#MoJ We demand an Immediate Emergency Protection Order for the #WhistleblowerKids

Safe Havens: Supervised Visitation and Safe Exchange Grant Program

Safe Havens:

Supervised Visitation and Safe Exchange Grant Program



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  • (1)  This post is made in GOOD FAITH and for deterrent purposes against child abusers, alleged child abusers, and those who would maternally alienate fit, loving mothers and children from one another.

    (2) Content in this post is protected by Julian’s Real Mummy’s First Amendment herein claimed rights as a natural-born American, “sovereign,” “elect” citizen pursuant to the Supremacy Clause of the US Constitution and incorporated Bill of Rights made applicable to the states via ratification and application of the Fourteenth Amendment to the Federal, US Constitution and incorporated Bill of Rights, under the freedom of expression, freedom of association, freedom to peaceably assemble, and freedom to speech.

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Lea’s Story| Banken v. Banken; Carver County, Minnesota (VIDEO)

Lea’s Story

Banken v. Banken

Carver County, Minnesota





Fair Use and Legal Disclaimer (PROMINENTLY DISPLAYED):

(1)  This post is made in good faith and for deterrent purposes against child abusers, alleged child abusers, and those who would maternally alienate fit, loving mothers and children from one another.

(2) Content in this post is protected by Julian’s Real Mummy’s First Amendment herein claimed rights as a natural-born American, “sovereign,” “elect” citizen pursuant to the Supremacy Clause of the US Constitution and incorporated Bill of Rights made applicable to the states via ratification and application of the Fourteenth Amendment to the Federal, US Constitution and incorporated Bill of Rights, under the freedom of expression, freedom of association, freedom to peaceably assemble, and freedom to speech.

(3) All content in this post is also protected pursuant to the Federal statute 17 U.S.C., section 107 (“Fair Use”) as this content is solely intended for general knowledge, academic research, and/or entertainment purposes.

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Some of the Things Julian Worrell’s Mommy Loves About Him, but Not All

Some of the Things Julian Worrell’s Mommy Loves About Him, but Not All


Sunday, August 10, 2014, Day # 801 Without You, May This Message Find You My Little Love…

Julian Jacob Worrell (of Genealogy Saloom), Mommy’s Sunflower, Love your Real Mommy, Joni Faith Saloom

Laughs in His Sleep with Hoot Owl--Baby Old Navy Outfit

You used to giggle in your sleep, and that is how Mommy knew you were happy.

Mommy and Julian.6mos.CHurch

Mommy holding Baby Julian, 6 mos. old, in front of Church

1.  All of Your Fantastic Smiles– mischievous (as in, “I just hid something so that you can’t find it, but I want you to find it”), sweet and angelic (like when you used to come and hug Mommy and pray with her or cuddle up and read with Mommy), thrilled and excited (while you clap your hands together and put them under your chin and giggle as if awaiting a Christmas present), wry (smirk as in, “Ha-ha, funny, but you didn’t fool me”), competitive (as in, “Mommy, I’m tired and can’t run anymore”…and then you sprint ahead and beat Mommy to the next mile-marker on the track), happy (as if enjoying a Happy Meal or playing troll under the bridge at the park with Mommy), the epiphany smile (as in, “Hey, I figured it out!”), Content, the Reciprocal Smile (smile back at someone smiling at you),….etc.;

2. The Way You Giggled in Your Sleep as a Baby and Then Talked In Your Sleep Just Like Mommy;

3.  Your Sweet Little Laugh that I/Mommy could just bottle-up and sell with a pretty bow around it;

4.  Your Spirit;

5.  Your Comedy;

6.  Your Wit and Sense of Humor;

7.  Your intelligence, giftedness;

8.  Your joie de vi, the joy of life, our happiness;

9.  Your Adorable Little Face with the “apples” Mommy could just eat right out of those cute cheeks;

10.  How you “stole Mommy’s eyes” and put them in yours;

11. The way you used to say, “Grr, Grr,” as a sign of affection in the morning or at night;

12.  How You Used to Love to Snuggle with Mummy and Read at Bedtime;

13.  Your endurance jogging and walking in Memorial Park and at Bear Creek Soccer Park with Mommy;

14.  Your courage;

15.  Your excitement when you got a new toy;

16.  Your strength;

17.  How Easy You Were to Please and How Easily Amused You Were;

18.  How You Never Wanted to Leave Mommy, Just Like Mommy Never Wanted to Leave You for a Second;

19.  Holding You as a Little Baby;

20.  Your Pictures;

21.  Your Sweetness and Light from the Lord; and

22.  Your Bear Hugs and Kisses;

23.  Your Helpfulness;

24.  Your practical common sense;

25.  Your well-roundedness and how you were good at everything you tried;

26. Your Creativity and Imagination;

27. How Good You are at Memory Game;

28.  Playing Operation, Hungry, Hungry Hippos, and Bingo and Boggle with You;

29.  Taking Care of You When You Were Sick;

30.  Shopping for You;

31.  How special and unique you are, your Brilliance;

32.  Your fascination with nature as a little child;

33.  Your Determination;

34.  Your Boldness Combined With Your Humility and Unpredictable Caution;

35.  The Way You Loved Your Daddy and Mommy; and of course,

36.  Watching You Sleep.

But this is just a short list, for Mommy will always love everything about you, and I will always be here for you as long at the Lord lets me.  You should remember this every time you see a beautiful, bright, mysterious moon, a pretty sunflower, when you hold a good book, when you go swimming at the pool, go to the park, put a sticker on your hand like Mommy used to do so that you knew she was thinking about you whenever you looked at it at pre-school, whenever you ace a spelling test on Fridays, whenever you see  a pretty bird take flight in the sky, know that Mommy is near like a Momma bird is never far from her nest of babies, even when she has to go and forage for food to bring back to them.

I love you, Julian!  I miss you every second of every minute of every hour of every day.  Another first day of school is almost here for you–the third one in a-row (all of them) that they have kept you away from your Mommy.  My heart breaks thinking about this.  I do hope you are happy, my love, but I also hope you never stop thinking about your real Mommy and coming home as soon as possible.  You can always come home.  “Home is where the heart is.”

Julian, you are a rare gem, a jewel that sparkles like no other will ever sparkle for your Mummy.  You are truly one in a million, and cannot and will not be replaced in my heart.  Again, I will see you in my dreams, if I am lucky.

Love always,

Your real Mommy, Joni Faith Saloom