destructive, criminal fathers who alienated his son from his mother for his entire life, yet abandoned us in pregnancy, refused to come to the birth, and tried to kidnap my son on so many documented occasions along with his mother to get back at me for not having the abortion he scheduled over the public Internet with a credit card, misspelling my name on the receipt, without my knowledge or informed consent and threatened to “ruin me” if I had our child–You are some great therapist, you must really understand how to diagnose people and prepare them to terminate rights of a child’s only consistent parent for the first five 1/2 years of his life; Oh, you might want to add in your notes that you refuse to release to anyone that “Daddy” still openly admits on court record to intimate partner stalking, a Federally recognized and dangerous crime, yet he alleges to be “frightened” of me and has needed “‘order’ of of ‘Protection'” for Years…Years in which he maybe participated in my son’s life, again, much to my son’s and to my dismay, only about maybe half of the time; “wolf in sheep’s clothing”--you missed that one Kim, or didn’t you??? You can call me anytime, you obviously have access to my phone number through your perverted, sexually deviant client (Oh, yes, there are things he probably never told you).  Enjoy your life, Kim.  May all your dreams come true, because mine never will–I have lost everything there is to materially lose, but more important, my only child who is a mirror image of me and will always live with the guilt of what you psychos possibly did to him, along with many others ; I have actual,  legal knowledge of what I know my son told me, because I had to listen to it, and then I, not you, Kim, had to take the fall for your possible “coaching” when my son repeated the same story verbatim to multiple police officers who believed him, to his primary care physician, to CPS agent at statewide intake, to Cheryl Harvick, CPS Supervisor, Brazoria County with whom I’m sure you are well-acquainted, and to the Emergency Room Sexual Assault Exam Pediatric Nurse, Doctor, and Mandatory Staff Social Worker (police and social workers interviewed away from me to screen for “coaching.”  These were not the same five thug police who kidnapped him on May 08, 2012 in retaliation because they refused to do their jobs and “protect” my son

Infamous Brazoria County CPS Program Supervisor and Kidnapper/Child Trafficker Operating under the Color of Law and Using Pearland Police Department and Harris County Special Investigator on Crimes Against Children to Cover-UP Sexual Abuse out of Sheer Malice and Retaliation, As Admitted by Her on May 08, 2012 at the Pearland Branch CPS Office

Cheryl Harvick, Notorious Brazoria County and Region 6 CPS Program Supervisor (See Article published in The Houston Press, March 27, 2003, Margaret Downing, “Fostering Abuse…”also on the menu of this blog); on the Board of Brazoria County Alliance for Children along with Sheriff Charles Wagner and Jeri Yenne, Brazoria County Prosecutor; Claims that “Randy”/d/b/a Judge K. Randall Hufstetler in the 300th Judicial District Court of Brazoria County, Texas, does “whatever” she tells him to do–direct quote from May 08, 2012

See Cheryl Harvick‘s Salary at : http://www.texastribune.org/library/data/government-employee-salaries/state-of-texas/cheryl-l-harvick/1436420/$50,002 as of Feb.27, 2013



Lesly Damian-Murray, Brazoria County CPS Investigator who Alleges That her Ex-Husband Gave Her Son “Shaken Baby Syndrome” and used to beat her up when she was pregnant (See  Khou Channel 11 News online)–So why does she protect other abusers and/or molesters as alleged by my 5 1/2 year old son to many professionals, including, hospital nurse, doctor, police in two counties (not the ones who aided and abetted Lesly’s supervisor, Cheryl Harvick, pictured above, when they kidnapped my son and handed him over to the alleged abuser without any investigation)? By the way, Ms. Damian-Murray, are you related to Denise Damian, Court Administrator in Angleton, TX where you submitted a false affidavit and perjured yourself, omitting crucial details after I complained about you to the Office of Consumer Affairs in Austin, Texas?


Houston Attorney Lawrence/”Larry” Rothenberg, Legal Kidnapper, Practices Unethically and Unconstitutionally, no Due Process of Law, No Service of Process, Repeatedly, Denial of US Constitutional Rights perpetrated under color of authority of law for “‘state’ of Texas'”  –Charged: BAR member Malfeasance, breach of US Constitutional Oath or Affirmation of Office as Officer of Court and State Bar of Texas (“SBOT”); Dangerous to all (Wo)man and children, especially mothers

See Lesly Damian-Murrays Salary at :  http://www.texastribune.org/library/data/government-employee-salaries/state-of-texas/lesly-l-damian-murray/1435390/$33,950 as of February 27, 2013


Divorced Family Law Attorney, Bruce Allen Buskirk, who, for his Client at the time, Matthew James Worrell, filed for an emergency ex parte hearing to switch custody when his client learned the mother of only child, age 5 1/2, was doing exactly what the child’s doctor, CPS, and police told he/r she had to do and take him to Texas Children’s Hospital for a Sexual Assault Exam After Child Mad Allegations of Sexual Abuse/Misconduct/Assault while reportedly at the client’s home for court-ordered “visitation that he hadn’t exercised in over a year



Judge Lisa Millard of the 310th Judicial District Court of Harris County, Texas, inter alia, Revictimizer of Women and Vulnerable Children and Discriminator Extraordinaire as alleged by myself, a person with firsthand, actual knowledge of treason, albeit, state-legislated and legal, yet, unlawful in the sense of the Federal, U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights, as Incorporated and Applied, and the Texas and US Constitution, Conflicts of Interest Galore Permeate her Court, Father was a Judge, Dangerous to Children and Parents, but Doing Her Job for “Economic and Social” Policy/Crimes, Racketeering, Extortion, Fraud Very Well for the Texas Legislature, Abandoned “Best Interests” of Children, a shame, this one, I heard from several people, used to be one of the best–Sadly Disappointed That You Kidnapped my property sometimes called ” Child ” for Political Cronyism, Votes, and Funding for the County (Double-Dipping in Safe Access and Visitation money, Misusing Federal Responsible Fatherhood Grants from Health and Human Services), Takes Children Away from Fit, Single Mothers, and many others, regardless of their Individual Situation, Docket-Clearing Master, Relies on her Associate Judge, Ordered to Sign All False Allegations Pertaining to Allegations of Domestic Violence and to Entertain all Ex Parte Motions When Fathers File Emergency Petition to Avoid Child Support and Cover their You-Know-What’s to Cover-Up their Child Abuse and Alienation Against Mothers, a Form of Domestic Violence, and also perceived by others as disability in the workplace and in the courtroom without relief or remedy or assistance in contravention of Federal laws pursuant to the ADA, ADAA , and others,  Disallows Presentation and Fails to Consider Crucial Evidence Involving Children Against Mothers Only, That is, Until She has Already Signed the Father’s Orders, Too Lazy to Prepare by Reading Cases the Night Before, as is Associate Judge, Doesn’t Create Any of Her Own Orders in this Court, Which Is Why Parents Who Can’t Afford Attorneys Have No Chance of Equal Access to Justice, Loathes Pro Se Parties, invidivuals, for Not Having Anyone to Borrow Money from to Hire an Attorney, Hostile at the World, except for her campaign contributors, of course, and her family that she would end up in and institution over if someone made rulings like her in her case and kidnapped her family under the color of law; Note the Lack of Gold Tassels or Gold Fringe on the U.S. Flag in the Portion of the Picture Shown Here, Which, Are Not Lacking in the Flag in Her Courtroom, which Signifies a Flag of Maritime or Martial Law–statutes used to uphold displaying such flag in the courtroom as treason, that is, until Americans Started Being Stripped of Their US  Constitutional rights, liberties, and freedoms without voluntary consent or sufficient knowledgePlease Wake-Up, America! Read the US Constitution and Bill of Rights and Learn them Inside and Out, before it is too late for all of us, and maybe your children or grandchildren, Tell us,  Judge Lisa A. Millard, were you playing “possum” in court in the “best interests” of Julian Jacob Worrell of Genealogy Saloom?  Or do you BAR members (as in barring the doors to equal access to justice and equal protections of the law) refer to it as “The Damon 10,000 Screw, ” or, “The Fix is In,” nowadays?  What is the “New terminology for bribery, extortion, conspiracy, kidnapping under the color of law, discrimination, permitting perjury and hearsay to stand as evidence, denying a child his right to speak to you in an age appropriate manner so as to cover-up allegations of sexual abuse from a 5 1/2 year-old child, fostering improper relations and allowing and being a conflict of interest in your own court,  abuse of procedure, process, power  adoption scams, custody-switching scams in favor of fathers, gender bias (against your own), ex parte communication, taking off your robe and coming down to sarcastically threaten m in the cafeteria on break,  treason, and defying your US Constitutional Oath of Office?

1.  See Judicial Campaign Election contributions for Judge Lisa Millard  at: www.texastribune.org/library/data/campaign-finance/filer/00026758-lisa-a-millard/ (cut and paste the link into your browser or enter manually if you cannot access just by “clicking,” as Judge Millard and/or “state” of Texas and  DFPS for the state of Texas (with subversive co-collaborators) censored through their vendor, “Unspammers,” or a similar company that markets to “states” and especially child “protective” services (Michigan also uses their services).   Note: Judge Lisa Millard runs unopposed he/r private court of record and fraud.

2.  See Judge Lisa Millard’s Salary at :  http://www.texastribune.org/library/data/government-employee-salaries/state-of-texas/lisa-a-millard/1499584/$125,000

Judge Lisa Millard and Conrad Moren.pic.310th

The 310th Judicial District Court of Harris County, Texas–In this author’s educated and Informed, Unbiased opinion— unbiased as this court, anyway,–Shameless Pharisees–Gaze Upon the Sanhedrin of Houston, Texas Family, Juvenile, and Commitment Courts

See Associate Judge Conrad Moren’s Salary at :  http://www.texastribune.org/library/data/government-employee-salaries/harris-county/departments/district-courts-management/14373/$127,130

Judge Lisa Millard.pic with children

Wow! Holy Hypocrite! Are these your next targets to generate more revenue for Harris County and Texas?


Abortion Slip

Receipt for Abortion for Matt Worrell in 2006 in Houston,TX that he paid for multiple times over the public internet without my, the mother’s, knowledge or consent–Note that my name is even misspelled–Your “sole managing conservator” of my only child, Matthew James Worrell, tried to coerce, threaten, and intimidate and harass me into not choosing life for our son, or else he and his family would “ruin” me, Never Answered the Phone or his door in my Pregnancy or showed up at the birth, Not on Birth Certificate, No Acknowledgement of Paternity Which I at One Point offered for him to sign, even though he always alleged he was the father and never questioned it, No voluntary relinquishment of parental rights with sufficient knowledge–YOU KNOW WHAT YOU DID, this piece of evidence, and many more, were filed by court clerks and myself as a forced pro se party respondent–You have no respect for life and Mothers!


William Sumpter Frazier, 310th Court, Harris County, Texas Prosecutor and Attorney for CPS and Harris County Attorney, Vince Ryan

See Assistant Harris County Attorney William Sumpter Frazier‘s Salary at: http://www.texastribune.org/library/data/government-employee-salaries/harris-county/departments/county-attorney/14346/–$114,055 (although other incentives are available to recruit and retain experienced prosecutors as promised in writing)

Mr. Bill, I’m disappointed in you.  I hear from Huffman natives that your daughter is an incredibly good and intelligent person. Does she get it from her mother?

County Attorney Vince Ryan’s (Vincent Reed Ryan’s) Salary: $177, 591

County Judge and Chairman of Children’s Commissioners’ Court, Judge Ed Emmett’s Salary–$159, 695

DONNA EVERSON AND STEPHEN NEWHOUSE PIC.Crossroads_45th_Annual_Luncheon_11_t620x620_c620x620

As Both Pictured in Glasses, Donna Everson, dual-role Court-Appointed Guardian Ad-Litem and Attorney Ad-Litem of Choice for CPS and the 310th Court, Harris County, Texas, and Associate Judge Stephen Edward Newhouse, 313th Juvenile Court Judge, Harris County, Texas, formerly, amicus attorney for children in suits affecting the parent child relationship

Associate Judge Stephen Newhouse’s salary, as reported in The Texas Tribune, was $126,649 as of March 21, 2012 (http://www.texastribune.org/library/data/government-employee-salaries/harris-county/stephen-edward-newhouse/1267518/).

Court-appointed dual-role guardian ad-litem and attorney ad litem for children in termination of parental rights cases, Donna Everson, contributed over $14,000.00 to Judge Lisa Millard’s (unopposed) Judicial  Election Campaign. 

Donna Everson’s very good friend and colleague, court-appointed attorney for parents and sinecure, former judge, Ms. Ronnie Harrison, was another extremely close campaign contributor to Judge Lisa Millard in the 310th Court of Harris County, Texas.

One simply must copy the following URL and paste in one’s Internet browser to watch a display of the hypocrisy of Houston Attorney, Ms. Ronnie Harrison--a former associate judge–praise former Harris County “Judge” Denise Pratt:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2OHmNfsgs3c  (Thank you to Attorney Greg Enos, for this jewel of a video).  It is always a pleasure reading The Mongoose.



Houston Attorney, Julia Lovorn–She likes to Play Dirty…in court, or so I hear!  Firsthand Knowledge: She advised my son’s criminal father and his co-dependent mother to kidnap my infant under the color of law in 2007 (See Log from Cypresswood Drive location for Justice of the Peace, Spring, TX  on January 30, 2007).

John Nichols, Sr

Attorney, John Nichols, Sr., who advertises on his website that he employes “CPS supervisors with twelve years experience on his staff,” as well as step-parent adoptions, termination of parental rights, and “High Net Worth Divorce Cases”–I hear he plays way dirtier than Julia Lovorn…in Court!  See Why Every Attorney I have Spoken to has Gasped in Horror and Expressed Fear in Going Against Him ; Never Loses a Case, Read Why in Documents Presented Below, or, at least, in this author’s opinion


Why Mr. Nichols, Sr., and possibly “Bo” Nichols, Jr., Never Lose a Case for Fathers (See also H.H.S.D. federal grant funding for Responsible Fatherhood Programs to Take Away  Children from Fit Single or Young Mothers for Economic state policy




Matt Worrell, or, Matthew James Worrell, Mugshot from Crime in Lewisville, Texas, Late 1990’s, Public Photo, Courtesy of Mugshots.com, shown in good faith so as to warn others of this potentially dangerous man, as alleged by his 5 1/2 year old son, who was not investigated, yet the allegations of his son, as charged, were reported directly to this author by multiple police officers as guilty, in their professional and personal opinions (sources can be revealed, by protecting them in the name of discretion and respect for their profession–the good ones who wanted to help my son, and, strangely, the one who helped CPS kidnap my son?)

Officer Paul Elton

Pearland Police

NOT PICTURED BELOW, But also Guilty as Charged, inter alia, in Conspiracy Against Joni Faith Saloom and Julian Jacob Worrell of Genealogy Saloom and violation of First, Fourth, Fifth, Ninth, and Fourteenth Amendment  Amendment US Constitutional rights acting under the color of law, complicit in kidnapping of a 5 1/2 year old child, my son and only child, and with ill will, by this natural born, “Sovereign,” U.S. citizen and REAL mommy of Julian Jacob Worrell of Genealogy Saloom:

1.     Officer Paul Elton, Pearland Police Department under Captain J.C. Doyle and City of Pearland in Brazoria County, Texas under Sheriff Charles Wagner’s jurisdiction:


2.      Sergeant William Lilly, Appointed by Sheriff Adrian Garcia, Harris County Sheriff’s Office, Special Investigations Crimes Against Children Unit--a CPS and court puppet as it is probable that all “community” and “collaborative” “partner” stakeholders who benefit from a fiduciary relationship undisclosed to the public it is charged with serving (see also federal R.I.C.O. statute, Racketeering Inspired Corrupt Organization):

See Sergeant William Lilly’s Salary at: http://www.texastribune.org/library/data/government-employee-salaries/harris-county/william-d-lilly/348239/–$79,256

3. Tonya Clay, Children’s Assessment Center/C.A.C. Program Director, also implicated in the case of Hall v. Dixon.

4.  Debra Hatley, Children’s Assessment Center/C.A.C. Program Supervisor

5. Robin Nelson, formerly Robin Gray due to Marital Dissolution, Caseworker III at the Children’s Assessment Center

6. Sandra Rosinski-Russell–implicated as a defendant in Gates v. Texas Department of Family and Regulatory Services, 2008

7.  Karen Coblentz, Brazoria County CPS Program Director


Judge K. Randall, or, “Randy,” Hufstetler, 300th Judicial District Court, Brazoria County, Texas presiding over an adoption proceeding

Smiling at the little girl or the $30,000 plus per child adoption?  You be the judge, real America.  To those of you who have experience with this judge, please comment below.

By the way, “Randy,” is Priscilla Hufstetler of the Pearland Police Department, also in Brazoria County, Texas, related to you?  Is that possibly one of the reasons Officer Paul Elton of the Pearland Police Department is so eager to “remove” children from fit parents and place them with alleged pedophiles?

“Randy,” the next time you sign an order based on a knowingly false and retaliatory affidavit (as it is routine practice and procedure by certain daily litigants in your courtroom), thus, one that could not logically be reliable or contain probable cause, to search a child against Fourth and Fourteenth Amendment (US)Constitutional , fundamental, natural, unalienable, and common law and natural parental and property sometimes called “children’s” rights,  without a hearing or giving any kind of notice or warning, remember me and my son–not that you ever met us or invited us to your courtroom.  By the way, I read that you discriminate.  Is that true?  Do you promote improper relationships for profit in your courtroom also?


 DISCLAIMER:  This post is made in good faith  and in the best interests of my property sometimes referred to as “child,” and intended solely for the purpose of educational and general knowledge and/or for entertainment purposes.  Should anyone mentioned herein desire a correction and/or retraction for any reason in opposition  to this blog’s author’s firsthand, actual knowledge based on facts and reasonable belief at the time of published post, certified/verified testimony, circumstantial, and demonstrative evidence, contact blog’s author in writing with certified/verified documentation and wet-ink signature detailing all arguments with factual and legal bases for such request(s) and any and/all controverting evidence.   Any such person would naturally  have access to author of this blog’s address.

Retaliation, official oppression, abuse of office, abuse of discretion, failure t disclose as a fiduciary to the “Public Trust,” false imprisonment, “kidnapping,” interference and violation and conspiracy to interfere with and violate (and neglect to protect) with (US) Constitutional rights of natural born “sovereign,” “elect” American “citizens” of our divine Creator ALMIGHTY GOD, inter alia will serve as further support and evidence that facts, opinions, and beliefs herein expressed are valid and justified.

Furthermore, author of this blog herein exercises he/r First Amendment fundamental well-established as a matter of fact and law rights, freedoms and liberties (as incorporated and applied via ratification and application of the Fourteenth Amendment to the Federal, US Constitution and incorporated Bill of Rights to the US Constitution) to freedom of speech, freedom of expression, freedom of peaceable assembly, and freedom to freely associate and to bring redress for grievances to the government without fear of or actual retribution or retaliation.



Fair Use and Legal Disclaimer (PROMINENTLY DISPLAYED):

  • (1)  This post is made in GOOD FAITH and for deterrent purposes against child abusers, alleged child abusers, and those who would maternally alienate fit, loving mothers and children from one another.
  • (2) Content in this post is protected by Julian’s Real Mummy’s First Amendment herein claimed rights as a natural-born American, “sovereign,” “elect” citizen pursuant to the Supremacy Clause of the US Constitution and incorporated Bill of Rights made applicable to the states via ratification and application of the Fourteenth Amendment to the Federal, US Constitution and incorporated Bill of Rights, under the freedom of expression, freedom of association, freedom to peaceably assemble, and freedom to speech.
  • (3) All content in this post is also protected pursuant to the Federal statute 17 U.S.C., section 107 (“Fair Use”) as this content is solely intended for general knowledge, academic research, and/or entertainment purposes.
  • (4)  If anyone should desire, require, or demand a retraction or modification in part or in full, you must contact the author of this blog for fair notice to correct, pursuant to reasonable and lawfully obtained evidence supported by all legal and factual bases for your desire, demand, and/or requirement for  a full or partial retraction in a timely manner so that Author of this blog may respond expediently and lawfully.

Dedication to the Real Mommies and Daddies of The Real America and Our Children Who Want to Come Home

To Julian, Joni's Little Angel

This blog site is dedicated to all of the real mommies and daddies who lost their precious and healthy children wrongfully and unconstitutionally, and to their children who want and need to come home (and especially to my sweet little munchkin, Julian Jacob Worrell of Genealogy Saloom, my only child, my son, now age 7, abducted May 08, 2012 under the color of law and handed over to his abuser, Matthew James Worrell, as reported to myself and many professionals in the community). —Julian turned eight (8) years old this month, another without his real Mommy (no phone calls allowed by the father or his family or the “Stepmommy” or her family in Tomball, Texas (Harris County justice of the Peace “jurisdiction”), Nancy Gray-Worrell, formerly Nancy Gray-Dufour, and previous to that, Nancy Gray.
Mommy will never stop fighting for you, Julian. I think I speak for the overwhelming majority of us real mommies and daddies of “kidjacked” (see Kidjacked.com website) children when I say this to our children–We are with you every second, every minute, and through every waking and sleeping dream and nightmare, through every tear you shed when we should be holding you, through every achievement in school, sports, through your heartthrobs and heartbreaks, for better or worse, no matter what, in heart, love, soul, and spirit, wanting more than anything in this entire world to have you home to us again. You can always come home. You will be home soon, to your real mommies and/or daddies from whom you were stolen; in this I have faith and confidence with prayer and with all my heart and soul. Always remember that the Bible tells us that with enough faith, one can “move a mountain into a stream.”

Keep praying, and don’t ever give up hope, for fifteen seconds can change our entire lifetime. That is all it takes. Our fifteen seconds are just around the corner, Sweetheart. There is God’s time, and then there is our perception of time. Please keep in mind that they are very different, yet, the same, “as it was in the beginning, is now, and every shall be, world without end, Amen.” “Take heart, and have courage,… “for the Kingdom of God is near,” loves (The Holy Bible).  I believe that God chose us be special so that we might have compassion for the suffering of others and show kindness and humility–these things, God loves.
And, Julian, until you come home–with your real mommy, Joni Faith Saloom, I will see you in my dreams, in every beautiful full moon, in the children on every school bus I see, in every playground I have to pass and see children with their real mommies/daddies playing and laughing together, in every school, in every grocery store, in every tear that falls, at any restaurant, park, or place we ever went together (and didn’t get to go to together), in every picture of you that I refuse to take down, basically, I will be seeing you EVERYWHERE, ALL THE TIME.
To The Other Parents/”Stepparents”/Families and Friends Who are Too Afraid to Not Support the “Other Parents”, we implore you to realize what this is doing to the child(ren), how he or she will feel about it later in life, how he or she will feel about you later in life if you don’t stop your bullying, and to forgive whatever it is in your heart or mind that compelled you take away a little boy’s Mommy or Daddy in the first place. Would you have wanted to be separated from your real mother or father and told that they were dead and you had to “grieve” for their “loss” in classes when they are still alive? Would you want to go through every holiday wondering where your real mommy or daddy was and what they were doing?

If you answered no these questions, then you are a liar, a sociopath, or both, and you will be getting a big spanking from God Himself (whether or not you believe in Him). May God give you “ears to hear” and “eyes to see” the truth you have helped to create and refuse to change. There is still hope and time for everyone to change,…Everyone.

If you don’t repent and change now, then you can expect a big spanking from God (whether or not you believe in Him)!

Click on the link below to go directly to Blogs and Websites to Follow which contain profound wisdom from those who have the experience with these pernicious systems violently tearing our property (“children”) away from us and desecrating the traditional American family, thus, defecating on the true American Flag of this Republic USA, restoreth through these truths.  Remember, in the end, we win!  “Take heart and have courage!”

Judge Lisa Millard of the 310th Court in Harris County/Houston, Texas Reportedly Signs Orders to Institutionalize a Child, but Doesn’t Remember

Houston Helium ,

Posted on December 13, 2011

HARRIS COUNTY — To be delivered to: LISA MILLARD, 310th DISTRICT JUDGE, The Texas State House, The Texas State Senate, Governor Rick Perry and The United States House of Representatives

Return Christopher “Logan” Parkes to his parents! Don’t let Judge Millard hold him hostage.

Logan was removed from his aunt’s home in August, 2010. Rather than being taken to his mother (who was not involved in his removal from the aunt’s home in any way), he was placed in 4 different shelters in a 10 month period, changed schools 4 times within a year & was placed in a treatment center for counseling for 4 months.

After 10 months, He was finally allowed to return to his mother’s home by CPS. Two months later the judge in Harris County’s Family Court, Lisa Millard, was outraged that CPS took this action without her approval. SHE ORDERED LOGAN REMOVED from his home & placed in a Residential Treatment Center (RTC) immediately. The RTC is 150 miles from his home. He is only allowed visits from his parents once a month for two hours. Most children become young adults before they are released (2-3 YEARS LATER).

Since Logan was placed in the RTC, he has lost all hope, confidence, and self-esteem for himself & trust in authority figures.

His parents have been fighting to have him released to their custody. All of the attorneys, counselors & case workers agree that he needs to be returned to his home. However, JUDGE MILLARD doesn’t.


Direct Link to the 310th Districthttp://www.justex.net/Courts/FAMILY/FAMILYCourt.aspx?crt=57

Disclaimers:  This post is made in good faith and is intended only for educational, general knowledge, and/or entertainment purposes. 

Houston Helium

HARRIS COUNTY — To be delivered to: LISA MILLARD, 310th DISTRICT JUDGE, The Texas State House, The Texas State Senate, Governor Rick Perry and The United States House of Representatives

Return Christopher “Logan” Parkes to his parents! Don’t let Judge Millard hold him hostage.

Logan was removed from his aunt’s home in August, 2010. Rather than being taken to his mother (who was not involved in his removal from the aunt’s home in any way), he was placed in 4 different shelters in a 10 month period, changed schools 4 times within a year & was placed in a treatment center for counseling for 4 months.

After 10 months, He was finally allowed to return to his mother’s home by CPS. Two months later the judge in Harris County’s Family Court, Lisa Millard, was outraged that CPS took this action without her approval. SHE ORDERED LOGAN REMOVED from his home &…

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